
  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
Loans and Capital investments
Other Support
  • Manufacturing
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • Government of Canada
  • Prairies Economic Development Canada


If your SME or non-profit is working on a project to become more environmentally friendly, improve productivity, strengthen commercialization or integrate with regional and global supply chains, you could get a contribution to help with some of the costs.


There are eligible projects and activities for this grant. The Aerospace Regional Recovery Initiative supports projects that focus on transitioning to greener operations, improving productivity, strengthening commercialization, and advancing inclusion through activities such as:
  • Adoption and commercialization of clean tech products and services
  • Advanced manufacturing and Industry 4.0
  • Scale-up of high potential firms
  • Workforce and skills development
  • Commercialization of innovative products and services


Develop and market a biodegradable packaging line for food products.


Implement an advanced analytics platform for optimizing manufacturing processes.


Commercialize a novel AI-driven medical diagnosis tool with a focus on accessibility.


Scale up the production capacity of sustainable fabrics for the fashion industry.


Adopt smart manufacturing technologies to enhance productivity of custom automotive parts.


Develop a workforce training program in advanced robotics for manufacturing industries.


This grant is available for businesses operating in the aerospace industry, including SMEs, not-for-profit organizations, and Indigenous applicants. Eligible applicants can receive funding of up to $10 million on any one project.
  • Businesses operating in the aerospace industry, SMEs, not-for-profit organizations supporting SMEs, and Indigenous applicants are eligible to apply.
  • Eligible applicants can receive a maximum of $10 million for a single project.


There are eligible types of companies for the Aerospace Regional Recovery Initiative grant:
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the aerospace industry
  • Not-for-profit organizations providing services to SMEs, including municipalities, post-secondary institutions, provinces, and Indigenous organizations
  • Indigenous businesses and organizations


Some types of companies are not eligible for this grant, such as:
  • Companies outside of the aerospace industry
  • Large corporations not meeting the criteria for SMEs
  • Companies not operating in the Prairie provinces


Eligible expenses for this grant may include capital costs (equipment, machinery), labour (wages and benefits), marketing, costs related to intellectual property, technology development and commercial demonstrations, professional, advisory and technical services.
  • Capital costs (equipment, machinery)
  • Labour (wages and benefits)
  • Marketing
  • Costs related to intellectual property
  • Technology development and commercial demonstrations
  • Professional, advisory and technical services


There are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant. Applications will be evaluated based on alignment with program objectives, economic benefits, management strength, and financial capacity. Only the strongest applications will be funded.
  • Alignment with the program objectives
  • Eligibility of the applicant, project activities, and costs
  • Economic benefits directly resulting from the project
  • Strength of the applicant's management
  • Financial capacity to complete the project
  • Market demand for the product or service
  • Technology readiness
  • Leveraging from other funders


  • Step 1: Prepare a detailed project plan and budget.
  • Step 2: Ensure your project aligns with the objectives of the Aerospace Regional Recovery Initiative (ARRI).
  • Step 3: Gather all necessary documentation, including financial statements and confirmation of funding.
  • Step 4: Submit your application to Canada's regional development agencies.


Apply to this program