
  • grant_single|fromMinToMax
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|openingDateApril 1, 2023
  • grant_single|closingDateJune 1, 2023
Grant and Funding
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Government of Saskatchewan
  • Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (SCAP)
  • Ministry of Agriculture


Funding of up to $50,000 per project to cover 75% of the costs of projects that tell the story of Saskatchewan agriculture to educate the public, build trust and dispel myths.


The Agriculture Awareness Initiative Program (AAIP) provides structured financial support specifically aimed at increasing awareness and trust in modern agriculture. The program is designed to facilitate strategic projects through a rebate system.
  • Rebates cover up to 75% of pre-approved eligible costs, with a maximum of $50,000 per year.
  • No limit on the number of projects, but the annual funding limit is $50,000 throughout the program term from April 1, 2023, to March 31, 2028.
  • Funds are disbursed only after project completion; no interim payments are allowed.
  • The minimum rebate amount is $250.


The Agriculture Awareness Initiative Program (AAIP) aims to enhance public understanding and trust in modern agriculture through strategic industry projects. Eligible projects focus on educational and communication efforts that benefit the public and improve agriculture's social license.
  • Education and training programs to engage producers in raising agricultural awareness.
  • Development and distribution of tools, resources, programming, and communication materials to enhance consumer and youth understanding of modern agriculture.
  • Planning and organizing public trust conferences, including speaker fees, travel expenses, and promotional activities.
  • Creation of educational resources such as brochures, pamphlets, and trade show materials, including writing, design, printing, and distribution.
  • Creation and promotion of awareness and educational campaigns, including filming, editing, graphic design, and website enhancements.
  • Development of displays and event/trade show participation, including display design, event space rental, and related programming.
  • Organization of agricultural tours, including transportation, promotional materials, and admission fees.
  • Research activities to measure public perception of agriculture, including third-party facilitation and result promotion.
  • Training for third-party delivery agents involved in the projects.

$ 7,500

Organizing hands-on agriculture tours for high school students

$ 8,250

Hosting a public trust conference focused on sustainable agriculture practices

$ 9,000

Creating an educational campaign to promote livestock welfare

$ 6,000

Developing an interactive educational display on modern agriculture for the Regina Agribition

$ 12,750

Training third-party delivery agents on public agricultural trust strategies

$ 12,750

Conducting a research study on public perceptions of modern agricultural technologies


Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the applicant's profile.
  • The applicant must be based in Saskatchewan.
  • Eligible applicants include individuals and organizations such as students and teachers, commodity organizations, agri-businesses, researchers, agricultural producers or groups, urban organizations, public institutions or agencies, Indigenous communities or individuals, volunteer organizations, and others who wish to tell the story of agriculture in partnership with industry participants.
  • Individual applicants must be at least 18 years of age.
  • If involved in livestock operations, the applicant must have a Saskatchewan Premises Identification (PID) number.
  • Organizations receiving core funding from the ministry are not eligible to apply.


Saskatchewan-based organizations and individuals are eligible to apply for the Agriculture Awareness Initiative Program (AAIP). Eligible applicants include students and teachers, commodity organizations, agri-businesses, researchers, agricultural producers or groups, urban organizations, public institutions or agencies, Indigenous communities or individuals, and volunteer organizations. Additionally, any other individuals or organizations wishing to tell the story of agriculture in partnership with industry people can apply. Applicants involved with livestock operations must have a Saskatchewan Premises Identification (PID) number. Organizations receiving core funding from the ministry are not eligible to apply.


There are specific eligibility restrictions for the Agriculture Awareness Initiative Program. The program ensures that only suitable individuals and organizations aligned with its goals can apply.
  • Organizations receiving core funding from the ministry.
  • Projects advancing private or corporate interests.
  • Entities involved in marketing campaigns to boost sales of proprietary products.
  • Projects related to typical operating expenses, like salaries and office costs.
  • Activities where building public trust in agriculture is not the main aim.


The grant supports projects aimed at increasing awareness and trust in modern agriculture through educational and engagement efforts. Eligible activities are designed to enhance public understanding of sustainable agricultural practices and storytelling.
  • Education and training initiatives to engage producers in awareness efforts.
  • Development and dissemination of tools, resources, programming, and communications materials.
  • Organization of public trust conferences, workshops, and speaker events.
  • Creation of awareness and educational campaigns, including media and online content production.
  • Design and construction of educational displays for events and trade shows.
  • Organization of agricultural tours for educational purposes.
  • Research activities to measure public perception of agriculture, including the dissemination of findings.
  • Training programs for third-party delivery agents involved in public trust efforts.


This grant is specifically available to organizations and individuals based in Saskatchewan, Canada. The emphasis is on ensuring the strategic development of projects within this region to enhance agricultural awareness and trust.
  • Organizations located within the province of Saskatchewan.
  • Individuals who are residents of Saskatchewan.


Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
  • Step 1: Pre-Approval Consultation
    • Consult with a Public Trust Specialist to discuss project eligibility and alignment.
  • Step 2: Prepare Application Package
    • Download the Agriculture Awareness Initiative Program Pre-Approval Application Form.
    • Fill out the application form with all required information.
    • Attach necessary documents as required by the application guidelines.
  • Step 3: Application Submission
    • Submit the completed application package by email to or mail it to:
      Agriculture Awareness Initiative Program
      Ministry of Agriculture, Programs Branch
      329 – 3085 Albert Street
      Regina SK S4S 0B1
  • Step 4: Await Pre-Approval Notification
    • Wait for feedback from the program regarding the pre-approval status of your application.
  • Step 5: Project Completion and Claim Submission
    • Complete the pre-approved project by the approved deadline.
    • Email the claim form along with all invoices and proof of payment to the program for reimbursement.
    • Ensure all expenses are covered and documented, as subject to the guidelines.


Apply to this program

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