FRWIP — Small Dams SK Canada

FRWIP — Small Dams

SK, Canada
The Farm and Ranch Water Infrastructure Program (FRWIP) offers a 50% rebate on eligible costs for developing sustainable water sources in agriculture, up to $75,000.


  • grant_single|fromMinToMax
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Government of Saskatchewan
  • Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (SCAP)


The Farm and Ranch Water Infrastructure Program (FRWIP) is designed to support the development of secure and sustainable water sources for agricultural use in Saskatchewan by providing rebates for eligible costs related to projects such as small dam construction, wells, dugouts, and pipelines. Eligible applicants, including primary agricultural producers, First Nation Bands, and Crown Land Pasture Grazing Associations, may receive up to 50% of the project costs with a maximum rebate of $75,000. All projects must demonstrate agricultural use for the water and adhere to specific regulatory requirements.


Yes, there are several projects or activities eligible for this grant.
  • Consultant and/or engineering fees
  • Small dam construction
  • Installation of a wet well
  • Pumps, pipelines, and miscellaneous plumbing materials
  • Permanently installed water storage tanks
  • Permanent fencing to exclude livestock
  • Watering appliances
  • Power infrastructure including solar/wind/composite systems
  • Trenching or directional boring and pipe installation
  • In-kind labour and machinery/equipment


Building a small dam and installing fencing for water supply on farm in Saskatoon.


Moose Jaw
Implementation of wind-powered watering system and trenching for pipe installation


Construction of a small dam and installation of solar-powered pumps


Development of a well with permanently installed water storage tanks


Prince Albert
Installation of pipelines and nose pumps for livestock watering


The Farm and Ranch Water Infrastructure Program (FRWIP) supports the development of secure and sustainable water sources for agricultural use. Applicants must meet specific eligibility criteria to qualify for the grant.
  • Primary agricultural producers (individual, partnership, co-operative or corporation) who can demonstrate a minimum $50,000 of gross farm income in Saskatchewan in the year of application or the year prior to the application. Individual applicants must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Multi-producer groups, defined as one or more eligible applicants who are not related and are legally, financially, and operationally independent of each other but wish to financially contribute to and share infrastructure related to a small dam project.
  • First Nation Bands in the Province of Saskatchewan.
  • Crown Land Pasture Grazing Associations in Saskatchewan.


The Farm and Ranch Water Infrastructure Program (FRWIP) supports eligible companies that demonstrate an agricultural use for the water, specifically for small dam projects in Saskatchewan. Eligible types of companies include primary agricultural producers, multi-producer groups, First Nation Bands, and Crown Land Pasture Grazing Associations.
  • Primary agricultural producers
  • Multi-producer groups
  • First Nation Bands
  • Crown Land Pasture Grazing Associations


There are no specific types of companies mentioned in the grant context that are not eligible for the grant.


The Farm and Ranch Water Infrastructure Program (FRWIP) has various eligible expenses for small dam projects. These expenses include construction-related costs, equipment, and installation fees.
  • Fees for Permit to Construct Groundwater Investigation, Water Rights Licensing and Approval to Construct and Operate from the Water Security Agency (WSA).
  • Consultant and/or engineering fees.
  • Small dam construction with a height of embankment of 2.5 metres or less.
  • Installation of a wet well, including casing and gravel.
  • Pumps, pipelines, and miscellaneous plumbing materials.
  • Permanently installed water storage tanks (minimum 1,000 US gallons).
  • Permanent fencing to exclude livestock from a new dam.
  • Watering appliances such as watering bowls, nose pumps, hydrants, or water troughs.
  • Power infrastructure including solar/wind/composite livestock watering systems.
  • Trenching or directional boring and pipe installations.
  • In-kind labour funded at $22 per hour up to a maximum rebate of $250 per project.
  • In-kind machinery/equipment use rates.


The grant is available to projects located in the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada. Specific approvals may be required for environmentally sensitive and designated lands.
  • Province of Saskatchewan
  • Crown lease lands designated under The Wildlife Habitat Protection Act (WHPA)
  • Lands with a Crown Conservation Easement (CCE) registered on title
  • Federally designated critical habitat lands under the Species at Risk Act



  • Step 1: Assess your project against the program criteria and review program eligibility.
  • Step 2: Contact Water Security Agency’s (WSA) Agricultural Services and Economic Development group for support with design and regulatory approval process.
  • Step 3: Obtain all required regulatory approvals including authorization from landowners if the project is on land not owned by the applicant, WSA’s Aquatic Habitat Protection Permit, Water Rights Licence, and any local approvals.
  • Step 4: Complete the New Entrant Self-Assessment if applicable and contact the Agriculture Knowledge Centre if you meet new entrant criteria.
  • Step 5: Download and complete the Small Dam Pre-Approval Application Form. Ensure application is saved to your computer before entering information.
  • Step 6: Submit a completed application package by email to or by mail to Farm and Ranch Water Infrastructure Program, Ministry of Agriculture, Programs Branch, 329 – 3085 Albert Street, Regina SK S4S 0B1.
  • Step 7: Upon pre-approval, proceed with construction ensuring the project complies with approved plans and regulatory requirements.
  • Step 8: Complete construction and ensure the dam is operational for agricultural use.
  • Step 9: Submit claims for funding when the project is fully constructed and operational. Include paid invoices and proof of payment.


Additional information regarding the grant includes requirements and recommendations for pre-approval and project details.
  • Pre-approval is mandatory for all small dam projects.
  • Applicants must meet all regulatory requirements for water development projects before starting work.
  • Written authorization from the landowner is required if the project is on land not owned by the applicant.
  • Projects on Crown land require contacting the Ministry of Agriculture lands branch.
  • A Water Rights Licence and Approval to Construct and Operate Works from the Water Security Agency is necessary for certain projects.
  • An Aquatic Habitat Protection Permit (AHPP) is required if the dam is developed in the bed of a water body or watercourse.
  • A minimum claim amount of $500 is mandatory.
  • Applications must be submitted by December 31, 2027, with projects completed by March 31, 2028.


Apply to this program