Regional partnership and digital transformation agreement for tourism 2022-2025 – Festivals and events
QC, Canada
Supports sustainable tourism festival and event development
- grant_single|fromMinToMax
- grant_single|openingDateJanuary 01, 2022
- grant_single|closingDateDecember 31, 2025
- grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
- Arts, entertainment and recreation
- Accommodation and food services
- Gouvernement du Québec
- Tourisme Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean
The Entente de Partenariat Régional et de Transformation Numérique en Tourisme 2022-2025 aims to support and financially assist tourist enterprises in the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region with a focus on developing sustainable and innovative tourism offerings, with a maximum financial contribution of $15,000. Eligible activities include festivals and events that attract significant visitor numbers and contribute to the economic and cultural vibrancy of the region.
The grant aims to promote the regional economy through enhancing tourism experiences that are attractive, innovative, and sustainable. Eligible projects focus on festivals and events that create significant visitor engagement.
- Funding for festivals and events deemed regionally pertinent.
- Financial assistance for transition from community animation to a tourist experience.
- Projects supporting organizational governance and operational sustainability mechanisms.
- Projects aimed at extending the duration of a festival or event.
Eligibility for this grant is determined based on several key requirements for the applicant's legal and operational status.
- The applicant must be a legally constituted entity under the laws of Quebec or Canada and operate in Quebec.
- Eligible applicants include for-profit organizations, non-profit organizations, cooperatives, municipal entities, recognized indigenous communities and nations, tourism organizations, and combinations of these groups.
- Applicants must have fulfilled commitments in any previous grant allocations from the partners.
- Applicants operating tourist accommodation establishments must comply with relevant laws and hold a registration number.
- Nature and adventure tourism companies must meet or begin to comply with the standards of the Qualité-Sécurité program of Aventure Écotourisme Québec.
- State-owned companies, ministries, and organizations of Quebec and Canada, companies listed in the non-admissible public contracts registry, and companies not complying with the francization process of the Office québécois de la langue française are excluded.
Eligible applicants for this grant include tourism businesses, such as for-profit (OBL), non-profit (OBNL), and cooperative organizations, as well as municipalities, recognized Indigenous communities and nations, and groupings of these client types. The businesses must be legally constituted under Quebec or Canadian law and operate in Quebec. Certain government entities, non-compliant businesses, and those excluded under public contract regulations are not eligible. Tourism accommodation businesses must abide by relevant laws and hold a registration number. Nature and adventure tourism businesses are required to adhere to or commit to the standards of the Qualité-Sécurité d’Aventure Écotourisme Québec program.
This grant excludes certain types of companies and industries based on their status or compliance with specific regulations. The restrictions are intended to ensure that only eligible entities that align with the program's goals can apply.
- Crown corporations and ministries and agencies of the Quebec and Canadian governments.
- Companies registered in the registry of enterprises ineligible for public contracts.
- Companies not complying with the francization process of the Office québécois de la langue française.
The grant covers specific expenses directly related to the management and promotion of festivals and events within the tourism sector.
- The costs of administration.
- The costs of operating the event.
- The costs of programming the event.
- The costs of promotion, marketing, and communication for the event.
- The fees for managing the site and the installations.
- The costs of products intended for resale.
- The travel expenses, general expenses, salaries, and benefits of the promoter's human resources in connection with the event.
- The sponsorship of goods and services when they are audited (limited to 50% of the total admissible costs).
- The net taxes (excluding the portion that is reimbursed) related to the admissible costs.
This grant is specific to the tourism sector within the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region in Quebec, as it reflects the collaborative efforts between the local tourism authority and the provincial Ministry of Tourism. Eligible organizations must be legally constituted and operating within Quebec, specifically targeting tourism initiatives in this particular region.
- Enterprises legally constituted and doing business within Quebec.
- Specifically for the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region.
The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on specific criteria to ensure alignment with the grant’s objectives and the strategic development of the destination.
- Adéquation with the objectives of the EPRTNT.
- Structuring character (attraction power, project scope, outcomes, collaboration with partners, job creation, season extension, etc.).
- Innovative character.
- Quality in terms of concept, products, and services.
- Financial structure and setup.
- Relevance (significant tourist clientele and its diversification, market, competition, quality of the offer, marketing strategy, networking, etc.).
- Feasibility (timeline, marketing strategy, quality of the business plan or study brief, promoter's expertise).
- Consideration of sustainable development principles.
- Relevance of the project in connection with the strategic itinerary of the destination.
- Step 1: Prepare Required Documents
- Complete the financial aid application form in Excel format.
- Compile the event's upcoming program or draft version.
- Gather the most recent event report, if available.
- Prepare the latest financial statements including revenue and expenses related to the event.
- Create a projected revenue-expense statement for the upcoming event.
- Ensure a board resolution authorizing the application is ready, along with any supporting documentation.
- Secure any confirmations from financial partners, if available.
- For nature and adventure tourism businesses, prepare documentation proving compliance or intent to comply with the Aventure Écotourisme Québec Quality-Security program standards.
- If applicable, obtain indigenous certification to determine aid rate.
- Step 2: Submit Application
- Email the completed application form and supporting documents to
- Step 3: Contact for Information
- If further information is needed, contact David Rowsome at 418-543-3536 ext. 228 or via email at
Here is additional relevant information for this grant:
- The project must have minimum eligible costs of at least 60,000 $ to qualify for funding.
- The maximum financial assistance available through the program is 15,000 $.
- Entities must provide financial statements, including revenue-expense reports for the upcoming event.
- Specific financial contributions from the promoter or partners cannot come from government-assessed sources.
- The promoter's financial contribution, including sponsor support, cannot involve asset transfers or contributions in goods and services.
- All applicant entities must comply with Quebec's French language requirements under the newly sanctioned law.
- A comprehensive approach to sustainable development, eco-friendly solutions, and social responsibility will positively influence the application's appraisal.
- For assistance, entities can contact David Rowsome, an offer development consultant, via phone or email.
Apply to this program
Empowering Festivals and Events in Quebec's Tourism Sector
The Entente de partenariat régional et de transformation numérique en tourisme 2022-2025 supports the development of remarkable festivals and events in Quebec, fostering tourism growth through innovation and sustainable practices. This funding initiative encourages local tourism enterprises to strengthen their offering, ensuring economic stimulation in responsible ways.
In-Depth Overview of the Festival and Event Grant for Regional Tourism Enhancement
The Entente de partenariat régional et de transformation numérique en tourisme (EPRTNT) operates from 2022 to 2025, reflecting a strategic alliance between Quebec's Ministry of Tourism and Tourisme Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean. This partnership is designed to provide financial and developmental aid to tourism businesses and organizations within this regional area. By targeting festivals and events, the grant aims to enhance the attractiveness and distinctiveness of Quebec's tourism offerings while integrating responsible and sustainable practices.The core objectives of EPRTNT include stimulating regional economies by developing innovative tourism offerings and exploring new niches for tourist enterprises. Priority is given to projects that elevate local festivities to broader tourism experiences, thus bridging them to the provincial festival programs. These transformations contribute to the extension and longevity of regional events, further cementing their importance in tourism itineraries.Eligibility extends to various tourism entities, including both profit and non-profit organizations, cooperatives, municipal entities, and recognized Indigenous communities. However, it excludes entities like state corporations or those unable to comply with Quebec's language legislation. This specificity helps to ensure that the funding supports entities that actively contribute to the economic and cultural fabric of Quebec.Financially, the grant offers a non-repayable contribution, with the expectation that projects meet a minimum threshold of $60,000 in eligible costs. While the maximum financial intervention caps at $15,000, it is structured to stimulate vivid collaborations between private, public, and community sectors. Different requirements regarding promoter's financial stakes apply, encouraging broader financial participation among various eligible entities.Submission for this funding requires meticulous planning and documentation. This includes providing detailed accounts and forecasts concerning event finances, ensuring alignment with Quebec's tourism strategies, and demonstrating sustainable and innovative approaches. Projects should adhere to inter-municipal collaboration, equitable practices, and engage in rigorous fiscal accountability.The selection criteria emphasize projects that align closely with EPRTNT's goals, ensuring they are structured, attractive, and yield significant socio-economic impacts. Innovative approaches and durable solutions are weighed heavily, alongside a strong marketing strategy and detailed implementation plan that showcases both expertise and visionary leadership within the tourism domain.Ultimately, this initiative aligns with the region's strategic itinerary, leveraging digital transformation, ecological responsibility, and socio-cultural innovation to shape a responsive, dynamic tourism economy. By harnessing such funding, festivals and events are not only positioned to enhance Quebec's tourism appeal but also contribute significantly to a sustainable and thriving environment for both local and international visitors.