
  • grant_single|noCondition
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Manufacturing
  • Ministry of Agriculture
  • Government of Saskatchewan
  • Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (SCAP)


Funding for projects that explore ideas that could be of value to the agriculture and food industry by developing solutions to emerging production-constraint problems.


The Agriculture Development Fund (ADF) supports various activities aimed at enhancing Saskatchewan's agriculture industry. Eligible activities include project travel, consultant fees, and the employment of assistants and researchers.
  • Students, postdoctoral fellows, technical assistants
  • Consultant fees
  • Equipment rental
  • Materials/supplies
  • Project travel (conferences, field work, collaboration/consultation)
  • Publication costs


Developing a drought-resistant wheat strain through advanced genetic research and field trials.


Implementing smart irrigation systems in small-scale farms to optimize water usage.


Researching sustainable pest control methods using natural predators.


Developing organic fertilizers from food waste through innovative composting processes.


Investigating hydroponic systems to increase urban agriculture yield in confined spaces.


Creating an AI-based app to predict crop diseases and recommend treatments.


Any person, business or organization with an idea of practical value to Saskatchewan's agriculture and food industry is encouraged to submit a Letter of Intent.
  • The principal/lead investigator of the project must be a permanent full-time employee of an organization.


Any person, business, or organization with an idea of practical value to Saskatchewan's agriculture and food industry is eligible to submit a Letter of Intent. The principal/lead investigator of the project must be a permanent full-time employee of an organization.
  • Individuals with practical ideas for Saskatchewan's agriculture and food industry
  • Businesses with innovative agricultural solutions
  • Organizations focusing on agriculture and food sector improvements
  • Permanent full-time employees as principal investigators


The Agriculture Development Fund (ADF) covers various eligible expenses to support research projects in Saskatchewan's agriculture sector. Below is a list of the eligible expenses:
  • Students, postdoctoral fellows, technical assistants
  • Consultant fees
  • Equipment rental
  • Materials/supplies
  • Project travel (conferences, field work, collaboration/consultation)
  • Publication costs


The eligible geographic zone for this grant is Saskatchewan, Canada.
  • Saskatchewan


Yes, there are evaluation and selection criteria for the Agriculture Development Fund (ADF) grant. The evaluation focuses on whether the proposed research aligns with the Ministry of Agriculture's priorities and desired outcomes.
  • Alignment with ministry and industry priorities.
  • Potential for long-term sustainability of Saskatchewan's agriculture sector.
  • Contribution to the development of new crops and/or cultivars meeting market demands and consumer preferences.
  • Improvement in livestock competitiveness and optimized feeding systems.
  • Innovation in food, bioproducts, and processing technologies.
  • Enhancement of food quality and sustainable farming systems and practices.
  • Adaptive capacity enhancement of provincial soil and ecosystem resources.
  • Utilization of biotechnology to enhance agriculture and value-added production.
  • Reduction in agricultural production risks.


  • Step 1: Submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) between March 1 and April 15 through the online system.
  • Step 2: If the LOI is accepted, develop and submit a full application proposal through the online system.


The Agriculture Development Fund (ADF) grant supports research projects that align with the Ministry of Agriculture's priorities for the sustainability of Saskatchewan's agriculture sector.
  • Letters of Intent are accepted between March 1 and April 15.
  • Principal/lead investigators must be permanent full-time employees of an organization.
  • Eligible expenses include students, postdoctoral fellows, technical assistants, consultant fees, equipment rental, materials/supplies, project travel, and publication costs.
  • Ineligible expenses include overhead costs and equipment.
  • Full proposal is required after successful Letter of Intent.
  • ADF industry partners may review and potentially co-fund or provide technical review for applications.
  • Various related programs and past research projects are listed with specific funding details.

Apply to this program