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Tax Credits
  • Information and cultural industries
  • Government of Newfoundland and Labrador


Get a refundable tax credit of 40% for costs of labour related to producing interactive digital media in Newfoundland and Labrador.


Projects that are eligible for the Newfoundland and Labrador Interactive Digital Media (IDM) Tax Credit must have the primary purpose of educating, informing, or entertaining by presenting information in text, sound, and/or images. Eligible activities include the development of various digital interactive media products intended to be used interactively by individuals.
  • Video games
  • Educational software
  • Training simulators
  • Virtual reality experiences
  • Augmented reality experiences


St. John's
Development of an educational VR simulator for medical training.


Creation of an augmented reality app for historical education.


Development of a language learning app with interactive exercises.


Design and deployment of a VR experience to explore marine biology.


Creation of a multimedia training tool for early childhood education.


Deployment of an interactive digital storytelling platform for indigenous history.


To qualify for the Newfoundland and Labrador Interactive Digital Media (IDM) tax credit, corporations must meet specific eligibility criteria primarily based on their business activities and establishment. Eligible expenses are those tied to the development of an interactive digital media product within the specified time frame and conditions.
  • The corporation must primarily carry on the business of interactive digital media development.
  • It must have a permanent establishment in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador (NL).
  • It needs to be incorporated under the Corporations Act or an Act of the Parliament of Canada or another Canadian province.
  • All or part of its income should not be exempt from taxation under Part I of the federal Income Tax Act.
  • It must hold a valid registration certificate under the IDM program.


Eligible companies for the Newfoundland and Labrador Interactive Digital Media (IDM) tax credit must primarily develop interactive digital media and meet certain criteria regarding their establishment and incorporation.
  • Primarily carries on the business of interactive digital media development
  • Has a permanent establishment in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Is incorporated under the Corporations Act or an Act of the Parliament of Canada or another Canadian province
  • Income is not exempt from taxation under Part I of the federal Income Tax Act
  • Holds a valid registration certificate under the IDM program


The grant context does not specify any particular types of companies that are outright ineligible for the grant. However, it outlines specific eligibility criteria that corporations must meet to qualify for the tax credit.
  • Must primarily carry on the business of interactive digital media development
  • Must have a permanent establishment in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Must be incorporated under the Corporations Act or an Act of the Parliament of Canada or another Canadian province
  • All or part of its income must not be exempt from taxation under Part I of the federal Income Tax Act
  • Must hold a valid registration certificate under the IDM program


Yes, there are eligible expenses for this grant. The IDM tax credit is calculated at 40% of qualifying expenditures, specifically eligible salaries and 65% of eligible remuneration.
  • Eligible salaries paid to eligible employees who actively participate in the creative development of an IDM product
  • 65% of eligible remuneration paid to another company for services employed in the development of an IDM product


To be eligible for the Newfoundland and Labrador Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit, companies must be located in Newfoundland and Labrador and have a permanent establishment in the province. This will be determined in accordance with Regulation 400(2) of the Income Tax Act (Canada).
  • Newfoundland and Labrador



  • Step 1: Application for Registration Certificate
  • Submit an application for registration under the IDM program to the Tax Administration Division of the Department of Finance.
  • It is recommended to go through the NL Film Development Corporation to receive a preliminary indication of eligibility and to identify areas for improvement in the application.
  • Step 2: Await Minister of Finance's Decision
  • The Minister of Finance will review and make the final decision regarding the approval of the project.
  • Step 3: Application for Tax Credit Certificate
  • Following registration, apply to the Minister of Finance for a tax credit certificate within 18 months of the end of each taxation year.
  • Ensure the application form is correctly filled out and signed by an authorized officer of the company.
  • Step 4: Issue of Tax Credit Receipt
  • If all requirements are met, the Minister will issue a tax credit receipt.
  • Step 5: Claim the Credit
  • Claim the credit on the appropriate line on the T2 return for that year, as identified on the receipt.


Here is some additional miscellaneous information about the NL IDM tax credit:
  • The minister may suspend or revoke certificates if fraud is detected or compliance with legislation is not met.
  • Certificates may also be revoked if a product is not completed within 36 months or if there are changes affecting its eligibility.
  • The IDM tax credit application has to be submitted through the Tax Administration Division of the Department of Finance, with recommendations from the NL Film Development Corporation to streamline the process.
  • Government assistance received must be subtracted from the total development cost when calculating the tax credit eligibility.
  • For government projects, credits for expenditures incurred before November 8, 2019 will only be paid upon project completion, and within 18 months of the end of the taxation year in which the product was completed.
  • Additional rules and regulations are outlined in the Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit Regulations under the Income Tax Act, 2000.
  • Further information can be obtained from the Tax Administration Division of the Department of Finance.
Apply to this program