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Loans and Capital investments
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Department of Fisheries and Land Resources


This program offers at least $250,000 for finfish operations and $100,000 for shellfish operations to match private sector cash investments.


Eligible projects and activities for this grant involve commercial-scale production of finfish or shellfish in Newfoundland and Labrador, demonstrating strong potential for sustainable employment, incremental production, and long-term commercial viability while necessitating government financial assistance to proceed.
  • Commercial-scale production of finfish
  • Commercial-scale production of shellfish
  • Preparation and submission of a business plan including projections and required details
  • Acquisition of necessary licenses and regulatory approvals
  • Development of production plans covering a five-year period
  • Purchase and installation of equipment and facilities
  • Implementation of marketing and processing plans


St. John's
Establishment of a large-scale finfish farming operation in St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador.


Corner Brook
Launching of a shellfish farming initiative in Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador.


Development of a sustainable shellfish aquaculture site in Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador.


Happy Valley-Goose Bay
Establishment of an automated finfish processing facility in Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador.


Labrador City
Launching a finfish farming and processing plant in Labrador City, Newfoundland and Labrador.


Expansion of a shellfish aquaculture farm in Marystown, Newfoundland and Labrador.


The grant is given at the discretion of the Government to incorporated enterprises involved in finfish or shellfish production in Newfoundland and Labrador, meeting specific financial, managerial, and operational requirements. The goal is to support commercial-scale operations that demonstrate sustainable growth and require government financial assistance.
  • The applicant must be currently involved, or proposing to become involved, in the commercial-scale production of shellfish or finfish at a Newfoundland and Labrador site licensed and approved by the Department of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture.
  • The applicant must provide a business plan which includes information as requested by Government in its Business Plan Guidelines.
  • The applicant must clearly demonstrate, through its business plan, a strong potential for sustainable employment opportunities, incremental production and increased sales, and long-term commercial viability.
  • The applicant must clearly demonstrate, to the satisfaction of Government, a definite need for Government financial assistance by way of an equity investment; that the equity investment is complementary to, and levers to the maximum extent possible, other sources of financing; and that the project could not proceed on a commercially-viable basis without Government participation.
  • The applicant must have all necessary licenses and regulatory approvals, to the satisfaction of Government.
  • The applicant must be in good financial and legal standing with Government.
  • The applicant must clearly demonstrate that management has the required technical, financial, marketing, and managerial expertise for the operation of a commercial-scale aquaculture enterprise.
  • The applicant, if an existing operator, must have, at the date of application, a minimum private sector equity position equivalent to 20% of its total assets, evidenced by externally-prepared (minimum review engagement) financial statements for the last fiscal year, updated to the date of application, if requested. If the enterprise is a new operation, the applicant must have a private sector equity investment equivalent to 20% of total program costs.
  • Participation in the proposed program would not preclude consideration under the Aquaculture Working Capital Loan Guarantee Program.


Yes, there are eligible types of companies for this grant. Eligible applicants must be incorporated enterprises operating or proposing to operate in the finfish or shellfish industry at a licensed and approved site in Newfoundland and Labrador.
  • Incorporated enterprises in the finfish industry
  • Incorporated enterprises in the shellfish industry
  • Companies at a Newfoundland and Labrador site licensed and approved by the Department of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture


Based on the information provided in the grant context, there are no specific types of companies mentioned that are not eligible for the Aquaculture Capital Equity Program.


Eligible expenses for the Aquaculture Capital Equity Program include various aspects of aquaculture production and related activities.
  • Capital expenditures for equipment and facilities
  • Site locations and licences
  • Stocking and growth projections
  • Feed schedules and source of fish
  • Harvesting, marketing, and processing plans


Eligible geographic zones for this grant include specific areas within Newfoundland and Labrador where the applicant is or proposes to operate commercial-scale finfish or shellfish production. The site must be licensed and approved by the Department of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture.
  • Newfoundland
  • Labrador


The evaluation and selection criteria for the Aquaculture Capital Equity Program aim to assess the potential of the applicants to increase production, create sustainable employment, demonstrate financial viability, and justify the need for government financial assistance. Applicants must fulfill specific requirements related to their business plan, financial standing, and operational capabilities to be considered for the grant.
  • The applicant must be involved in, or planning to become involved in, the commercial-scale production of shellfish or finfish at a Newfoundland and Labrador site licensed and approved by the Department of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture.
  • A comprehensive business plan must be provided, including information as requested by Government in its Business Plan Guidelines.
  • The business plan must demonstrate a strong potential for sustainable employment opportunities, incremental production, increased sales, and long-term commercial viability.
  • The applicant must clearly demonstrate a definite need for Government financial assistance by way of an equity investment, showing that the project is not commercially viable without it, and that the investment complements other sources of financing.
  • The applicant must possess all necessary licenses and regulatory approvals to the satisfaction of the Government.
  • The applicant must be in good financial and legal standing with the Government.
  • Management must have the required technical, financial, marketing, and managerial expertise for a commercial-scale aquaculture enterprise.
  • Existing operators must show a minimum private sector equity position equivalent to 20% of their total assets, evidenced by externally-prepared financial statements. New enterprises must have a private sector equity investment equivalent to 20% of total program costs.
  • Participation in this program will not preclude consideration under the Aquaculture Working Capital Loan Guarantee Program.
  • Details of any outstanding lawsuits/liens/disputes must be provided.
  • Banking and funding arrangements must be disclosed.
  • Permission for Government representatives to contact the applicant’s bank and/or other funding sources must be granted.


  • Step 1: Prepare a Business Plan
  • Include complete ownership details, personal net worth statements of all major shareholders, and auditor-prepared financial statements if applicable.
  • Describe management structure and include resumes of principal management members.
  • Provide detailed marketing strategies and arrangements including major customers and sales percentages.
  • Prepare financial documents such as auditor-prepared statements for the last 3 years, pro forma income statements, balance sheets, monthly cash flow statements for the first 5 years, and a complete listing of assets.
  • Include a production plan covering a five-year period, which includes site locations and license numbers, stocking and growth projections, feed schedule, and details of capital expenditures.
  • Attach any other information as required at the discretion of the Government.
  • Step 2: Verify Private Sector Cash Investment
  • Obtain an auditor’s or solicitor’s certificate to verify the applicant’s investment has been made concurrently with that of Government.
  • Step 3: Obtain Necessary Licenses and Regulatory Approvals
  • Ensure all necessary licenses and regulatory approvals are obtained to the satisfaction of the Government.
  • Step 4: Submit Application
  • Provide all required documents including the business plan and verification of private sector investment.
  • Ensure that the application clearly demonstrates the need for Government's financial assistance and the project's potential for sustainable employment, incremental production, and increased sales.
  • Step 5: Enter into Unanimous Shareholders Agreement
  • Once the application is approved, enter into a Unanimous Shareholders Agreement with the Government, which includes all normal covenants and possibly a conversion right for Government if conditions of the agreement are not adhered to.
  • Step 6: Maintain Compliance
  • Ensure ongoing compliance with all covenants and conditions laid out in the Unanimous Shareholders Agreement and other associated contracts.


The grant focuses on the commercial production of aquaculture products in Newfoundland and Labrador, particularly aiming to enhance employment and industry growth in rural areas through significant financial assistance.
  • Consideration given to both current and proposed operations in finfish or shellfish at government-licensed sites in Newfoundland and Labrador.
  • Requirements include a robust business plan, private sector equity investment, necessary licenses, and regulatory approvals.
  • Preference for matching the investment form of the applicant, with a minimum of $250,000 for finfish operations and $100,000 for shellfish operations.
  • Participation does not rule out consideration for the Aquaculture Working Capital Loan Guarantee Program.
  • Government retains redemption privileges and possible conversion rights if conditions aren't met.


Apply to this program