
  • grant_single|maxCount
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  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • grant_single|allIndustries
  • Department of Industry, Energy and Technology (NL)
  • Government of Newfoundland and Labrador


Non-repayable contributions for economic initiatives focused on regional and sectoral development, diversification, and key emerging sectors.


There are eligible projects for this grant. Eligible activities include:
  • Development and implementation of economic initiatives for regional and sectoral development
  • Economic diversification and business development projects
  • Training support for non-profit organizations with a focus on economic and business development
  • Community capacity building modules and industry development sessions


Developing a community solar energy project in Halifax.


Launching a market research initiative to support local artisans in Vancouver.


Creating a new vocational training program for unemployed youth in Montreal.


Organizing a series of industry development sessions for the tech sector in Toronto.


Expanding a local food cooperative's distribution network in Calgary.


Developing a new digital marketing strategy for a small business in Ottawa.


Eligible applicants are non-profit organizations, excluding federal and provincial government departments and agencies. Applicants include industry associations, municipalities, public educational institutions, and other non-profit groups including co-operatives and economic development organizations. Applicants must be incorporated.
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Excludes federal and provincial government departments and agencies
  • Includes industry associations, municipalities, public educational institutions, and other non-profit groups including co-operatives and economic development organizations
  • Applicants must be incorporated


Eligible applicants for this grant include non-profit organizations such as industry associations, municipalities, public educational institutions, and other non-profit groups including co-operatives and economic development organizations.
  • Industry associations
  • Municipalities
  • Public educational institutions
  • Other non-profit groups including co-operatives and economic development organizations


There are specific types of companies that are not eligible for this grant:
  • Federal and provincial government departments and agencies


Yes, eligible expenses for this grant may include infrastructure development, capacity building initiatives, marketing activities, and research projects.
  • Infrastructure development
  • Capacity building initiatives
  • Marketing activities
  • Research projects


The evaluation and selection criteria for this grant include the following:
  • Alignment with the project themes of infrastructure, capacity building, marketing, and research
  • Demonstrated link between non-commercial activities and economic diversification/business development
  • Soundness of the project proposal and its potential for positive economic impact
  • Feasibility, sustainability, and scalability of the proposed activities
  • Financial contribution from the applicant organization


  • Step 1: Review the program guidelines and eligibility criteria
    • Content: Understand the objectives of the Regional Development Program and Community Capacity Building.
    • Implications: Ensure your project aligns with the program's goals and that your organization meets the eligibility requirements.
  • Step 2: Prepare your proposal or project plan
    • Content: Use the provided Applicant Guidelines to structure your proposal.
    • Implications: Clearly outline how your project contributes to economic development, innovation, and capacity building.
  • Step 3: Complete the application form
    • Content: Fill out either the online or PDF application form accurately.
    • Implications: Provide all required information and supporting documents as per the application instructions.
  • Step 4: Submit your application
    • Content: Send your completed application to the Industry, Energy, and Technology office.
    • Implications: Ensure timely submission and follow up on the status of your application if necessary.


  • Projects must align with the key themes of infrastructure, capacity building, marketing, and research to be considered for funding under the Regional Development Program.
  • Applicants should ensure that their proposals clearly demonstrate a link between non-commercial activities and economic diversification or business development.
Apply to this program