
  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|openingDateApril 15, 2025
  • grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction
  • Construction
  • Manufacturing
  • Health care and social assistance
  • Centre québécois de recherche et de développement de l’aluminium (CQRDA)


The grant offers a maximum funding of up to $1,500,000 per project for supporting collaborative and large-scale innovation projects in artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum technologies, aiming to enhance competitiveness and accelerate technology integration in business and society. Eligible activities include project planning, development or improvement of a solution, testing and validation, and preparation of commercialization strategies.


This grant provides structured financial assistance to encourage widespread adoption of AI technologies among Quebec-based companies. The financing modalities are designed to maximize the impact and sustainability of innovation projects.
  • Maximum financial aid of $350,000 per enterprise, with an overall cap of $1,500,000 per project.
  • Financial aid can cover up to 50% of eligible expenses.
  • The total government assistance can reach up to 75% of eligible expenses.
  • Private contributions must constitute a minimum of 25% of eligible expenses.
  • The project duration is capped at 24 months.
  • Consortium projects require partnerships between at least two companies, including at least one Quebec-based SME, in collaboration with a research center.
  • For each participating eligible enterprise, the project must include hiring at least one intern annually.
  • A minimum of 20% of the project's eligible expenses must originate from services offered by a public research center and/or the hiring of an intern associated with such a center.


The PARTENAR-IA grant supports projects that focus on enhancing innovation through the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum technologies. These initiatives must demonstrate potential for significant economic impacts and involve cooperation between multiple entities.
  • Development of new or significantly improved AI solutions, from planning to pre-commercialization.
  • Innovative projects advancing responsible and ethical AI usage, data governance, and sustainable development.
  • Collaborative projects improving AI integration in economic sectors such as agriculture, construction, manufacturing, and healthcare.
  • Demonstration and validation of AI technologies in real-world scenarios to mitigate technological and financial risks.
  • Projects under the Confiance IA initiative focusing on fostering reliable AI within critical systems.

$ 75,000

AI-based personalized learning systems for schools

$ 75,000

AI-driven supply chain optimization for local retailers

$ 70,000

AI-enabled optimization of renewable energy grids

$ 75,000

AI system for monitoring and improving agricultural yields

$ 62,500

Developing an AI-based predictive maintenance system for industrial machinery

$ 75,000

Implementing AI for personalized customer service


Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the applicant's business structure and operational scope.
  • The enterprise must be legally constituted under federal or Quebec laws and registered with the Quebec Business Register.
  • The enterprise must have its head office in Quebec and employ staff or have subcontractors primarily working in Quebec.
  • The enterprise must have 250 employees or less in Quebec.
  • The enterprise's worldwide assets, including those of associated companies, must be less than $50 million for the fiscal year ending in the previous calendar year.
  • The enterprise must not be owned, directly or indirectly, in a proportion of 50% or more by existing companies or organizations.
  • A startup must possess the rights to use the intellectual property of its product, process, or service.
  • A startup must be directed by a founder or a team of founders, with at least one fully dedicated full-time (35 hours or more per week).
  • A startup must be supported by an eligible incubator or accelerator at the time of application.
  • The enterprise must operate an establishment in Quebec intended for the production of goods and services or internal R&D activities.
  • The enterprise must not be listed in the Register of Ineligible Businesses for Public Contracts (RENA) or on the list of businesses non-compliant with French language procedures published by the Office québécois de la langue française.


The Partenar-IA programme is designed for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Quebec, as well as startups and other legally constituted organizations looking to innovate within the field of artificial intelligence (AI). Specifically, eligible applicants include:- Quebec-based SMEs with a maximum of 250 employees and assets below $50 million globally.- Startups meeting certain criteria such as legal constitution in Quebec, Quebec headquarters, independent operation (not more than 50% owned by other entities), managed by a dedicated founder team, and active support from an eligible incubator or accelerator.- Other Quebec-based entities that employ primarily Quebec residents, have established facilities for production or R&D, and collaborate within a consortium that includes at least one Quebec SME.Furthermore, the programme encourages projects realized by consortia involving at least two Quebec companies, with collaboration from a research centre, which ensures further eligibility and support for the initiative.


This grant is not available to certain types of companies or industries based on their status or primary business activity. The restrictions are designed to focus the aid on eligible and strategic Quebec businesses.
  • Companies listed on the Register of companies not eligible for public contracts (RENA) or whose subcontractors are listed on the RENA.
  • Companies listed on the Register of companies not compliant with the francization process on the website of the Quebec Office of the French language.
  • Companies that have failed to meet obligations for prior financial assistance from the Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Energy or Investissement Québec within the last two years.
  • State-owned companies or those controlled directly or indirectly by any government, municipal entity, or majority-owned by a state enterprise.
  • Companies under the protection of the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act or the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act.
  • Holding companies.
  • Companies involved in unethical behaviors that could tarnish the image of the Quebec government.
  • Companies with main business activities in the following areas:
  • Weapons production or distribution.
  • Fossil fuel exploration, extraction, drilling, production, and refining (except for activities aimed at transitioning to a low-carbon economy).
  • Gambling, violent games, combat sports involving living species, or racing.
  • Sexual exploitation, such as erotic bars, escort agencies, erotic massage parlors, or swinger clubs.
  • Production, sale, and services related to tobacco or drugs (except interventions related to cannabis and industrial hemp).
  • Activities with a primary focus on political, religious, or advocacy movements protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.


This grant supports projects focused on advancing solutions using artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum technologies. Eligible activities include a range of developments from preliminary research to real-world demonstrations.
  • Conducting preliminary activities and studies necessary for project planning and execution, such as detailed market and technical studies.
  • Validation of project principles.
  • Development or improvement of solutions including design, engineering, and prototyping.
  • Testing and validating solutions through prototype trials and controlled environment demonstrations.
  • Preparation and execution of commercialization plans, including intellectual property protection and certification acquisition.
  • Real-world demonstration and utilization of solutions, crucial for mitigating client risk perceptions and showcasing to potential customers.
  • Technological showcases to demonstrate solutions to potential customers.


This grant is exclusively available to companies with operations based in the province of Quebec, Canada. Companies must have their head offices and primary working personnel located within Quebec to be eligible.
  • Province of Quebec, Canada.


The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on technoscientific and economic criteria, with specific point scores allocated to ensure projects align with the program's objectives and can demonstrate significant impact.
  • Technoscientific Evaluation:
  • Level of Innovation of the Project: 15%
  • Scientific/Technological Quality of the Project: 15%
  • Project Realization: 10%
  • Collaboration and Expertise for Project Execution: 20%
  • Anticipated Outcomes: 40%
  • Economic Evaluation:
  • Quality of the Project: 20%
  • Company's Capacity to Successfully Execute the Project: 60%
  • Alignment of Expenses with Program Objectives: 10%
  • Financing Structure and Partner Support: 10%


Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
  • Step 1: Review Program Details
  • Read through the full program guide to ensure understanding of objectives, eligibility, and requirements.
  • Understand the financial aid offered, including the maximum aid, duration, and conditions.
  • Step 2: Form a Consortium
  • Ensure the consortium includes at least two Quebec-based SMEs or startups with at least one collaborating research center.
  • Confirm that the project aligns with the objectives of adopting and deploying AI innovations.
  • Step 3: Prepare Application
  • Gather all required documents, including letters of support, project descriptions, budgets, and financial statements.
  • Prepare a detailed project plan and timeline, including the roles of all involved parties.
  • Ensure that documents are in French and comply with submission guidelines.
  • Step 4: Complete Application Form
  • Fill out the application form accurately, ensuring all sections are complete.
  • Secure the necessary signatures from authorized personnel.
  • Step 5: Submit Application
  • Submit the completed application electronically to the appropriate sectoral research group or directly to MEIE for AI projects.
  • Ensure submission by the deadline date provided for each call.
  • Step 6: Receive Confirmation
  • Wait for an acknowledgment receipt within two business days to confirm submission.
  • Keep a copy of the confirmation for your records.


Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
  • The grant requires the engagement of at least one intern per year from each qualifying partner enterprise collaborating in the project.
  • At least 20% of the eligible project expenses must originate from a public research center's service offer or through the hiring of an intern related to such a center.
  • A final report and potentially a financial audit report by an external firm must be submitted upon project completion.
  • Strict confidentiality measures are adhered to regarding personal and project-related information.




Apply to this program

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