Alberta — Value-Added Program AB Canada

Alberta — Value-Added Program

AB, Canada
Value-Added Program supports diversification and innovation in Alberta's value-added food and bio-industrial sectors.


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  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Manufacturing
  • Government of Alberta
  • Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (SCAP)


The Value-Added Program in Alberta supports processors in the food and bio-industrial sectors by offering grants for projects that enhance sales, production capacity, market access, and job creation. Eligible activities include processing capacity expansion, food safety improvements, new product development, and market access initiatives.


Yes, there are eligible activities for this grant:
  • Processing capacity expansion
  • Food safety improvement
  • New product and process development
  • Market development and access


Expand a food processing plant to increase production capacity and create new jobs.


Improve food safety protocols for a community-run kitchen to enhance product quality.


Red Deer
Launch a new organic product line in a family-owned food processing company.


Develop a new gluten-free product line in a mid-sized food processing company.


Expand market access for a NPO's handcrafted food products through an e-commerce platform.


Medicine Hat
Develop a new eco-friendly packaging line for a small business in the food industry.


The eligibility criteria for this grant are:
  • Be a bio-industrial processor or food processor in Alberta
  • Individual or corporation registered in Alberta at the time of application
  • For Stream B, have $100,000 or greater in global annual gross sales


Yes, bio-industrial processors and food processors that operate in Alberta are eligible for this grant. They can receive funding for projects that enhance sales, production capacity, market opportunities, and job creation.
  • Bio-industrial processors
  • Food processors


Based on the Value-Added Program Terms and Conditions, there are no specific types of companies mentioned that are not eligible for this grant.


Eligible expenses for this grant include capital expenses which are cost-shared at 25% grant and 75% applicant, and non-capital expenses which are cost-shared at 50% grant and 50% applicant up to a maximum total amount of $50,000.
  • Capital expenses at 25% grant and 75% applicant
  • Non-capital expenses at 50% grant and 50% applicant


Yes, there are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant. The applications are assessed based on eligibility criteria and merit scoring.
  • Eligibility as a bio-industrial or food processor
  • Merit scoring based on changes to agricultural products, company sales, production capacity, market expansion, and job creation in Alberta


  • Step 1: Check your eligibility
  • Determine whether you are eligible by reviewing the Value-Added Program Terms and Conditions.
  • Confirm that your proposed activities are ‘eligible activities’ listed in the Funding List.
  • Complete all sections of the application form.
  • If you have questions on eligibility or program criteria, e-mail [email protected] and a grant specialist will assist you.
  • Step 2: Complete application form
  • Complete and sign the Value-Added Program Application form.
  • Read ‘Part F: Certification’ carefully before you sign. Note, only original signatures will be accepted (electronic or digital signatures are not acceptable).
  • Step 3: Submit application form
  • Stream A – Submit the completed application form and supporting documents within 90 calendar days of the project start date.
  • Stream B – Submit the completed application form and supporting documents by 11:59 pm MST on May 27, 2024.


Here is some miscellaneous information about the grant:
  • Processing times aim to complete in up to 23 weeks from the program closing date to notify applicants of project support decisions.
Apply to this program