ÉcoPerformance — Standard Analysis Stream
QC, Canada
Complete analysis of greenhouse gas reduction options for Quebec companies
- grant_single|maxCount
- grant_single|projectCostPercent
- grant_single|openingDateNovember 14, 2019
Grant and Funding
- Manufacturing
- Retail trade
- Professional, scientific and technical services
- Gouvernement du Québec
Up to $300,000 to cover 75% of the costs of conducting a complete analysis of opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The grant supports participants in conducting analyses aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions through consulting firms or internal specialists. Eligible projects can be categorized into standard or complex analyses, focusing on improving building or industrial processes.
- Standard analyses
- Complex analyses
- Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
- Improvement of building efficiency
- Industrial process optimization
$ 75,000
Conducting a technical-economic study to optimize the energy systems in a residential complex
$ 63,750
Conducting energy management certification for a non-profit organization dedicated to environmental conservation
$ 135,000
Installing solar panels to reduce fossil fuel consumption in a community center
$ 300,000
Implementing a new energy-efficient HVAC system to reduce GHG emissions in a manufacturing plant
Eligibility for the ÉcoPerformance grant for analysis projects includes specific requirements related to the applicant and project criteria.
- The applicant must be a participant interested in carrying out analysis measures aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GES).
- The applicant should either mandate specialist firms or conduct their own feasibility study for enhancing the energy efficiency of their building or industrial process.
- The applicant must ensure that expenses were not incurred prior to receiving the date of admissibility for expenses to qualify for the grant.
This grant targets participants interested in reducing greenhouse gas emissions through the analysis and implementation of energy efficiency measures in buildings or industrial processes.
- Participants who are not familiar with potential solutions for energy efficiency.
- Participants seeking to study the feasibility of measures to improve their buildings or industrial processes.
The eligible expenses for this grant include costs necessary for the execution of an analysis to reduce GHG emissions.
- Fees for external consultants.
- Salaries and benefits of internal specialists, along with travel expenses, up to a specified ceiling.
- Rental costs of measuring equipment.
- Purchase costs of measuring equipment for analysis, with ownership to the participant.
There are specific evaluation and selection criteria for the ÉcoPerformance program grant aimed at encouraging participants to undertake analyses for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. These criteria assess the completeness of the application and the eligibility of the proposed project.
- Completeness of the application, including submission of required forms and documents.
- Eligibility of expenses, only considering those after the date of admissibility.
- Conformity with the program's objectives and guidelines.
- Capacity of the applicant to carry out the proposed analysis.
- Qualification of the engineers involved, ensuring they are members of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ).
Here are the steps to submit an application for the ÉcoPerformance grant under the "Volet analyse":
- Step 1: Application Submission
- Complete the Financial Assistance Application Form, including specific tabs required.
- Sign and date the form PDF by an authorized signatory from the Quebec Enterprise Register (REQ).
- The Description of the Analysis should be signed and dated by a Quebec Order of Engineers (OIQ) member.
- Send the completed documents via email to: transitionenergetique.affaires@mern.gouv.qc.ca.
- Step 2: Application Evaluation
- Upon receipt, a program manager is assigned to assess your application.
- If eligible, receive the eligibility date for expenses to ensure compliance with program criteria.
- Step 3: Confirmation of Financial Terms
- Receive the "Confirmation of Financial Assistance Agreement" document to validate application details.
- Receive notification of the maximum financial aid amount by letter.
- A financial aid agreement is sent for signature by both parties.
- Step 4: First Payment
- Submit a signed copy of the purchase order to authorize the chosen entity to conduct the analysis.
- Receive the first payment, which is 50% of the granted financial aid, according to the agreement terms.
- Step 5: Final Report and Payment
- Within 24 months of the agreement's effective date, provide the signed and dated analysis report by an engineer.
- Update and submit the relevant tabs of the Financial Assistance Application Form.
- After verifying report compliance, the remaining financial aid balance is confirmed and provided by MELCCFP.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- The grant requires documentation to be signed by an engineer who is a member of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ).
- An authorized signatory must be registered with the Registre des entreprises du Québec (REQ).
- If the authorized signatory is not registered with the REQ, a power of attorney is required.
- All forms must be submitted both in Excel and signed PDF formats.
- Disbursement of funds is in two installments, with specific documentation required for each stage.
- The maximum financial assistance depends on the type of analysis, either standard or complex, and has specific financial caps.
- The project must be completed within 24 months of the effective date of the financial aid agreement.
1 866-266-0008