
  • grant_single|noCondition
  • grant_single|openingDateMay 15, 2024
  • grant_single|closingDateJuly 9, 2024
  • grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Expert Advice
  • grant_single|allIndustries
  • Refugees and Citizenship Canada
  • Government of Canada
  • Immigration


Get help to hire qualified candidates from overseas or living in Canada temporarily, for jobs you haven't been able to fill locally. Before you can make a job offer and hire a candidate, you must be designated by the provincial government of the Atlantic



$ 90,000

Bringing in international chefs to enhance the culinary offerings at a community kitchen

$ 240,000

Recruiting specialized medical professionals to provide advanced care in rural clinics

$ 230,000

Recruiting experienced engineers to develop renewable energy solutions for local communities

$ 180,000

Hiring qualified software engineers to develop a new mobile application revolutionizing financial services

$ 320,000

Hiring skilled machinists to enhance manufacturing capabilities in an industrial plant


To be eligible as a company under the Atlantic Immigration Program, employers must fulfill specific criteria related to their designation status in the Atlantic provinces.
  • The employer must apply to become designated by the provincial government of the Atlantic province where the candidate will be working.
  • The employer must comply with the province-specific application process for designation.
  • The employer is required to demonstrate the inability to fill the position locally.


The Atlantic Immigration Program is open to both employers in the four Atlantic Canadian provinces (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador) and to skilled foreign workers or international graduates from Canadian institutions who are seeking permanent residency in these provinces.
  • Employers must become designated by the provincial government to hire through the program.
  • International candidates must have a job offer from a designated employer.
  • Candidates can be recent graduates from recognized post-secondary institutions in Atlantic Canada or skilled workers, either living abroad or as temporary residents in Canada.


Some types of companies may not be eligible for the Atlantic Immigration Program grant. Common exclusions include:
  • Companies that do not operate in one of the Atlantic provinces
  • Companies that do not have designated status from the provincial government
  • Companies that do not meet the program's job requirements


This grant supports companies located in the Atlantic provinces of Canada to promote regional employment through international workers. The program specifically targets businesses unable to fulfill job vacancies with local talent.
  • New Brunswick
  • Nova Scotia
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Newfoundland and Labrador


There are evaluation and selection criteria for the Atlantic Immigration Program grant:
  • Evaluation is based on the candidate meeting the program requirements and the employer becoming designated.
  • Selection criteria include the candidate receiving a job offer from a designated employer in Atlantic Canada.


Here are the steps to apply for the Atlantic Immigration Program as an employer in Atlantic Canada:
  • Step 1: Apply for Designation
    • Visit the website of the Atlantic province where your candidate will be working: New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, or Prince Edward Island.
    • Locate the application to become a designated employer on the province’s website.
    • Complete and submit the application as per the province’s instructions. Note that there is no cost to become designated.
  • Step 2: Recruit International Candidates
    • Once designated, you are eligible to recruit skilled international workers or graduates.
    • Ensure that the job offer meets the program's requirements.
  • Step 3: Issue a Job Offer
    • Offer the candidate a position that aligns with the program's criteria.
    • Ensure all details of the job offer comply with provincial guidelines.
  • Step 4: Support Employee’s Application
    • Upon acceptance of the job offer, support the employee in obtaining the necessary referral letter from the Atlantic province.


Here is an additional relevant detail for this grant:
  • While there is no cost to become a designated employer, it is crucial to keep updated with each province's specific application process requirements as they may vary.

Apply to this program

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