
  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|openingDateDecember 16, 2024
  • grant_single|closingDateJanuary 30, 2025
Grant and Funding
  • Information and cultural industries
  • Société de développement des entreprises culturelles (SODEC)


The grant program aims to support cultural enterprises in Quebec by enhancing their performance and competitiveness, offering funding of up to $75,000 for entrepreneurial development projects such as creating business strategies, conducting market studies, and implementing technological solutions. Eligible activities focus on significant business growth phases and the acquisition of new expertise necessary for the enterprise's advancement.


This grant offers substantial financial support through a structured disbursement process, ensuring that funds are available to effectively advance entrepreneurial projects. The financing terms are clearly delineated to align with project objectives and timelines.
  • The grant provides financial assistance capped at a maximum of $75,000 per project.
  • Up to 50% of eligible expenses can be covered by the grant, with increased coverage of up to 75% for entrepreneurial succession, transfer, or business recovery cases.
  • 70% of the financial assistance is disbursed upon signing the agreement, ensuring immediate project funding.
  • The remaining 30% is disbursed at the conclusion of project activities, contingent on the submission and acceptance of a final report capturing project impacts.
  • The disbursement schedule may be adjusted based on project complexity or specific needs.
  • All funding is conditional on the availability of funds and must be aligned with the budget approvals by the National Assembly.


The SODEC grant supports projects that enable cultural enterprises to overcome specific challenges and advance their development. Eligible activities focus on enhancing strategic business functions and phases.
  • Development of business models and plans.
  • Feasibility studies and market research assessments.
  • Creation of marketing strategies, including those for export.
  • Implementation of technological or digital solutions.
  • Development of intellectual property protection strategies.
  • Enhancement of management capacity strategies.
  • Strategies for entrepreneurial succession or business transfer.

$ 63,750

Implementing a new inventory management system for an independent bookstore

$ 75,000

Developing a digital marketing strategy for an independent publishing house


Eligibility for this grant is determined by the type of company, its location, and its operational history.
  • The company must be a legally constituted entity, either for-profit or non-profit, primarily operating within the activity domains of the SODEC.
  • The company's head office and main place of business must be in Quebec, with effective control of the company primarily held by individuals whose tax residence is in Quebec.
  • The company must have been in operation for at least one year or possess appropriate professional experience, or be a new company only in cases of the transfer of existing cultural enterprises.
  • Individual businesses are not eligible unless in the field of crafts.


This grant is designed to support the strategic development of Quebec-based cultural enterprises, whether for-profit or non-profit, that are legally constituted and primarily engaged in activities within SODEC's fields of operation. Eligible projects focus on structured and personalized entrepreneurial support that meets the real needs of these enterprises.
  • Legally constituted companies, either for-profit or non-profit, primarily operating in SODEC's cultural sectors.
  • Enterprises with their head office and main establishment in Quebec, with effective control held by Quebec residents.
  • Companies that have been operational for at least one year or have appropriate professional experience, or are new entities resulting from the transfer of existing cultural enterprises.
  • Projects addressing specific challenges in geographic positioning, business strategy, financial management, or entrepreneurial succession and transfer.


This grant is not available for certain types of companies due to their business structure or primary activity. The purpose is to align the support with the cultural sector's strategic needs.
  • Individual companies, except within the field of arts and crafts.


The grant covers specific expenses directly related to the implementation and success of the entrepreneurial development project.
  • Fees for advisors and experts.
  • Costs for purchasing specialized information that is pertinent and necessary for the project.
  • Any other expenses that are pertinent and necessary for the realization of the project.


This grant is available to companies that are based in specific geographical areas within Quebec, Canada. Eligible companies must have their main office and principal establishment located in Quebec.
  • Companies with their main office and principal establishment in Quebec.


The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on specific criteria to ensure alignment with the grant’s objectives and the effective use of resources.
  • The pertinence of the entrepreneurial support project and the learnings: in line with identified needs, the stage of evolution of the company, regular activities of the company, and the expertise of the advisors.
  • The feasibility of the project: realism of the budget and financial structure, admissible expenditures, the amount requested, the company's financial capacity and contribution, and the ability of the company to manage the project and plan favorable measures for the implementation of skills.
  • The importance of the project's outcomes: the economic impact on the company's development and the existing or developing cultural content, and the expected short and medium-term results.


Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
  • Step 1: Register and Access Portal
  • Register an account on the SODEC’s secure portal, SOD@ccès.
  • Access the program's page to check the submission calendar.
  • Step 2: Prepare Documentation
  • Complete and sign the application form, detailing the project description and financial plan.
  • Obtain a service offer or letter of commitment, signed and detailing fees from professional advisors.
  • Gather confirmations of funding from other partners, if applicable.
  • Prepare necessary documents for opening or updating the account file.
  • Step 3: Submit Application
  • Log into the SOD@ccès portal.
  • Upload all required documents and complete the submission according to the guidelines.


Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
  • The grant is designed to support cultural enterprises regardless of their stage of evolution, including start-up, diversification, succession, growth, technological shifts, restructuring, or transfer.
  • 70% of the financial assistance is provided upon signing the agreement, and the remaining 30% is due once a final report is submitted and accepted.
  • Beneficiaries must provide all necessary records and information for SODEC's periodic program evaluations over five years while maintaining confidentiality.
  • SODEC promotes sustainable business practices and encourages applicants to adopt green and responsible approaches.
  • The SODEC reserves the right to amend the payment terms based on the nature or complexity of certain projects.


SODEC — Support for entrepreneurial development

Apply to this program

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