
  • grant_single|noCondition
  • grant_single|openingDateJanuary 8, 2024
  • grant_single|closingDateFebruary 10, 2025
Grant and Funding
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • Alberta Foundation for the Arts (AFA)


This grant provides annual funding to eligible not-for-profit community organizations in Alberta, supporting arts-related operations, programming, and activities, with funding amounts based on eligible expenses and equitable distribution of available funds. It is designed exclusively for organizations focusing on artist support and development, artist training, or enhancing public participation in the arts.


The AFA — Community Support Organizations Operating Funding outlines several financing modalities to ensure optimal utilization of the grant by recipients. This funding specifically supports the operational needs in alignment with the organization's mandate and planned activities.
  • Funding is only provided for planned organizational activities in the next fiscal year, based on the submitted application.
  • Funding cannot be utilized for ineligible expenses such as alcohol, amortization, and capital expenses.
  • The AFA board establishes funding amounts based on available allocations and organizational eligible expenses.
  • Funding recipients must return any unused funds or misused amounts back to the AFA if conditions are violated.
  • Grantees must acknowledge AFA funding in public materials, with possible funding reductions for non-compliance.
  • The AFA may demand repayment or adjust future funding if reporting requirements or compliance conditions are not fulfilled.
  • Organizations can be restricted from applying for further AFA funding for up to three years if reporting conditions are not met.


This grant supports the operational needs of non-profit community organizations that are focused on arts programs and services. It is designed to enhance their capacity to carry out their principal mandates effectively.
  • Administrative activities that are essential for the organization's operation.
  • Development and delivery of arts programming that aligns with the organization’s mandate.
  • Compensation for staff including salaries and fees for artistic and administrative personnel.
  • Maintenance and upkeep of equipment and fixed assets crucial for organizational activities.
  • Promotional activities to increase public awareness and participation in arts initiatives.
  • Other operational expenses necessary for fulfilling the organization's strategic or business plans.


Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the organization's mandate and operational criteria.
  • The organization must have programming in artist support and development, artist training, or public participation in the arts as its principal mandate as stated in its incorporation document.
  • Must be a not-for-profit organization.
  • Must be registered and in good standing under the appropriate legislation and have been in operation in Alberta for at least two years.
  • At least 50% of the organization’s board members must live in Alberta.
  • Must demonstrate the ability to operate using good governance principles, effective administration practices, and a commitment to fiscal responsibility while maintaining its mandate.
  • Must operate as a stand-alone arts organization at arm's length from municipalities, commercial enterprises, or organizations and institutions receiving annual operating funds from the Government of Alberta or its affiliates.


To be eligible for Community Support Organizations operating funding, organizations must meet the following criteria:- Have programming in artist support and development, artist training, or public participation in the arts as the principal mandate as stated in the incorporation document.- Be a not-for-profit organization.- Be registered and in good standing under the appropriate legislation and have been in operation in Alberta for at least two years.- Have at least 50% of the organization’s board members living in Alberta.- Demonstrate the ability to operate using good governance principles, effective administration practices, and a commitment to fiscal responsibility while maintaining its mandate.- Operate as a stand-alone arts organization at arms-length from municipalities, commercial enterprises, or organizations, and institutions receiving annual operating funds from the Government of Alberta or its affiliates.Ineligible applicants include organizations that are engaged primarily in competition-based activity.First-time applicants must contact the AFA at least three months before the deadline for a preliminary eligibility assessment and provide approved financial statements demonstrating positive net assets for the two annual fiscal periods immediately prior to application.


This grant excludes certain organizations based on their primary activities or affiliations. The restrictions ensure that the funding supports dedicated arts programs and services.
  • Organizations engaged primarily in competition-based activities.
  • Organizations not operating at arm's length from municipalities, commercial enterprises, or those receiving annual operating funds from the Government of Alberta or its affiliates.


This funding generally supports the operational expenses necessary for an organization's mandate and planned activities.
  • Administration costs.
  • Programming expenses.
  • Salaries and fees for personnel.
  • Maintenance of equipment and fixed assets.
  • Promotion and marketing expenses.
  • Other necessary expenses to fulfill the organization's mandate.


This grant is specifically targeted toward not-for-profit community arts organizations operating within Alberta. The eligibility is region-specific to ensure that art programs can flourish across the province.
  • Organizations must have been in operation within Alberta for at least two years.
  • At least 50% of the organization’s board members must reside in Alberta.


Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
  • Step 1: Preliminary Eligibility Assessment
  • Contact the Alberta Foundation for the Arts (AFA) at least three months prior to the deadline if applying for the first time to undergo a preliminary eligibility assessment.
  • Step 2: GATE Front Office Registration
  • Download and complete the GATE Front Office Registration form.
  • Email the completed registration form as an attachment to at least five business days prior to the application deadline, quoting the funding opportunity or grant program.
  • Receive your GATE Front Office username and password via email.
  • Step 3: Prepare Application
  • Prepare all application materials and required attachments, including financial statements, board lists, and planned activities listings, according to the guidelines provided in the GATE Front Office user guide.
  • Step 4: Complete Online Application
  • Log into the GATE Front Office system using your credentials.
  • Fill out the application formlets, such as Contact List, Applicant Contact Information, Organization Information, and others as required.
  • Attach all necessary documents to the GATE Front Office submission.
  • Step 5: Submit Application
  • Submit the completed application through GATE Front Office by 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time on the deadline date, ensuring the system has time to process the application.
  • Ensure receipt of application submission notification from the AFA.


Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
  • First-time applicants must contact the AFA at least three months before the deadline for a preliminary eligibility assessment.
  • Application must be submitted through the GATE Front Office online system by 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time on the deadline date or the next working day if it falls on a statutory holiday or weekend.
  • First-time applicants need a GATE Front Office username and password; requests for registration must be made at least five business days before the application deadline.
  • Successful grant recipients are generally notified between four to six months after the application deadline.
  • Your organization is only eligible to receive support from one AFA operating funding opportunity per year.
  • The AFA may examine financial and other records to ensure the grant is used for its intended purpose, and unused funds must be returned.
  • Non-compliance with AFA recognition requirements may result in a 10% funding reduction in subsequent payments or ineligibility for future funding.
  • A final report for the previous fiscal year, demonstrating the use of awarded funds, is due by March 1.
  • Depending on the grant amount received, different types of financial statements may be required, ranging from a board-approved financial statement to a full audited financial statement.


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