AFA — Organization Activation Projects Funding
AB, Canada
Funds rural Alberta projects to support emerging artists
- grant_single|maxCount
- grant_single|closingDateDecember 2, 2024
Grant and Funding
- Arts, entertainment and recreation
- Alberta Foundation for the Arts (AFA)
This grant offers funding up to $30,000 for emerging artist engagement projects in rural Alberta, including First Nations reserves and Metis Settlements, aimed at cultivating the next generation of artists and addressing intergenerational gaps in professional development. Eligible activities include mentorship programs, skill development workshops, and initiatives that engage emerging artists with established artists, Elders, or Knowledge Keepers.
The AFA Organization Activation Projects Funding provides distinct financial support mechanisms to maximize the impact of funded projects. These modalities are structured to ensure transparency and adherence to project objectives.
- Applicants may request funding up to 100% of eligible expenses, to a maximum of $30,000.
- Funding covers costs over and above normal operations, including artist and mentor fees, venue rental, and project-specific travel.
- Consultation and contract expenses needed for project execution are eligible.
- Eligible honoraria include those for Elders, Knowledge Keepers, and cultural advisors.
- Recovery of ineligible expenses or unspent funds is required if project goals are not achieved or if reporting obligations are not met.
- Funding is conditional upon returning unused portions and adjusting project activities to reflect partial funding, if necessary.
The grant supports new initiatives aimed at engaging emerging artists in rural Alberta communities to foster professional development and address intergenerational gaps. The projects focus on mentorship, skills development, accessibility, and capacity building for emerging artists outside major urban regions.
- Mentorship programs pairing emerging artists with experienced mentors to provide professional guidance and skill-building opportunities.
- Workshops, classes, or residencies offering arts-related skill development to emerging artists in various disciplines.
- Projects supporting emerging artists to plan and execute their own arts projects, such as exhibitions, performances, or community arts initiatives.
- Activities connecting emerging artists with Elders and Knowledge Keepers to share artistic practices through community gatherings.
- Programs building capacity for emerging artists to sustain their practice, including marketing skills and strategies.
Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the applicant's profile and activities.
- The applicant must be a not-for-profit organization, registered and operating in Alberta for at least one year, and in good standing under the appropriate legislation.
- The applicant can also be a First Nation or Métis Settlement in Alberta.
- Foundations established and regulated under Alberta’s Regional Health Authorities Act are eligible.
- Universities, colleges, or institutes recognized under Alberta’s Post-Secondary Learning Act can apply.
- At least 50% of the organization’s board members must live in Alberta.
- Applicant organizations must deliver public arts and cultural programming in specified arts disciplines or serve traditionally underserved communities.
- Applicants must demonstrate adherence to good governance principles, efficient administration practices, and fiscal responsibility.
- Applicants must demonstrate financial stability for at least one year prior to application.
- Partnership projects between eligible organizations are permitted, provided they demonstrate shared control and responsibility among partners.
The Alberta Foundation for the Arts (AFA) invites applications from culturally diverse artists, organizations, and communities including Indigenous peoples, racialized communities, women, people with disabilities, and the 2SLGBTQIA+ community to support their engagement projects outside of Alberta's major urban centers. Eligible applicants must be one of the following:- A not-for-profit organization that has been registered and operating in Alberta for at least one year, in good standing under the appropriate legislation.- A First Nation or Métis Settlement in Alberta.- A foundation established and regulated under Alberta’s Regional Health Authorities Act.- A university, college, or institute recognized under Alberta’s Post-Secondary Learning Act.Eligible organizations must ensure that:- At least 50% of their board members reside in Alberta.- They deliver public arts and cultural programming in one or more specific areas, such as self-created and self-produced work for public presentation, artist support, development and training, and programming open to the general public and traditionally underserved communities.- They demonstrate adherence to good governance principles, efficient administrative practices, and fiscal responsibility.- They possess financial stability as judged by the AFA at least one year prior to applying.- Partnership projects with multiple organizations are permissible, granted they involve shared control and enhance program offerings.Applicants falling under specific ineligible categories include commercial enterprises, schools, municipalities, organizations not at arm’s length from respective entities, and those with incomplete financial reporting to the AFA or related ministries.
This grant excludes certain types of organizations due to their status or main activities. These restrictions ensure the grant is utilized by entities closely aligned with the program's objectives to foster arts and culture in rural communities.
- Municipalities.
- Commercial enterprises or for-profit organizations/companies.
- Schools.
- Organizations that are not arm’s length from municipalities, commercial enterprises, or schools.
- Organizations engaged primarily in competition-based activities.
- Organizations that do not meet the specified eligibility criteria.
- Organizations with overdue or incomplete accounting/reporting with the AFA or the Ministry of Arts, Culture and Status of Women.
Applicants can apply for funding to cover eligible expenses that are directly related to carrying out the proposed project.
- Costs associated with the project activities over and above normal operations.
- External consultation, contract costs, commissioning fees, and artist/mentor fees associated with project execution.
- Elder, Knowledge Keeper, and/or cultural advisor honoraria and gifts as appropriate.
- Project related materials and supplies (i.e., art materials, hospitality excluding alcohol).
- Venue and equipment rental costs.
- Event or activity marketing and promotion costs.
- Project-related travel and accommodation for artists, mentors, or participants.
- Other expenses considered by the AFA to be reasonable and necessary.
This grant targets organizations operating in rural Alberta communities, specifically outside of Alberta’s major urban centres. It aims to support emerging artist engagement projects that foster development and address professional gaps in these areas.
- First Nations reserves in Alberta.
- Metis Settlements in Alberta.
- Rural communities throughout Alberta, excluding major urban centres.
The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on specific criteria that assess the program’s effectiveness in supporting emerging artists in rural Alberta, ensuring alignment with the grant’s goals to foster skills and community development.
- Needs Assessment: The project must demonstrate a clear needs assessment that identifies gaps or barriers in support and professional development for emerging artists within the region or community where the programming takes place.
- Project Merit: The project must show merit and clarity in the strategies the organization will use to train, develop, and mentor emerging artists to foster self-sufficiency within the community.
- Project Impact: The anticipated long-term impact of the project on both the emerging artists and the organization’s future capacity and growth must be outlined.
- Applicant Ability: The ability of the applicant to successfully carry out the proposed project, including their programming history and achievements to date, must be demonstrated.
- Project Budget: The appropriateness of the project's budget, including evidence of in-kind and/or financial contributions from the applicant, when applicable, should be clearly specified.
Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
- Step 1: Preliminary Registration
- First-time applicants need to obtain a GATE Front Office username and password.
- Complete the GATE Front Office Registration form and email it to registrationAFA@gov.ab.ca.
- Request for username and password should be submitted at least five business days prior to the application deadline.
- Step 2: Prepare Application
- Review the program guidelines and download the GATE Front Office user guide and the Grant Writing Guide from the AFA website.
- Gather all necessary documents including organization’s legal name, Alberta Registration number, current board list, project description, project expenses and revenue lists, and previous financial statements.
- For partnership projects, collect and consolidate financial statements from all participating organizations into one file.
- Prepare a detailed project description, including objectives, planned activities, and timelines.
- Compile additional required attachments such as marketing plans, itineraries, and partnership agreements if applicable.
- Step 3: Submit Application
- Log into the GATE Front Office online application system using your username and password.
- Fill out the application forms, ensuring all sections including contact information and project details are complete.
- Upload all supporting documents and attachments to the GATE system.
- Submit your application before 11:59 p.m. Mountain Standard Time on the deadline date, ensuring this is done before any statutory holidays or weekends that may affect the deadline.
- Step 4: Confirmation of Submission
- Upon submission, ensure you receive a notification confirming the receipt of your application.
- Retain any confirmation or tracking information provided by the GATE system for your records.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- Applicants are responsible for providing a final report 60 days from the project completion date as noted in the successful notification document.
- The AFA retains all materials submitted with the grant applications.
- The grant must be acknowledged in all publicity related to the project, with failure to do so possibly resulting in cancellation of the grant.
- Funding is not assured for any project, and decisions are final.
- The AFA may conduct examinations of the grant recipient's records to ensure proper use of grant funds.
- Upon receiving funding, a project must still be completed as proposed even if not fully funded, or grant funds must be returned.
- One extension per project can be requested if necessary, subject to AFA approval.
- The grant can be revoked and funds must be returned if reporting requirements are not met or if the grant is not used as intended.