MRC La Vallée-de-l'Or — Support Program for Structuring Projects (PSPS)
QC, Canada
Support for impactful rural and regional development projects
- grant_single|maxCount
- grant_single|projectCostPercent
- grant_single|closingDateMarch 31, 2025
Grant and Funding
- Educational services
- Health care and social assistance
- Arts, entertainment and recreation
- Other services (except public administration)
- Public administration
- MRC La Vallée-de-l'Or
The "FONS RÉGIONS ET RURALITÉ" aims to improve living environments and stimulate development through community, social, environmental, and economic projects, with a maximum funding of $25,000 per project. Eligible activities include acquiring professional services, equipment, technology, and volunteer involvement, while excluding infrastructure and regular operational expenses.
The Support Program for Structuring Projects provides financial assistance to eligible organizations through a structured set of financing modalities. These modalities ensure a systematic disbursement of funds aligned with project milestones and contribution requirements.
- The maximum financial contribution by the MRC cannot exceed 60% of the total admissible expenses, capped at $25,000 per project.
- Volunteer hours are accounted for within a limit of 20% of the admissible project expenses, at the current minimum wage rate.
- A minimum contribution of 20% of admissible expenses must be demonstrated by the applicant, which can include monetary contributions, donations, or services from organizations involved in the project.
- The first installment of 60% of the grant amount is released upon signing the financial assistance agreement.
- The second installment, amounting to 30%, is provided upon submission of a preliminary report with supporting documents for previously disbursed funds.
- The final 10% is disbursed after acceptance of the final report by the MRC, demonstrating full project completion and validation of expenses.
- Projects must be completed within one year from the date of the council resolution.
- Any excess funds received must be returned to the MRC.
- Expenses exceeding the project budget are the responsibility of the applicant organization.
The Support Program for Structuring Projects (PSPS) aims to enhance living conditions and stimulate local development through strategic initiatives. Eligible projects are those that act as catalysts for development, encouraging community involvement and providing significant, sustainable benefits to the communities within MRC La Vallée-de-l'Or.
- Projects that improve the overall quality of life and safety in the community.
- Initiatives that encourage innovation and sustainable practices.
- Programs that consolidate existing community services and resources.
- Projects addressing critical local issues with wide-reaching positive impacts.
- Collaborative projects that unify various community stakeholders towards a common goal.
Eligibility for this grant is restricted to specific types of organizations operating within the specified regions.
- The applicant must be a municipality, a municipal organization, or a band council of an indigenous community.
- Eligible entities include non-profit organizations that are incorporated, and non-financial cooperatives.
- Organizations from the education, health, culture, environment, heritage, and social services sectors that cover, in whole or in part, the described territory are eligible.
- Private for-profit companies and financial cooperatives are not eligible for this grant.
- Each municipality and municipal organization can only submit one application per year.
The grant is open to various organizations focusing on structural development projects in the region covered by the MRC de La Vallée-de-l’Or. Eligible applicants are categorized into specific organizational types.
- Municipalities and municipal organizations as well as the band councils of Indigenous communities.
- Non-profit organizations (NPOs) and incorporated cooperatives that are non-financial.
- Organizations in the education, health, culture, environment, heritage, and social services sectors, provided they operate within the eligible territory specified in the PSPS.
The FONDS RÉGIONS ET RURALITÉ VOLET 2 grant explicitly outlines entities that are excluded based on their status and nature of operations. These restrictions are implemented to target support toward non-profit and community-focused initiatives.
- Private for-profit enterprises.
- Financial cooperatives.
The grant funds specific expenses essential for the development and execution of projects within eligible territories.
- Administrative fees associated with the position of the local development coordinator at the MRC.
- Professional fees costs.
- Capital expenditures for assets such as land, buildings, equipment, machinery, and rolling stock.
- Costs for incorporation and similar capital expenses.
- Acquisition costs for technology, software or software packages, patents, and similar expenses.
- Working capital requirements calculated for the first year of operation of an organization.
- Volunteer hours accounted at the minimum wage rate, up to 20% of the project cost.
- Recoverable portion of taxes by the organization.
This grant is geographically restricted to entities within the MRC de la Vallée-de-l'Or. It is aimed at supporting local communities, including specific Indigenous communities, within this region.
- Municipalities composing the territory of the MRC de la Vallée-de-l'Or.
- Indigenous communities of Kitcisakik and Lac Simon.
The evaluation criteria for the grant are designed to promote development through prioritization based on set parameters, although specific point scores are not provided in the document.
- Proposer's experience and capability in executing similar projects.
- Alignment with the strategic goals of improving living environments and encouraging project innovation.
- Extent of community support and collaborative efforts among local organizations.
- Project's potential to generate positive outcomes in social, environmental, and economic fields.
- Clear demonstration of financial autonomy and sustainability.
- Feasibility and actionable timeline of the project.
- Presents a structured plan for the consolidation of existing services and resources.
- Step 1: Obtain Application Form
- Contact the local development coordinator by phone at 819 825-7733, ext. 263 or via email at nathalieboucher@mrcvo.qc.ca.
- Alternatively, download the form from the MRCVO website (link not provided in the context).
- Step 2: Prepare Project Proposal
- Fill out the application form with all necessary details about your project.
- Gather all required documents, including bids for project costs, proof of authorization, letters patent, confirmation from partners or sponsors, support letters from relevant municipalities or communities, latest financial statements, necessary permits, and other relevant documents.
- Step 3: Community Approval
- Obtain support from the concerned community prior to seeking approval from the council of mayors.
- Step 4: Submission of Application
- Submit the complete application package - including all the forms and documents - to the local development coordinator or online if applicable.
- Ensure that the application is complete; incomplete applications will be refused.
- Step 5: Project Evaluation
- Once submitted, the application will be reviewed by the Economic Investment Committee (CIE) of the MRC de La Vallée-de-l’Or.
- Projects will be evaluated based on the official evaluation criteria and a score will be given.
- Step 6: Decision by the Council of Mayors
- The council of mayors will receive recommendations from the CIE and make a final decision on the prioritization and approval of the projects.
- A confirmation letter including the resolution will be sent to the eligible organization.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- There is an obligation for the applicant to include acknowledgments of the MRC de La Vallée-de-l’Or in all communications about the project.
- Applicants must notify the MRC at least 30 days in advance of any official ceremonies related to the project.
- The financial assistance agreement must be signed within six months of council approval, or the grant will be void.
- Projects must be completed within one year following the decision by the council of mayors, with a phased payment system based on progress reports.