Ag-West Bio – Technology Commercialization Investment Fund SK Canada

Ag-West Bio – Technology Commercialization Investment Fund

SK, Canada
Loans or equity for Saskatchewan bioscience and agtech commercialization


  • grant_single|fromMinToMax
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Loans and Capital investments
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • Government of Saskatchewan
  • Ag-West Bio


Injection of $50,000 to $300,000 into early stage companies in the agricultural biotechnology, bioproducts, bioprocesses, natural health products and functional foods sectors.


Projects or activities eligible for this grant must have a detailed business plan that outlines extensive benefits to Saskatchewan's bio-science and ag tech industries, such as job creation, economic activity, wealth creation, and innovative technology advancements. Eligible initiatives should also demonstrate a significant environmental impact and addressable market with defined partners and market traction.
  • Job creation
  • Economic activity
  • Wealth creation
  • Innovative new technology, product, or service for the industry
  • Increase in research or commercialization knowledge capital
  • Significant environmental impact


Development of an innovative bio-fertilizer tailored to Canadian prairie crops.


Creation of a plant-based protein product for local and international markets.


Moose Jaw
Development of an organic pesticide with minimal environmental impact.


Prince Albert
Development of a bioprocess to recycle agricultural waste into renewable energy.


Swift Current
Commercialization of a new natural health product extracted from local plants.


North Battleford
Enhancement of an innovative bioproduct for soil revitalization in prairie agriculture.


The eligibility criteria for this grant are:
  • Have a detailed business plan that outlines extensive benefits to Saskatchewan bio-science and/or ag tech industries
  • Be a for-profit, Saskatchewan incorporated company with a strong financial return opportunity
  • Have a proven core technology that can scale and create measurable change
  • Addressable market with defined market partners and demonstrated market traction
  • Capable team with a focus on revenue and commercialization


Some eligible types of companies for the Ag-West Bio Technology Commercialization Investment Fund include those with innovative technologies or products that bring extensive benefits to Saskatchewan's bio-science and/or ag tech industries. These companies must be for-profit, Saskatchewan incorporated, have a strong financial return opportunity, a proven core technology, and a capable team focused on revenue and commercialization.
  • Companies with a detailed business plan outlining benefits to Saskatchewan industries
  • For-profit, Saskatchewan incorporated companies with strong financial potential
  • Companies with innovative technologies/products for bio-science or ag tech
  • Companies with a proven core technology that can scale and create measurable change
  • Companies with a capable team focused on revenue and commercialization


There are specific types of companies that are not eligible for the Ag-West Bio Technology Commercialization Investment Fund. Companies that do not meet the outlined eligibility requirements mentioned in the grant context are not eligible for this grant.
  • Non-Saskatchewan incorporated companies
  • Non-for-profit organizations
  • Companies without a proven core technology
  • Companies lacking a capable team focused on revenue and commercialization


Eligible expenses for this grant include costs related to product development, market research, staffing, and commercialization activities. Specifically, allowable expenses may cover salaries, research materials, prototyping, marketing expenses, and intellectual property protection.
  • Salaries for key staff involved in the project
  • Research and development materials
  • Prototyping and testing costs
  • Marketing and promotional expenses
  • Intellectual property protection fees


There are evaluation and selection criteria for the Ag-West Bio Technology Commercialization Investment Fund. Companies must meet criteria such as having a detailed business plan that brings extensive benefits to Saskatchewan bio-science and/or ag tech industries, being a for-profit Saskatchewan incorporated company, and having a capable team focused on revenue and commercialization.
  • Have a detailed business plan that outlines extensive benefits to Saskatchewan bio-science and/or ag tech industries
  • Be a for-profit, Saskatchewan incorporated company with a strong financial return opportunity
  • Have a proven core technology that can scale and create measurable change
  • Have an addressable market with defined market partners and demonstrated market traction
  • Have a capable team with a focus on revenue and commercialization


  • Step 1: Ensure your company meets the eligibility requirements outlined by Ag-West Bio for the Technology Commercialization Investment Fund.
  • Step 2: Develop a detailed business plan that highlights the benefits to the Saskatchewan bio-science and ag tech industries as specified in the eligibility criteria.
  • Step 3: Submit your application to Ag-West Bio along with the required documentation for thorough due diligence and evaluation.
Apply to this program