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Expert Advice
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  • Community Futures Saskatchewan


If you have an employment insurance claim that is active or has ended in the last 36 months, you may be eligible for training in key aspects of starting and running your own business.


The Self-Employment Program supports eligible individuals in Saskatchewan to develop, implement, and operate viable businesses. The program offers training and support in various key business areas.
  • Creative thinking
  • Business Plan development
  • How to run a profitable business
  • How to prepare your financial records
  • Business communication
  • Customer service
  • Legal issues in starting and operating a business
  • Financing options such as securing business loans and grants


Developing a nutrition-focused café and juice bar in Toronto.


Launching a digital marketing agency specializing in small business promotions in Toronto.


Launching an eco-friendly cleaning service in Saskatoon.


Establishing a local organic produce market in Regina.


The Self-Employment Program aims to support potential entrepreneurs in Saskatchewan by helping them develop, implement, and operate viable businesses. Eligibility criteria must be met, such as being a resident of Saskatchewan and having a potentially viable business idea.
  • A resident of Saskatchewan
  • Able to attend and participate full-time towards the development and implementation of the business
  • Possess a potentially viable and self-sustaining business idea that meets the criteria for eligible businesses
  • Currently unemployed or underemployed (working less than 20 hours per week and unable to find full-time work that makes use of education or work experience)


There are no specific types of companies mentioned as eligible for this grant. Eligibility is focused on the individual's status and business idea viability.


The eligible geographic zones for this grant are the Community Futures regions in Saskatchewan.
  • Able to attend and participate full-time towards the development and implementation of the business
  • Personals with a potentially viable and self-sustaining business idea that meets the criteria for eligible businesses
  • Currently unemployed or underemployed (Underemployed meaning current job is casual or part-time, working less than 20 hours per week, and unable to find full-time work that makes use of education or work experience)


The Self-Employment Program has specific evaluation and selection criteria to determine the suitability of candidates. Individuals are selected based on both general eligibility requirements and a thorough pre-screening process to assess their potential for successful self-employment.
  • A resident of Saskatchewan
  • Able to attend and participate full-time towards the development and implementation of the business
  • Possessing a potentially viable and self-sustaining business idea that meets the criteria for eligible businesses
  • Currently unemployed or underemployed (working less than 20 hours per week, and unable to find full-time work that makes use of education or work experience)


  • Step 1: Confirm Eligibility
  • Ensure you are a resident of Saskatchewan
  • Ensure you can attend and participate full-time towards the development and implementation of the business
  • Confirm that you are currently unemployed or underemployed
  • Verify that your business idea is potentially viable and self-sustaining
  • Step 2: Contact Regional Office
  • Reach out to the Community Futures office in your region to gather more information
  • Step 3: Undergo Pre-Screening
  • Participate in a thorough pre-screening process to determine your suitability for Self-Employment
  • Step 4: Detailed Assessment
  • Undergo a more detailed assessment by a Community Futures office that specializes in business development
  • Step 5: Training and Skill Development
  • Participate in various training sessions covering areas such as creative thinking, business plan development, running a profitable business, financial records preparation, business communication, customer service, legal issues, and financing options
  • Step 6: Develop Business Plan
  • Work on creating a comprehensive business plan with the acquired skills and knowledge
  • Step 7: Implement Business Plan
  • Begin implementing your business plan with ongoing support from Community Futures


The Self-Employment Program aims to equip individuals in Saskatchewan with the necessary skills and support to start and operate their own business. The program targets unemployed or underemployed individuals, providing comprehensive training and assessments to ensure business viability.
  • A resident of Saskatchewan
  • Able to attend and participate full-time towards the development and implementation of the business
  • Individuals with a potentially viable and self-sustaining business idea
  • Currently unemployed or underemployed
  • Areas of training include creative thinking, business plan development, and more
Apply to this program