Alberta Innovates — Industry Commercialization Associates - AB - Canada

Alberta Innovates — Industry Commercialization Associates

AB, Canada
Apply for the Industry Commercialization Associates Program to de-risk technology commercialization and accelerate your business growth!


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  • grant_single|closingDateAugust 29, 2022
  • grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • Alberta Innovates


The Industry Commercialization Associates Program provides Alberta-based small to medium enterprises (SMEs) with up to $120,000 per year to cover employee salaries aimed at advancing the commercialization of new technology and innovative products. Eligible activities include attracting and retaining business talent, de-risking commercialization efforts, and promoting revenue, export growth, and investment positioning. The program requires a minimum 25% cash contribution from the SME and supports a one-year term with a possibility of extension for a second year based on project performance.


The Alberta Innovates Industry Commercialization Associates Program offers robust financial support tailored to promote the commercialization of technologies by SMEs. Funding is structured to de-risk projects through defined contributions and compliance measures.
  • Up to $120,000 in funding is available, dependent on the Associate's experience and educational background.
  • The applicant must provide a minimum cash contribution of 25% of the Associate's total salary.
  • Funding is disbursed directly to applicants, contingent upon eligibility and compliance with the terms outlined in the Investment Agreement.
  • The stacking limit ensures that total government assistance does not exceed 75% of total eligible project costs.
  • Only reasonable costs incurred post-Investment Agreement signing are funded.
  • Projects with continuous milestones may qualify for a second year of funding under predefined conditions.


The Industry Commercialization Associates Program focuses on accelerating the commercialization process of innovative technologies and products within Alberta. It aims to financially support projects that align with program objectives to advance commercialization activities.
  • Commercialization of new technology and innovative products.
  • Creating jobs for skilled professionals necessary for scaling small to medium enterprises.
  • Projects designed to de-risk the commercialization of technology or innovation-based products.
  • Programs that promote revenue, export growth, and investment positioning.
  • Initiatives that aim for commercialization progression and scale-up.
  • Economic diversification through innovative product development.

$ 102,000

Commercialization of eco-friendly water filtration systems

$ 120,000

Development of AI-driven marketing analytics platform

$ 120,000

Implementation of a blockchain-based supply chain management system

$ 108,000

Development of a mobile app for health and wellness tracking

$ 97,500

Launch of a sustainable packaging solution for food products

$ 97,500

Creation of an online platform for local artisans to sell their products


Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the applicant's profile and proposed project activities.
  • The applicant must be a for-profit organization or a small to medium-sized enterprise.
  • The applicant must not have more than two active Alberta Innovates-funded associates simultaneously.
  • The applicant must exist as a corporate person with up-to-date corporate filings.
  • The applicant must be authorized to undertake the proposed project and execute a grant with Alberta Innovates on standard terms.
  • The applicant must not be prohibited from receiving Alberta Innovates funding, such as due to a past bad debt or financial instability with Alberta Innovates or its subsidiaries.
  • The applicant must be incorporated in Alberta, or incorporated in another jurisdiction and extra-provincially registered in Alberta, or be a registered partnership in Alberta.
  • The applicant must have fewer than 500 full-time employees and less than $50,000,000 in annual gross revenue.
  • The applicant must be Alberta-based with a significant physical and corporate operational presence, appropriate Alberta ownership, and a discernible intent for operational benefits to primarily flow within Alberta.


This program is designed for Alberta-based, high-growth, and high-potential small to medium enterprises (SMEs) that are focused on commercializing innovative technology and knowledge-based products. Eligible organizations must adhere to specific criteria outlined by Alberta Innovates, including:- SMEs with fewer than 500 full-time employees and less than $50,000,000 in annual gross revenue.- Companies incorporated in Alberta or extra-provincially registered and operational in Alberta.- Businesses that can provide a minimum of 25% cash contribution towards the salary of the proposed Associate.- Applicants should not have more than two active Alberta Innovates-funded Associates at any given time.


This grant does not specify ineligible companies and industries explicitly apart from noting financial standing and arms-length relationships. However, the focus is on Alberta-based, small to medium enterprises leveraging innovation.


The Industry Commercialization Associates Program provides funding support to projects that promote the commercialization of innovation and technology in Alberta. Eligible activities revolve around building a strong team, advancing product development, and expanding business opportunities.
  • Attracting and retaining talented business professionals to enhance commercialization efforts.
  • Accelerating the commercialization of new technology and innovative products.
  • Accessing financial resources to de-risk the commercialization of technology or innovation-based products.
  • Promoting growth in revenue, exports, and investment positioning.
  • Creating jobs to support start-up and scaling SMEs in Alberta.
  • Developing and implementing strategic market positioning and go-to-market plans.


This grant is specifically targeted towards businesses based in Alberta, Canada. Companies must demonstrate a significant operational presence in the province to be eligible.
  • Alberta-based companies.
  • Businesses with an operational footprint in Alberta.


The evaluation and selection of projects for the Industry Commercialization Associate Program grant are based on specific criteria to ensure projects align with the program's objectives and intended outcomes.
  • Assessment of the management team and their capability to execute the project.
  • Evaluation of market conditions, identifying competitive advantage and product/market fit.
  • Assessment of the go-to-market plan and financial feasibility of the project.
  • Analysis of technical feasibility and potential for export.
  • For second-year funding, evaluation of the successful completion of year one milestones and suitability of the second-year project opportunity and plan.


Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
  • Step 1: Pre-Application Connection
    • Engage with a Technology Development Advisor (TDA) before applying online for guidance and to assess readiness.
  • Step 2: Application Submission
    • Access and complete the application form on the SmartSimple online portal.
    • Submit application continually as there is a continuous intake process.
    • Include detailed information on the management and project team, innovation and market opportunity, and current financial state.
  • Step 3: Evaluation Process
    • Applications are reviewed and evaluated against the program objectives and criteria by Alberta Innovates staff and external reviewers.
  • Step 4: Project Management and Follow-up
    • If approved, execute an Investment Agreement with Alberta Innovates to proceed with project activities.
    • Submit progress and final reports as required after starting the project.
  • Step 5: Second Year Funding Option (if applicable)
    • If the project is eligible and approved for the second year, there is an option for continued funding with the same associate.


The Industry Commercialization Associates Program is managed by the Entrepreneurial Investments unit within Alberta Innovates to support innovation in Alberta through coaching, community, and capital. The program runs on a continuous intake basis and offers a structured evaluation process for applicants.
  • All applications must be submitted through the SmartSimple online application portal.
  • Applicants must engage with a Technology Development Advisor before applying online.
  • The program provides funding on a milestone completion basis requiring a mid-point Progress Report and Final Report.
  • Alberta Innovates evaluates applications based on management team, market conditions, competitive advantage, product/market fit, financials, technical feasibility, and export potential.
  • Eligible projects must align with the objectives of the program and be completed within a 1-year term, with possible eligibility for a second year of funding.
  • Projects may be monitored for up to five years after completion for Alberta Innovates to evaluate the economic, social, health, and/or environmental benefits.


Apply to this program

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