RDAR — Irrigation Targeted Call AB Canada

RDAR — Irrigation Targeted Call

AB, Canada
The Irrigation Targeted Call invites proposals for research to enhance Alberta's irrigation productivity, efficiency, and environmental stewardship.


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  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Manufacturing
  • Results Driven Agriculture Research (RDAR)


The Irrigation Targeted Call for Proposals aims to support research in Alberta that enhances irrigation efficiency, improves livestock and crop productivity, and promotes environmental stewardship. The program invites eligible applicants, including marketing boards, educational institutions, and for-profit companies, to submit projects that demonstrate economic benefit, technological advancement, and sustainability within the province's agriculture sector. Projects should focus on activities such as developing new irrigation technologies, improving crop management, and ensuring responsible water use.


Yes, there are several eligible projects and activities for this grant.
  • Increased yield, quality, and efficiency of nutrient and water use for irrigated forages.
  • Best management practices for feedlot water reservoirs to maintain animal health.
  • Development of new marketable crops with irrigated production and value-added potential.
  • Genetic improvement for yield, quality, and water use efficiency of irrigated crops.
  • Agronomic studies and analyses for irrigated crops, including pest control.
  • Adaptation of new cropping options for irrigation to diversify crop rotations.
  • Forecasting and modelling for future water storage needs.
  • Predictive analysis for optimal water application timing.
  • Development and demonstration of products and technology to increase water use efficiency and farm profitability.
  • Adaptation of surface and subsurface drip irrigation systems.
  • Variable rate irrigation technology and decision support systems.
  • Invasive algae control strategies within irrigation infrastructure.
  • Improvements in filtration technology for managing algae and silt.
  • Use of sensor data for predictive modelling to manage water allocation.
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning to drive best water management practices.
  • Evaluation of economic and environmental impacts of invasive species.
  • Evaluation of alternative energy sources for irrigation.
  • Strategies for sustainable management of invasive species and weeds within irrigation infrastructure.


Developing AI-driven irrigation systems to optimize water use in Calgary.


Implementing variable rate irrigation technology in Edmonton to enhance crop yield.


Adaptation of surface drip irrigation systems for organic farms in Lethbridge.


Red Deer
Evaluating economic impacts of invasive species on irrigation systems in Red Deer.


Medicine Hat
Best management practices for feedlot water reservoirs to maintain animal health in Medicine Hat.


Grande Prairie
Developing new marketable crops with irrigated production potential in Grande Prairie.


The grant is open to qualified applicants from or under contract with organizations involved in Alberta's livestock or crop industry, provided they are in good standing with RDAR. Eligible applicants range from marketing boards to for-profit companies operating in Alberta and contributing to research benefitting Alberta's producers.
  • Marketing boards and commissions established under the Marketing of Agriculture Products Act
  • Educational institutions, including universities, colleges, and technical schools
  • Government organizations and agencies
  • Incorporated not-for-profit agricultural associations representing Alberta's agriculture producers
  • For-profit companies operating in Alberta and contributing to research benefitting Alberta's crop and livestock producers


Eligible applicants for the Irrigation Targeted Call for Proposals include a variety of organizations that directly or indirectly participate in Alberta's livestock or crop industry. The research must benefit Alberta's producers, and at least one team member should be based in Alberta.
  • Marketing boards and commissions established under the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act
  • Educational institutions, including universities, colleges, and technical schools
  • Government organizations and agencies
  • Incorporated not-for-profit agricultural associations representing Alberta's agriculture producers
  • For-profit companies operating in Alberta and contributing to research benefitting Alberta's crop and livestock producers


Yes, there are eligible expenses for this grant which include costs directly related to the project's execution, as well as a portion of indirect overhead expenses.
  • Directly related project execution expenses
  • 15% of indirect overhead expenses


The research may occur within or outside Alberta as long as at least one team member is in Alberta, and benefits will be returned to Alberta's producers.
  • Research can be conducted within Alberta
  • Research can be conducted outside Alberta
  • At least one team member must reside in Alberta
  • Benefits must be returned to Alberta's producers


The grant proposals for the Irrigation Targeted Call will be evaluated based on their alignment with program priorities, measurable impact, project uniqueness, achievable timelines, adoption potential, and budget justification. Projects must demonstrate a clear extension plan to ensure that research results reach the intended beneficiaries.
  • Alignment to priorities and benefits outlined in the priorities.
  • Projects demonstrate measurable, reportable, and verifiable impact on the target producer group.
  • The uniqueness of the project relative to other irrigation projects underway.
  • Project timelines are achievable and appropriate.
  • Adoption/commercialization potential of the project's result.
  • Budget items are clear and justified.


  • Step 1: Submit a Letter of Intent in ARGO
  • ARGO (Agriculture Research Grant Organizer), is RDAR’s grant management system. To apply to the Targeted Call for Irrigation Program in ARGO, select ‘Targeted Call for Irrigation’.
  • Step 2: Await review process results
  • Applications completed to the satisfaction of RDAR will be considered for approval on a case-by-case basis subject to the Program eligibility criteria, assessment criteria, and funding constraints.


Applicants will be required to submit detailed interim reports and financial statements, as well as a final report and financial statements. Funding from RDAR must be acknowledged on appropriate signs, posters, and publications dealing with the project.
  • Applicants must submit reports online through ARGO at rdar.smartsimple.ca.
  • RDAR's name and logo must comply with their Grant Communications Guide.
  • Successful projects can receive funding up to $500,000 for capital expenses.


Apply to this program