QC, Canada
Funding for Quebec R&D collaborations in AI for health technologies
- grant_single|maxCount
- grant_single|projectCostPercent
- grant_single|openingDateAugust 23, 2024
- grant_single|closingDateApril 15, 2025
Grant and Funding
- Transportation and warehousing
- Health care and social assistance
- Consortium de recherche et d’innovation en technologies médicales du Québec
Get a non-refundable grant up to $500,000 to cover up to 40% of eligible expenses when your SME partners with a research centre on an artificial intelligence R&D project in the field of health technologies.
The PARTENAR-IA — MEDTEQ+ — Academic grant offers detailed financing modalities designed to support collaborative innovation projects in artificial intelligence and quantum technologies, facilitating strong partnerships and impactful outcomes.
- Funding is available up to a maximum of $1,500,000 per project for a maximum duration of 24 months.
- A base aid rate of 35% of eligible expenses is applicable for projects led by SMEs or large enterprises, while this rate increases to 50% for startups and under specific conditions.
- Aid for projects may be supplemented by up to 80% of the total grant provided; however, individual businesses cannot receive more than this percentage of the total project funding.
- Expenditures involving public research centers may also receive a 50% funding boost if they constitute at least 20% of the eligible project expenses.
- The total cumulative government financial assistance, both direct and indirect, should not exceed 75% of the project's eligible expenses.
- First payments can be advanced up to 50% of the financial aid upon signing of the financing agreement, with conditional further payments based on documented expense statements.
- A minimum of 15% of the financial assistance is withheld until project completion and acceptance by Investissement Québec following final audit reports.
This grant supports projects that focus on developing innovative solutions utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) or quantum technologies, from planning through to pre-commercialization. The aim is to create significant short-term economic impacts and potential commercial value, with a focus on collaboration and responsible AI initiatives.
- Development of new solutions or significant improvement of existing solutions involving AI or quantum technologies.
- Projects demonstrating a significant degree of innovation with commercial potential at a national or international level.
- Initiatives that require considerable research and development efforts and involve technological and/or business risks.
- Projects addressing ethical and responsible use of AI, sustainable development, and data governance.
- Collaborative projects involving Quebec enterprises, especially SMEs or startups, aiming to adopt transformative AI and quantum technology solutions.
- Projects with potential for substantial, short-term economic impacts focused on organizational improvements or sales.
- Compliance with the principles of the Law on Sustainable Development.
$ 160,000
AI for analyzing electronic health records to improve patient outcomes in collaboration with Université Laval
$ 200,000
AI-driven wearable health monitoring systems to predict chronic diseases in partnership with Université de Montréal
$ 180,000
Developing AI for early detection of cardiovascular diseases in collaboration with McGill University
$ 180,000
Predicting surgical outcomes using AI in collaboration with CHU de Québec
$ 200,000
AI-based mental health diagnostics in partnership with UQAM
$ 200,000
Automating drug discovery process using AI in collaboration with Université de Sherbrooke
To be eligible for this grant, startups, SMEs, and partner enterprises must meet the following criteria:
- The company must be legally incorporated under applicable federal or Quebec law and registered with the Quebec Enterprise Registrar.
- The company must have its head office in Quebec and employees or subcontractors who work primarily in Quebec.
- The company must have, in Quebec, 250 employees or less.
- The company must not be owned in a 50% or greater proportion by other existing companies or organizations.
- The company must have an establishment in operation in Quebec dedicated to the production of goods and services or internal R&D activities.
- The company must possess the usage rights to the intellectual property of its product, process, or service.
- The company must have global assets (including those of associated companies) of less than $50 million CAD as of the end of the fiscal year preceding the current calendar year.
- The company must not be registered on the Register of companies ineligible for public contracts (RENA).
- The company must not be on the list of non-compliant companies under the francization process, published by the Quebec Office of the French Language.
- For startups specifically: must not have been created as part of a consolidation, restructuring, extension, or continuation of pre-existing activities.
- For startups specifically: must be led by a founder or a founding team, with at least one founder dedicated full-time (35 hours or more per week).
- For startups specifically: must be supported by an eligible incubator or accelerator at the time of application.
This grant program is primarily aimed at supporting Quebec-based startups and small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) interested in initiating innovative projects using artificial intelligence and quantum technologies. Eligible organizations must form a consortium of at least two Quebec businesses, including at least one SME or startup, and demonstrate collaborative efforts with public research centers.
- Startups legally constituted under federal or Quebec laws, with their headquarters in Quebec, 250 employees or less, and not owned by other existing companies or organizations (50% or more).
- Startups must be directed by founders actively involved full-time and possess the intellectual property rights for their product, process, or service.
- Startups need the support of an eligible incubator or accelerator.
- SMEs have similar legal and operational requirements as startups, such as a maximum of 250 employees and headquarters based in Quebec.
- Other Quebec-based companies, larger than SMEs or startups, that participate as partners, provided they have operations focused on goods or service production or research and development in Quebec.
- Consortium must include at least one Quebec SME or startup.
- Non-eligible parties include companies under public contract bans, those with past compliance issues, corporations under bankruptcy protection, and other exceptions outlined in provincial policies.
This grant excludes certain companies and industries due to specific eligibility restrictions based on their status or main activity. The restrictions ensure that funds are allocated to sectors that align with the grant's objectives and ethical standards.
- Companies registered on the RENA (Register of Ineligible Enterprises for Public Contracts).
- Companies listed as non-compliant with the francization process by the Office québécois de la langue française.
- Companies that failed to meet obligations on previous financial aid from MEIE or Investissement Québec.
- State-owned enterprises or those controlled by government entities.
- Companies under protection of the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act or Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act.
- Holding companies.
- Companies engaged in activities deemed ethically questionable by the Quebec government.
- Businesses primarily involved in prohibited domains, such as:
- Weapons production or distribution.
- Fossil fuels extraction, exploration, and refinement, except for low-carbon transition activities.
- Gambling, violent games, animal combat sports, and similar activities.
- Sexual exploitation, such as escort agencies or erotic clubs.
- Production or sale of tobacco or drugs, excluding cannabis or industrial hemp.
- Activities primarily subject to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (e.g., religious, political).
The eligible projects for this grant focus on the development and commercialization of innovative solutions leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) or quantum technologies. They must demonstrate a significant improvement over existing solutions and potential for substantial short-term impacts. The projects should also involve collaborative efforts and respect principles of sustainable development.
- Development of new solutions or significant improvement of existing ones using AI or quantum technologies.
- Projects under the Confiance IA initiative, focusing on responsible and ethical AI use.
- Initiatives targeting sectors like agriculture, mining, energy, construction, manufacturing, aerospace, and frontline healthcare for adopting AI solutions.
- Collaborative projects involving at least two non-affiliated Quebec-based enterprises, including one SME or startup.
- Projects that involve research and development efforts to achieve commercial potential.
- Innovation projects that show potential for significant economic impacts in the short term.
This grant is specifically designed for companies located within the province of Quebec. The funding is aimed to support and enhance the local economic and technological ecosystem.
- Businesses legally constituted according to federal or Quebec laws and registered in the Registraire des entreprises du Québec.
- Organizations with a head office and employees primarily based in Quebec.
- Entities with operations situated within Quebec targeting the production of goods and services or research and development activities.
The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on specific criteria to ensure projects align with the objectives of advancing scientific, technological, and economic outcomes in the sectors of artificial intelligence and quantum technologies.
- Niveau d’innovation du projet (Level of innovation of the project) - 15%
- Qualité scientifique/technologique du projet (Scientific/technological quality of the project) - 15%
- Réalisation du projet (Project execution) - 10%
- Collaboration et expertise pour la réalisation du projet (Collaboration and expertise for the execution of the project) - 20%
- Retombées anticipées (Anticipated outcomes) - 40%
- Qualité du projet, objectifs, enjeux à résoudre (Quality of the project, objectives, issues to resolve) - 20%
- Capacité de l’entreprise à réaliser le projet (Company's capacity to successfully complete the project) - 60%
- Adéquation des dépenses avec les objectifs du programme (Adequacy of expenses with program objectives) - 10%
- Structure de financement et appui des partenaires (Funding structure and partner support) - 10%
Here are the steps to apply for this grant:
- Step 1: Read the Guide
- Thoroughly read the provided guide to understand the requirements and criteria.
- Step 2: Complete Form
- Fill out the official application form for financial aid.
- Ensure it is signed by the authorized signing officer of your company.
- Step 3: Gather Documents
- Prepare all required documents, including financial statements, CVs, commitment letters from company partners, and partnership agreements if applicable.
- Gather letters of support from incubators or accelerators if relevant.
- Step 4: Submission
- Submit your application electronically through the appropriate channel depending on the nature of your project.
- For AI projects, send applications to the specified RSRI of Quebec or directly to the MEIE for Confiance.IA.
- For quantum technologies projects, send applications to PRIMA Québec or PROMPT.
- Step 5: Confirmation
- Wait to receive electronic confirmation acknowledging the receipt of your application from the relevant body.
- Step 6: Deadline Awareness
- Ensure the application is submitted before the specified deadlines (23 August 2024, 15 October 2024, or 15 April 2025 by 16:00).
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- Projects must begin within six months of grant approval.
- Investissement Québec reserves the right to discontinue financial aid if project milestones are not met or financing issues arise.
- A minimum residual amount of 15% of the financial contribution is withheld until project completion and final report approval.
- The aid is confirmed by a financial assistance agreement which outlines payment conditions and obligations.
- Progress monitoring includes interim reports and a complete final audit report upon project completion.
- Any transfer of intellectual property or prototype developed from the project to entities outside Quebec requires prior approval from Investissement Québec.