Musicaction — International Commercialization – Stream 2 - QC - Canada

Musicaction — International Commercialization – Stream 2

QC, Canada
Program supports international promotion and career development activities
grant_single|update January 24, 2025


  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|openingDateJanuary 1, 2023
Grant and Funding
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • Musicaction


The grant program, "Commercialisation internationale - Volet 2," provides up to $50,000 to support Canadian artists in the international distribution and promotion of their music, along with career development efforts. Eligible activities include promotional efforts, tours, showcase performances before industry professionals, and adaptation to target markets.


The Musicaction grant provides structured funding options to support the international commercialization and career development of Canadian artists, focusing on valuable activities such as promotion and performances. The funding is designed to ensure effective utilization while accommodating diverse project needs.
  • The grant funding is generally capped at $50,000 for Stream 2, minus any funds used in Stream 1, with exceptions possible for events linked with international showcases.
  • A maximum of 15,000 CAD is designated for each tour, given a minimum of five shows within 12 days, with potential additional support for exceeding dates or priority markets like Francophone Europe.
  • Showcases before international professionals receive a maximum of $10,000 per journey, with potential increases depending on specific conditions.
  • The "adaptation to a target market" activity offers up to $10,000 per visit, with a project's album or EP adaptation capped at $25,000.
  • Aid can cover up to 50% of accepted costs, extending to 75% for official international showcases.
  • Additional funding is possible beyond $50,000 based on artist performance metrics like sales, media visibility, and streaming statistics.
  • Support for travel, accommodation, and per diem costs adhere to specified maximums, ensuring expenses remain reasonable and verifiable. Canadian providers, services, and products must be prioritized when available.


This grant aims to support the international career development of Canadian artists through promotion activities, touring, showcases, and adaptation to target markets. The program provides financial assistance for artists to enhance their global presence and explore new markets effectively.
  • Promotion activities: Support for promotional efforts to boost an artist's presence in the target market.
  • Tours: Assistance for touring activities, including a minimum of 5 performances within 12 days, with additional support available for tours in European Francophonie markets.
  • Showcases in front of industry professionals: Funding for artist showcases or live performances aimed at industry professionals, including travel and representation expenses.
  • Market adaptation: Financial aid for adapting an artist's work to suit the target market, including necessary adjustments and market analysis.


The eligibility criteria for this grant outline specific requirements related to the applicant's status and the connection to the Canadian music industry.
  • The applicant must be either a self-producing artist, a Francophone Canadian artist, a publishing company, a management company, a record label, a sound recording producer, or a show producer.
  • The applicant and the artist must be Canadian citizens.
  • For companies, the necessary documents to establish or update a master file, including financial statements meeting current standards, must be provided.
  • Applicants must not be beneficiaries of the "Enveloppe de financement global" program under the "Initiatives individuelles" stream, except under specific circumstances as detailed.
  • The project's associated album or EP must have either been commercialized less than 24 months before the application or be an upcoming release planned within the next six months with a declaration adhering to content and distribution rules.
  • The album or EP must comply with Canadian and Francophone content standards, with exceptions potentially authorized under specific circumstances.
  • The project must be linked by contract to a recognized professional structure on the target market, such as a record label, publishing company, booking agency, or management company.
  • The project cannot be simultaneously submitted to both FACTOR and Musicaction.
  • Re-releases and compilations are not eligible, although re-recordings may be.
  • The applicant must not be in default of payment obligations.
  • The project can include non-funded albums or EPs that meet specific criteria.


- Self-producing artist- Artists from the Canadian Francophonie- Publishing house- Management companies- Record companies- Producer of sound recordings- Producer of showsNote: Companies that benefit from the "Enveloppe de financement global" (EFG) program for individual initiatives are not eligible. However, an exception allows a request for artist participation in an official showcase supported by the "Événement à l’international" program, given certain conditions are met regarding authorized representation and expense management during the development activities.


This grant excludes certain companies and organizations due to their status within other funding envelopes. The main restrictions ensure eligibility for new and unforeseen projects only.
  • Companies benefiting from the Global Funding Envelope in the Individual Initiatives component.
  • Projects that coincide with previously planned activities under the Global Funding Envelope application.


The grant covers eligible expenses related to travel, accommodation, and other costs necessary for the realization of the artist's development activities.
  • Accommodation costs, based on a maximum of $300 per night for hotel stays or $50 per night for non-commercial accommodations.
  • Airfare costs up to the price of an economy class ticket, with carbon offset fees also eligible.
  • Train and bus travel costs up to the price of a ticket above economy class.
  • Car rental costs for intermediate series vehicles, with gas expenses eligible.
  • Mileage reimbursement for personal vehicles at a rate of $0.55/km (or $0.50/km for earlier applications).
  • Per diem allowances for meals, local transport, and incidental expenses up to $200 per day.
  • Reasonable local transport fees to reach terminals, stations, or airports, prioritizing public transport, shuttles, or taxis.
  • The costs associated with an artist's representative when accompanying the artist to an international showcase.


This grant prioritizes countries within the European francophonie, making them eligible geographical areas for applications. Exceptions can be made for other territories if significant career development potential is demonstrated.
  • Countries within the European francophonie.
  • Other territories demonstrating significant career development potential in the target music category.


The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are assessed using specific criteria to determine the potential success and impact on the target market.
  • Significance of the target market in relation to the musical category.
  • Professional environment surrounding the project.
  • Existing performance indicators if any, like previous success on the target market.
  • Quality of the career development strategy on the target market outlined in the proposal.
  • Demonstration of the presence of international professionals who can impact the artist's career development for international showcases not supported under "Événement à l'international".
  • Financial capacity of the applicant to complete the project.


Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
  • Step 1: Determine Eligibility
  • Verify that you and the artist are Canadian.
  • Ensure the artist's album or EP meets content and distribution standards.
  • Confirm an agreement with a Canadian distribution company or a funded enterprise.
  • Step 2: Complete Application Form
  • Download and fill out the application form in Excel format.
  • Complete the necessary declarations and sign the form.
  • Step 3: Prepare Supporting Documents
  • Develop a career development plan for the target market.
  • Include all necessary agreements with associated enterprises and professionals.
  • Gather promotional contracts and confirmations of professional attendance if applicable.
  • Include MP3s and proof of legal deposit if the album or EP has not been funded previously.
  • Step 4: Submit Application
  • Submit the completed application form and supporting documents electronically.
  • Use the specified naming convention: Applicant – Artist – CI2.
  • Email to:
  • Step 5: Await Response
  • Wait for acceptance or request for additional information.
  • Step 6: Post-Acceptance
  • Receive contract and funding details upon acceptance.
  • Manage funds and project as per approved budget.
  • Ensure visibility obligations are met by including required logos and acknowledgments.
  • Step 7: Complete Final Report
  • Submit a completion report within the specified timeframe after project completion.
  • Include financial statements, proof of expenses, and activity report.
  • Submit electronically to


Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
  • The funding cannot represent more than 50% of the eligible costs, except for projects aiming at participation in an official showcase, where it can cover up to 75% of the costs.
  • Additional funding beyond the $50,000 cap may be granted if significant success on the foreign territory is demonstrated, based on sales, media visibility, and other metrics.
  • Submissions must be completed electronically in Excel format with all supporting documents.
  • An early advance of 75% of the funds can be accessed upon project acceptance, with additional releases as costs are justified.
  • All promotional materials must feature the Musicaction logo and the Government of Canada wordmark, with proper acknowledgment.
  • Failure to maintain proper documentation can result in fund recovery and potential ineligibility for future grants.


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