Saskatchewan Product Development Program (PDP) SK Canada

Saskatchewan Product Development Program (PDP)

SK, Canada
The Product Development Program (PDP) empowers agriculture value-addition in Saskatchewan through strategic financial assistance.


  • grant_single|noCondition
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Manufacturing
  • Saskatchewan Food Industry Development Centre
  • Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (SCAP)


The Product Development Program (PDP) aims to foster growth and innovation in Saskatchewan's agriculture and food processing sector by providing financial assistance for strategic initiatives. It supports activities like technical service costs, product development, test processing, and the assessment and development of process and manufacturing technologies, requiring 50% of eligible expenses to be funded up to a maximum of $10,000 CAD. Eligible applicants are for-profit organizations using Canadian-grown agricultural products within Saskatchewan.


Yes, there are several project activities that are eligible for this grant.
  • Technical service costs
  • Product development and demo costs
  • Test processing costs
  • Assessment and development of process & manufacturing technology costs
  • Specification development costs


Developing gluten-free pasta using Saskatchewan-grown chickpeas and testing processing methods.


Assessing and developing process technology for cold-pressed canola oil production.


Prince Albert
Creating a ready-to-eat quinoa product and testing its market acceptance.


Moose Jaw
Developing a sustainable packaging solution for organic oat milk using locally-grown oats.


Testing and developing new granola bar varieties using Saskatchewan-grown sunflower seeds.


North Battleford
Developing and testing a plant-based protein powder using Saskatchewan-grown peas.


Eligible applicants for this grant are agriculture value-added processors operating in Saskatchewan, using Canadian-grown agricultural products. Eligible activities include technical service costs, product development, and other specified activities conducted at third-party facilities.
  • Processors must upgrade a raw primary agricultural product(s) or further upgrade a processed product or derivative.
  • Processors must use identifiable inputs originating from primary agricultural commodities grown or raised in Canada.
  • The applicant’s operations and tax payments must be within the Province of Saskatchewan.
  • The proposal/product must demonstrate substantial use of Canadian-grown agricultural products.
  • Applicants must be for-profit organizations.


Yes, there are eligible types of companies for this grant. The following criteria must be met by companies to be eligible for the Product Development Program:
  • Value-added processors upgrading raw primary agricultural products or further processed products into new products.
  • Processors using identifiable portions of inputs originating from primary agricultural commodities grown or raised in Canada.
  • Companies whose operations and tax payments are within the Province of Saskatchewan.
  • Proposals that demonstrate substantial use of Canadian-grown agricultural products.
  • Applicants that are for-profit organizations.


There are no specific types of companies mentioned in the grant context that are not eligible for the grant.


Yes, there are eligible expenses for this grant. These eligible expenses must be conducted at a third-party facility and/or by a contracted service provider.
  • Technical service costs
  • Product development and demo costs
  • Test processing costs
  • Assessment and development of process & manufacturing technology costs
  • Specification development costs


The eligible geographic zone for this grant is within the Province of Saskatchewan. Applicants must have their operations and tax payments within this province.
  • Operations within Saskatchewan
  • Tax payments within Saskatchewan


  • Step 1: Enter your information using the provided form to indicate your interest in applying for the grant.
  • Step 2: The PDP Program Coordinator will contact you with an application form.
  • Step 3: Complete the application form with all required details and submit it for review.


The grant offers financial assistance to develop new value-added products, processes, and reduce by-product waste in Saskatchewan's agricultural sector.
  • Applications will be reviewed on a first come, first served basis.
  • Approved applicants may be reimbursed up to 50 per cent of eligible project expenses.
  • The maximum reimbursement amount is $10,000 CAD.
  • Funding is provided in a lump sum at the end of the funding agreement.
  • Completion of all project activities and approval of the financial report is required for reimbursement.
  • Stacking with other federal or provincially funded initiatives is not permitted.
  • The program is funded through the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership and administered by the Food Centre.
  • Emily Nickel is the PDP Program Coordinator for queries.
Apply to this program