
  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • Wholesale trade
  • Retail trade
  • Information and cultural industries
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • Management of companies and enterprises
  • Accommodation and food services
  • Gouvernement du Québec
  • Office québécois de la langue française (OQLF)


You could get up to $100,000 to cover a maximum of 75% of the eligible costs for a 36-month project that aims to add French to communications materials and marketing products in the workplace, like signage in the reception areas or employee handbooks.


The grant addresses projects aimed at promoting the French language within Quebec's public spaces and workplaces. Activities must focus on enhancing the use and mastery of French terminology in specific sectors or for certain audiences.
  • Projects promoting the use of French terminology specific to a sector
  • Projects encouraging the use of high-quality French in workplaces and public communications
  • Initiatives fostering French as the language of signage, client reception, and workplace communication
  • Measures to generalize the use of French in organizational activities within Quebec
  • Proposals targeting sectors where French is less utilized, such as management of companies, software and IT, professional services, wholesale trade, transport, and storage
  • Initiatives designed for the tourism and retail sectors


Creating bilingual signage for reception areas in a financial cooperative in Montreal.


Quebec City
Update employee handbooks with French for a professional services company in Quebec City.


Implement French internal documentation for a software company in Ottawa.


Promote French terminology in a tourism company in Vancouver.


To be eligible for this grant, certain types of organizations and sectors are prioritized. Here are the eligibility criteria:
  • Organizations, associations, or groupings at a non-profit with an influential and diversified network
  • For-profit private companies
  • Projects targeting economic sectors where French is less used, such as management of companies, tech and digital sectors, professional, scientific, and technical services, wholesale trade, transportation and storage, tourism, and retail sectors


Yes, there are specific types of organizations eligible for this grant. The eligible organizations include non-profit associations or groups, as well as private for-profit enterprises.
  • Non-profit associations or groups with an influential and diverse network
  • Private for-profit enterprises


There are eligible expenses for this grant, focusing on promoting the use of French in various contexts.
  • Costs related to promoting the French language, including communication and commercial texts
  • Expense for internal and external signage and documentation
  • Costs associated with customer service and service delivery in French
  • Implementation of measures for generalizing the use of French in organizations' activities


Eligible geographic zones for this grant are not explicitly defined in the provided context. It is implied that the focus is on promoting the French language within Québec.
  • Québec


Eligible projects for the grant are evaluated and selected based on specific criteria that assess both the relevance and impact of the proposed initiatives. These criteria ensure that the projects align with the objectives of promoting the use of French in the workplace and public spaces, as well as mastering French terminology relevant to various sectors.
  • Alignment with the promotion of French in public spaces and workplaces.
  • Extent to which the project enhances knowledge and usage of sector-specific French terminology.
  • Impact on the quality of French used in work, communications, and public-facing documents.
  • Effectiveness in encouraging the use of French for customer service and internal/external signage.
  • Projects targeting priority economic sectors where French usage is lower.
  • Financial feasibility and sustainability of the project.
  • Degree of innovation and potential for broader application of the project’s outcomes.
  • Capacity of the organization to implement and manage the project.
  • Contribution to raising awareness about the importance of conducting business in French in Quebec.
  • Expected long-term benefits and measurable outcomes of the project.


  • Step 1: Identify the type of project – Determine if your project aligns with one of the two main volets of the grant program: mastery of French terminology or the use of French within organizations.
  • Step 2: Verify eligibility – Ensure that your organization meets the eligibility criteria (e.g., being an organization, association, or group with an influential and diverse network, or a private for-profit company).
  • Step 3: Determine sector – Confirm if your project targets a priority economic sector as identified in the Rapport sur l’évolution de la situation linguistique au Québec (e.g., management of companies and enterprises, digital and high-tech sector, professional, scientific, and technical services, wholesale trade, transport, and storage, tourism, or retail trade).
  • Step 4: Prepare project details – Develop a comprehensive proposal outlining the project objectives, activities, expected outcomes, and how it promotes French usage or mastery of French terminology in the relevant sector(s).
  • Step 5: Budget preparation – Create a detailed budget that includes all the expenses for the project. Ensure that the request for funding adheres to the limits (e.g., 75% of eligible expenses up to $100,000 or $125,000 per year, depending on the volet).
  • Step 6: Download and read the guide – Obtain the guide for your respective volet from the Office québécois de la langue française website to ensure you understand all the requirements and documentation needed.
  • Step 7: Fill out the application – Complete the application form as specified in the guide, ensuring all sections are thoroughly addressed.
  • Step 8: Submit the application – Send your completed application and any supplementary documents via email to
  • Step 9: Follow-up – Monitor your email for any communications from the Office, and be prepared to provide additional information or clarification if requested.


Here is additional information about the grant provided by the Office québécois de la langue française.
  • The program has two main objectives: promoting the use of French in public spaces and workplaces, and encouraging the use of French terminology specific to various fields.
  • Eligible organizations for funding include non-profits with significant influence and private for-profit enterprises.
  • Financial aid is capped at $100,000-$125,000 per year, depending on the program's specific component.
  • Funding can last up to 36 months, with the Office covering a maximum of 75% of eligible project expenses.
  • Priority is given to sectors where French usage is less prevalent, such as business management, high-tech and digital sectors, professional services, wholesale trade, and transportation and storage.
  • There is also a separate program supporting francization partnerships, which offers up to $49,000 for projects that raise linguistic awareness and promote French within Quebec's cultural context.


Financial Assistance Program for the Promotion of French – stream 1

Apply to this program