Financial Assistance Program for the Development of Private Woodlots
QC, Canada
Financial and technical assistance to carry out forest management activities
- grant_single|noCondition
- grant_single|openingDateNovember 14, 2019
Grant and Funding
- Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
- Gouvernement du Québec
Existing forestry companies in Quebec can get assistance in varying amounts for technical and silvicultural work and certification activities on private woodlots.
This grant provides financial support for private forest management activities through various regional agencies. Funding allocations are determined by technical and executional aspects of the forestry treatments.
- Funding amounts are outlined in the annual investment rate grid applicable across all regional agencies.
This grant provides financial assistance and technical support for forest management activities in privately owned forests. The eligible projects focus on implementing diverse silvicultural treatments to enhance forest value and sustainability.
- Application of approved silvicultural treatments to improve forest growth.
- Execution of forest management practices adhering to technical guidelines.
- Utilization of services from accredited forestry advisors for project implementation.
$ 50,000
Conducting extensive harvesting operations in private forest areas
$ 28,000
Revitalizing small-scale private woodlots with targeted silvicultural treatments
$ 60,000
Executing a comprehensive forest management plan
$ 65,000
Implementing sustainable harvesting and replanting activities
$ 42,000
Planting native tree species to restore ecological balance
Eligibility for this grant requires the applicant to meet specific criteria.
- The applicant must be recognized as a forest producer.
- The applicant must hold a certificate attesting to their status as a forest producer.
This program is open to individuals recognized as forest producers who hold the appropriate certification attesting to their status as such.
This grant provides financial assistance for eligible forest management activities in private forests. The eligible expenses include:
- Silvicultural treatments
- Technical and execution costs for approved forestry treatments
There are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant. The criteria include:
- Recognition as a forest producer and possession of the required certificate
Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
- Step 1: Contact Regional Agency
- Communicate with the regional agency for private forest development in your area.
- Request the name and contact information of an accredited forestry advisor.
- Step 2: Consult Accredited Forestry Advisor
- Engage with an accredited forestry advisor to evaluate your project needs.
- Obtain professional and technical assistance to define eligible forestry management activities.
- Step 3: Prepare Application
- Work collaboratively with your forestry advisor to complete the application form.
- Include details of the planned forest management activities and any necessary documents as required.
- Step 4: Submit Application
- Ensure that all application materials are complete and accurate.
- Submit the application to the appropriate regional forestry agency.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- The grant process involves engagement with regional private forest development agencies responsible for managing the program.
- A PDF guide with technical references for private forest management is available, detailing eligible activities and supportive procedures.
- The investment rates and allocations are standardized across all regional agencies and updated annually.