Support program for organizations working with people experiencing homelessness - Trois-Rivières - QC - Canada

Support program for organizations working with people experiencing homelessness

Trois-Rivières, QC
Financial support for organizations assisting vulnerable individuals in Trois-Rivières


  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • Health care and social assistance
  • City of Trois-Rivières


The Support Program for organizations working with homeless individuals in Trois-Rivières offers financial support that can reach 2% of the operating budget of eligible organizations. It aims to promote harmonious social coexistence through activities such as street work, transitional housing, and day centers.


  • Funding of up to a maximum of 2% of the organization's operating budget allocated to the targeted funding component, as determined by the previous year's financial statements.
  • Possibility for an organization to apply under both funding components if financial statements clearly distinguish between the two or if the organization can demonstrate these distinctions.
  • Financial support is conditional upon the provision of necessary clarifications by the organization to assess services rendered for the desired component and/or the portion of action within Trois-Rivières, particularly for regional organizations.


  • Providing a safe environment through presence, awareness, and intervention activities in Trois-Rivières.
  • Offering street work and proximity work services.
  • Conducting prevention and consumption assistance activities.
  • Providing accommodation and shelter solutions for homeless individuals.
  • Offering transitional housing services.
  • Running emergency shelters and/or refuge centers.
  • Operating day centers.


  • The organization must be admitted by the City of Trois-Rivières' Policy of Support Eligibility and be categorized as a "mutual assistance and community life organization."
  • The organization must have a mission aimed at assisting people experiencing homelessness and social exclusion.
  • The organization's mission must align with the funding components of this program.
  • The organization must promote coordination and partnership with other organizations in its field.
  • The organization must receive operational support from another level of government.


  • Organizations admitted by the City of Trois-Rivières' Policy of Eligibility for Support to Organizations under the category "mutual aid and community life organization."
  • Organizations focused on assisting people experiencing homelessness and social exclusion.
  • Organizations that encourage collaboration and partnerships with other local entities.
  • Organizations receiving operational support from another level of government.
  • Organizations offering street work, proximity work, and prevention and assistance in consumption services.
  • Organizations providing housing and accommodation solutions such as transitional housing, emergency accommodation, refuges, and day centers.


  • Street work and proximity work.
  • Prevention and assistance with consumption.
  • Housing and transitional accommodation.
  • Emergency shelter and/or refuge type accommodations.
  • Day center.


  • City of Trois-Rivières, Quebec


  • Assessment based on the date of submission of the application, with the deadline being April 30 for the following year.
  • Application submission via the dedicated form available on the Portal for Organizations.
  • Evaluation of the operating budgets using the previous year as the reference year.


  • Step 1: Access the Organizations PortalLog into the City of Trois-Rivières Organizations Access Portal.
  • Step 2: Prepare the applicationEnsure that your organization meets the specific eligibility criteria set by the City.
  • Collect the financial statements from the previous year for evaluation.
  • Step 3: Fill out the application formProvide the required information in the application form on the Portal.
  • Step 4: Submit the applicationSubmit the completed form before the deadline of April 30 for the following year.
  • Step 5: Follow up on the applicationAn internal committee reviews the submitted applications.
  • Wait for contact from the program manager regarding funding terms.


  • The funding allocation is capped at a maximum of 2% of the organization's operational budget dedicated to the targeted funding category.
  • The applicant's previous year's financial statements are necessary for assessing the allocated funding amounts.
  • The city reserves the right to request further clarification from the organization to evaluate the services provided under the desired funding area or actions within Trois-Rivières.
  • An organization can apply for both funding streams if its financial statements differentiate between the two areas of intervention or if it can demonstrate these distinctions.
  • An internal committee will determine the financial allocation after the application submission.
  • The program's contact person will reach out to selected organizations to discuss funding modalities and accountability procedures.

Apply to this program