
  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
    Partnering and Collaboration
    Grant and Funding
    • Manufacturing
    • Professional, scientific and technical services
    • Educational services
    • Health care and social assistance
    • Centre québécois de recherche et de développement de l’aluminium (CQRDA)


    The CQRDA — PSO-International grant aims to strengthen Quebec's innovation system and enhance competitiveness by supporting international research partnerships through projects of bilateral, multilateral, and significant scope. The program offers a maximum of $1,500,000 in funding, covering up to 50% of eligible expenses, for projects involving collaborations among research institutions, universities, and both public and private sectors.


    • Maximum financial assistance of $300,000 for bilateral projects.
    • Maximum financial assistance of $500,000 for multilateral projects.
    • Maximum financial assistance of $1,500,000 for large-scale projects.
    • The maximum financial support can represent up to 50% of the total eligible expenses.
    • The cumulative government support can cover up to 80% of the total eligible expenses.
    • Private contributions must account for at least 20% of the total eligible expenses.
    • The portion of the project outside Quebec must constitute at least 30% of the total budget.
    • Maximum project duration is 36 months.



    $ 80,000

    Launching a sustainable packaging initiative for food production

    $ 60,000

    Developing a virtual reality tour application for museums

    $ 60,000

    Implementing a solar panel system in a community center

    $ 50,000

    Developing a mobile app for local farmers' market

    $ 150,000

    Constructing a new training facility for vocational education

    $ 75,000

    Launching an online mental health support platform


    • The applicant must be a university, a centre collégial de transfert de technologie (CCTT), a public research centre (CRP), or an establishment within the health and social services network involved in various fields of research and development.
    • The applicant may also be an industrial research sector group.
    • The application must be supported by at least one Quebec research organization and one user environment.
    • For the international component, the project must involve at least one research organization or company outside Quebec.
    • Private contributions must represent at least 20% of the total eligible expenses.
    • The portion of the project outside Quebec must account for at least 30% of the total budget.


    • Universities
    • Collegial Technology Transfer Centers (CCTT)
    • Public Research Centers
    • Health and Social Services Network Establishments involved in various research and development fields
    • Sectoral Industrial Research Groups


    • Québec
    • Regions outside Québec (internationally)


    • Step 1: Preparation of application documents
    • Consult the program guide to obtain all the necessary information for compiling the application file.
    • Fill out the application form available on the CQRDA website.
    • Gather the required supporting documents to support the application, such as project details, partnerships, and the estimated budget.
    • Step 2: Submission of the project
    • Submit the application documents by the means indicated by the CQRDA, adhering to the format and content requirements.
    • Step 3: Waiting for the response
    • Participate in communication with the CQRDA, if necessary, to provide additional information.
    • Wait for the announcement of decisions regarding the submitted projects.


    • The grant supports enhancing competitiveness through innovation in economic, social, environmental, and cultural sectors.
    • Collaboration is encouraged between universities, colleges, and industrial sectors both within and outside of Quebec, promoting bilateral and multilateral projects.
    • Private contributions must constitute a minimum of 20% of the total eligible project costs, while the out-of-Quebec portion should account for at least 30% of the total budget.
    • Financial assistance from this program can cover up to 50% of the total eligible expenses, while cumulative government assistance may cover up to 80%.
    • The maximum duration for funded projects is 36 months.
    • The maximum funding varies based on project scope: $300,000 for bilateral projects, $500,000 for multilateral projects, and $1,500,000 for large-scale projects.


    Apply to this program