MRC Charlevoix-Est — Sustainable Forest Management Program
QC, Canada
Sustainable forest management program for Capitale-Nationale region
- grant_single|projectCostPercent
- grant_single|openingDateApril 1, 2018
- grant_single|closingDateMarch 31, 2021
Grant and Funding
- Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
- MRC Charlevoix-Est
The Programme d’aménagement durable des forêts (PADF) in the Capitale-Nationale region is designed to optimize sustainable forest land management with local stakeholder participation, offering a total of $444,284 in annual regional funding, with eligible activities including forest management interventions and multi-use road improvements. The program focuses on various objectives such as participating in public consultations, conducting targeted forestry interventions on delegated and private lands, and supporting activities to enhance forest resource management and awareness.
This grant provides specific financial support mechanisms based on project objectives and their respective needs. Different levels of financial backing and terms are outlined for the various types of eligible activities.
- A maximum of 75% of eligible expenses is covered for the realization of multi-purpose roadwork and activities aimed at promoting sustainable forest management and resource utilization.
- No financial contribution is required from the promoter for projects associated with the objective of participating in the development and consultation processes of PAFI under the LADTF.
- The grant contribution for forest management work on residual forest territories under management delegation agreements is limited to the amount stated in the annual investment rate grid for private forest management.
- For forest management activities on private lands, the contribution is also limited to the amounts specified in the investment rate grid of the current year.
- The contribution demanded cannot originate from organizations deemed ineligible as defined by the program's eligibility criteria.
- Projects may extend over multiple years but must conclude by March 31, 2021, with annual progress reports to ensure the minimum required contribution is respected each year.
The Sustainable Forest Management Program supports activities centered around sustainable forest management and development. These eligible activities target the forest territories' management, conservation, and sustainable use initiatives.
- Acquisition of knowledge to support decisions and orientations related to forest management planning in public forests, addressing issues identified by local integrated resource and territory management tables.
- Implementation of forestry silvicultural development work on residual forest territories under management delegation agreements.
- Execution of forestry silvicultural management work on private lands belonging to recognized forest owners under legislative provisions.
- Improvement and maintenance of multi-purpose road networks within the management units and residual forest territories, including road widening, safety devices addition, and structural refurbishments.
- Conduct activities promoting sustainable forest management and resource development, focusing on workforce skills in forestry, while emphasizing the forest's role in climate change and biodiversity.
Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific criteria related to the type of organization and exclusions outlined by the program.
- The eligible applicants include a municipal regional county (MRC), an agglomeration council, a local municipality, a recognized Indigenous community, a non-profit organization, a for-profit organization, regional agencies for private forest development, and persons or organizations with management delegation agreements.
- Applicants excluded from eligibility are those listed in the Register of Enterprises Ineligible for Public Contracts (RENA), those in bankruptcy, Rexforêt as a management delegation holder, holders of supply guarantees (BGA), buyers of wood on the open market, holders of wood harvesting permits for supply to a wood processing plant, and government ministries and agencies.
The grant is available to a variety of organizations across different sectors, specifically tailored to support the sustainable management and development of forest resources in the designated regions.
- Municipal Regional Counties (MRCs).
- Agglomeration councils.
- Local municipalities.
- Indigenous communities recognized by the Quebec government.
- Non-profit organizations.
- For-profit organizations.
- Agencies for the development of private forests.
- Individuals or organizations with a management delegation agreement.
This grant is not available to certain organizations primarily due to their current registration status or involvement in specific activities. These restrictions ensure the grant supports eligible entities focused on sustainable forest management and related objectives.
- Organizations registered in the Register of Enterprises Ineligible for Public Contracts (RENA).
- Organizations in bankruptcy.
- Rexforêt as a holder of a management delegation agreement.
- Beneficiaries of supply guarantees (BGA).
- Buyers of wood on the free market.
- Holders of a timber harvesting permit for supplying a wood processing plant.
- Government ministries and agencies.
The grant covers specific expenses directly related to the implementation and success of the project under the sustainable forest management program.
- Salaries and benefits of employees working directly on the project.
- Travel and accommodation expenses for employees working directly on the project.
- Purchase of materials and supplies specifically and exclusively for the project.
- Rental fees for rooms, tools, or machinery specifically for the project.
- Fees for experts' services.
- Production, preparation, writing, or translation of documents.
- Advertising, promotion, and publication costs specifically and exclusively for the project.
- Fees for necessary permits and authorizations for the project.
- Supervision fees by the promoter or a foreman, if a duly qualified professional, not exceeding 10% of the total project cost.
- For multi-use road works, eligible expenses include planning and design costs, brushing of rights-of-way, shaping, crushed stone, bridges and culverts, signage, trenching, drainage pipe replacement, professional and supervision fees, and machinery rental.
This grant is available to organizations located within specific regions under the Capital-Nationale area. The program aims to enhance sustainable forest management by delegating responsibilities at the county level.
- MRC de Portneuf
- MRC de La Jacques-Cartier
- MRC de La Côte-de-Beaupré
- MRC de Charlevoix
- MRC de Charlevoix-Est
The evaluation and selection of projects under the Programme d’aménagement durable des forêts are based on specific criteria with allocated point scores to ensure that they align with the objectives of the programme.
- The priority of the project for the local resource and territory management tables (TGIRT) - 20% of the points.
- The quality of the presentation of the project - 60% of the points.
- The credibility and capability of the promoter to carry out the project - 20% of the points.
Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
- Step 1: Initial Contact and Project Outline
- Contact the local coordinator of the MRC where you wish to submit a project.
- Provide a project outline on one or two pages including:
- Objective of the project
- Nature of the project
- Deliverables
- Timelines
- Total cost of the project
- The local coordinator will advise on project deposit possibilities and eligibility aspects.
- Step 2: Project Preparation
- Develop the project further and, if necessary, have it approved by a relevant professional.
- For knowledge acquisition projects (Objective 3.1), obtain a favorable resolution from at least one TGIRT.
- Step 3: Submit Application
- Submit the project in paper or electronic format to the MRC, using the contact details provided.
- Make sure to include all necessary documents such as forms, location maps, attestations, and quotations.
- Ensure the project is received by the MRC.
- Step 4: Review and Recommendation
- The MRC technical staff reviews the project for eligibility.
- If eligible, the project is forwarded to an analysis committee for funding recommendations.
- Step 5: Selection and Acceptance
- Delegated MRCs select projects through the annual project registry.
- The registry is submitted to the MFFP for acceptance.
- Projects can only be funded once their eligibility is officially recognized by the MFFP.
- Step 6: Conclude Funding Agreement
- Upon project acceptance, provide a resolution that mandates representatives to conclude the funding agreement with the relevant MRC.
- No agreement is signed in the absence of this resolution.
- Step 7: Final Report Submission
- Submit the final report according to the timelines defined in the funding agreement.
- Reports submitted late or incomplete may incur penalties.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- The contribution amount and the availability of funds are subject to the annual budget allocated for each MRC under a three-year delegation agreement with the Ministry of Forests, Wildlife, and Parks (MFFP).
- Any unspent funds in a given year can be carried over to the next year within the same agreement period.
- There are no set limits on project funding amounts by the MRCs; interested parties should inquire directly with the relevant MRC for available fund details.
- Grant funding requires a representative's authorization, formalized by a resolution, for concluding the financial agreement with the respective MRC.