Fund to stimulate international business tourism – Stream 1
QC, Canada
FSTAI stimulates international business tourism in Quebec
- grant_single|fromMinToMax
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- grant_single|closingDateMarch 1, 2024
- grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
- Arts, entertainment and recreation
- Gouvernement du Québec
The Fonds pour stimuler le tourisme d’affaires international (FSTAI) Volet 1 offers non-repayable grants to enhance international business tourism in Québec by supporting the creation of business plans and bid books. Eligible activities include organizing international-scale congresses, corporate meetings, and trade shows, with a maximum funding of $50,000 per project and $200,000 per applicant.
The Fund to stimulate international business tourism provides financial support with specific conditions to maximize the impact of granted projects. This involves both direct assistance and conditions regarding fund matching and sourcing.
- The financial support is a non-repayable grant.
- The applicant and their partners must provide a portion of the funding, as detailed in the project's cost table.
- The matching contribution from partners cannot include governmental sources, asset transfer, or in-kind contributions.
- Total governmental funding must adhere to a maximum percentage of the total project cost.
- Calculations for cumulative government aids consider repayable assistance at 50% of its value.
- A minimum project scale is required, with eligible costs starting from $5,000.
- Maximum aid per project is capped at $50,000.
- The overall maximum assistance per applicant for all projects under streams 1 and 2 is $200,000.
- Additional aid will not be provided to cover project cost overruns.
The Fund to stimulate international business tourism in Quebec supports the planning and preparation of international-scale business events to enhance the region's economic vitality. It finances the creation and development of bid books or business plans for eligible events.
- Organization of international congresses held in Quebec.
- Planning and hosting of major business meetings with international participation.
- Execution of commercial exhibitions that attract international attendees and exhibitors.
Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the applicant's profile and operations within the event sector in Quebec.
- The applicant must be one of the following: a for-profit organization (OBL), a non-profit organization (OBNL), a cooperative, a municipal entity, or an Indigenous community, organization, or nation recognized by the National Assembly.
- Applicants must be engaged in the event sector as an organizing entity, a specialized event promotion entity, or a destination management organization.
- Applicants must be a legally constituted company or entity in Quebec.
Eligible applicants for the Fonds pour stimuler le tourisme d’affaires international (FSTAI) include for-profit organizations, non-profit organizations, cooperatives, municipal entities, and Indigenous communities, organizations, and nations recognized by the National Assembly. Applicants must be active in the event sector, such as organizing or promoting events or managing destinations. They must also be legally constituted entities in Quebec. Specialized research applicants associated with research and education institutions will receive different financial support conditions. Ineligible applicants include suppliers and event agencies, government ministries and entities, government-controlled companies, state-owned enterprises, companies under bankruptcy protection, companies on the ineligibility registry for public contracts (RENA), companies that have defaulted on previous financial assistance obligations, and political parties.
This grant excludes certain companies and entities based on their status and main activities. Restrictions are in place to ensure the funds support entities driving international business tourism events in Quebec.
- Event supplier companies and event agencies.
- Ministries and agencies of the Government of Quebec or Canada.
- Companies controlled directly or indirectly by a provincial or federal government.
- Companies majority-owned by a state-owned enterprise.
- Companies under the protection of the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act or the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act.
- Companies listed in the Register of companies ineligible for public contracts (RENA).
- Companies that have failed to meet obligations or have been legally notified in relation to prior financial aid during the two years before this grant application.
- Political parties.
The grant covers specific expenses directly related to the preparation of business plans or bid books for international business tourism events.
- Fees for external firms including consultation, writing, translation, editing, photo research, graphic design and layout, document research, legal or accounting services, and other pre-approved fees.
- Printing costs for documents.
- Shipping expenses.
- Submission fees.
This grant is aimed at entities legally constituted and operating in Quebec, emphasizing regional economic and tourism development.
- Organizations must be active and legally registered in the province of Quebec.
The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on specific criteria to ensure alignment with the grant’s objectives.
- Eligibility.
- Quality of the application.
- Realism of the budget.
- Potential impacts.
- Scope and potential reach.
- Potential for recurrence.
- Alignment with the capacity of the host destination.
- Valorization of Quebec's areas of excellence, innovation zones, industrial clusters, or high-potential tourism sectors.
- Step 1: Review Guidelines
- Download and thoroughly read the Guide du demandeur to understand eligibility and requirements.
- Step 2: Prepare Documents
- Fill out the application form in its original Excel format.
- Gather evidence of applications or confirmations of commitments from other government levels if any.
- Ensure all necessary documents and information are ready before submission.
- Step 3: Application Submission
- Submit the completed application and supporting documents to fstai@tourismelaval.com.
- Note the project call deadlines: March 1, May 3, July 5, August 30, and November 1, 2024.
- Consider that applications are accepted continuously and can be submitted between project call dates if needed.
- Step 4: Wait for Evaluation
- Understand that incomplete applications will not be processed during the initial evaluation period but may be considered later.
The following additional details may be relevant for applicants:
- The maximum financial assistance per applicant for all projects under components 1 and 2 combined is $200,000.
- The grant is provided as a non-repayable subsidy.
- Applicants must ensure that their own and their partners' contributions do not come from sources considered under the cumulative government aid calculation, asset transfers, or contributions in goods and services.
- The maximum cumulative aid from all government sources, including FSTAI, must adhere to the specified percentage limits based on total project costs.
- The financial support amount may vary based on the availability of financial resources and the number of eligible applications.
- A project cannot receive increased financial support to cover any cost overruns for approved projects.