Alberta Innovates — Agri-Food and Bioindustrial Innovation Program
AB, Canada
Funding for agri-food and bioindustrial sector innovations
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Grant and Funding
- Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
- Construction
- Manufacturing
- Alberta Innovates
The Agri-Food and Bioindustrial Innovation Program provides funding of up to $500,000 per project, supporting the development of innovative technologies, processes, and products that enhance Alberta's agri-food, forestry, and bioindustrial sectors. Eligible activities include projects focusing on data and digital solutions, autonomous systems, agricultural biotechnology, food processing innovation, biofibre utilization, value-added biomass, and green construction.
This grant provides up to $500,000 in support per project, while covering up to 75% of total project costs. Applicants must ensure co-funding from alternate sources to meet the remaining budget requirements.
- Maximum funding support per project is $500,000.
- Funding covers up to 75% of total project costs; the remaining 25% must be sourced by the applicant or through partners.
- Co-funding is encouraged with other funding agencies, with no restriction on stacking contributions.
- Alberta Innovates only funds reasonable costs incurred after signing the Investment Agreement.
- The program funds on a milestone completion basis, with payments disbursed upon reaching agreed milestones and submitting progress reports.
- Costs incurred before the project start date defined in the Investment Agreement are ineligible.
- Costs must be between entities at arm's length.
This grant supports projects developing innovative technologies that enhance Alberta's agri-food and bioindustrial sectors, focusing on sustainability and productivity. Eligible activities include advancements in digital solutions, automation, biotechnology, and value-added processing that benefit these industries.
- Development of data and digital solutions for supply chain improvements.
- Research and implementation of autonomous systems for operational optimization.
- Advancement in agricultural biotechnology for enhanced farm productivity.
- Innovative food processing solutions aimed at reducing waste.
- Utilization of biofibres from agricultural and forestry residues.
- Creation of value-added biomass products and processes.
- Promotion of green construction practices.
Eligibility for this grant is based on specific requirements related to the applicant's profile, project focus, and its benefits to Alberta.
- The applicant must be a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME), industry organization, research and development organization, post-secondary institution, or government research laboratory.
- SMEs must have fewer than 500 full-time employees and less than $50,000,000 in annual gross revenue.
- Applicants do not need to be based in Alberta but must demonstrate a clear value proposition for Alberta.
- Projects should be researched, piloted, demonstrated, and/or implemented in Alberta with long-term impacts on the province.
- Applicants must exist as a corporate person with up-to-date corporate filings.
- Applicants must be authorized to undertake the proposed project and execute a grant agreement with Alberta Innovates.
- Applicants must not be prohibited from receiving Alberta Innovates funding, such as having a past bad debt or not being in good financial standing with Alberta Innovates or its subsidiaries.
- Collaboration with Alberta-based partners is strongly encouraged.
- Engagement with Alberta’s post-secondary and research institutions is encouraged where appropriate.
This grant targets a diverse group of potential applicants across various sectors who are aiming to address challenges in Alberta's agri-food and bioindustrial sectors. Successful projects should demonstrate a clear benefit to Alberta and ideally involve collaboration with local entities.
- Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with fewer than 500 full-time employees and less than $50 million in annual gross revenue.
- Industry organizations involved in agri-food and bioindustrial innovations.
- Research and development organizations, including those outside of Alberta, if they demonstrate benefits for the province.
- Post-secondary institutions and government research laboratories.
This grant excludes certain companies and activities that fall outside the program's focus areas. Primarily, applications related to marketing and biofuels do not meet the funding criteria.
- Companies seeking funding for bioenergy, biofuel, and biochar applications.
- Businesses focused on marketing and/or new agri-food product development.
The program provides funding for eligible project costs incurred post-agreement, directly related to the advancement of technologies within the agri-food and bioindustrial sectors.
- Personnel salaries dedicated to project work.
- Consulting and contractor fees necessary for project activities.
- Equipment and supplies essential for project implementation.
- Travel expenses directly related to project activities.
- Costs associated with field trials and demonstrations.
The Agri-Food and Bioindustrial Innovation Program is open to organizations not necessarily based in Alberta, but the projects submitted must clearly benefit the province. The program prioritizes projects taking place in Alberta that have long-term positive impacts for the region.
- Organizations anywhere, as long as they demonstrate benefits to Alberta.
- Projects must show a value proposition for Alberta.
- Priority is given to projects conducted in Alberta with clear, lasting benefits to the province.
The evaluation and selection of projects for the Agri-Food and Bioindustrial Innovation Program are based on several broad criteria designed to assess the fit with the program's objectives and potential impact on Alberta's agri-food and bioindustrial sectors.
- Innovation Opportunity: Assessment of relevance to the target industry, competitive market advantage, alignment to Alberta Innovates priorities, and Technology Readiness Level advancement during the project.
- Proposed Commercialization Pathway: Evaluation of the realistic plan to achieve market readiness within the project timelines and potential risk mitigation strategies.
- Project Overview: Clarity of project design and methodology, novelty of the proposed technology or intervention, and clearly identified objectives and deliverables.
- Impact: Assessment of the environmental, economic, social, and other proposed impacts to Alberta.
- Market Opportunity: Evaluation of the potential for the proposed work to be adopted by end-users in Alberta's agri-food or bioindustrial sectors.
- Project Work Plan, Budget, and Team: Evaluation of the clarity and feasibility of the budget, capacity of the project team, and the involvement of relevant partners.
- Project Risk Analysis and Mitigation: Identification of risks that could affect the project's success and the adequacy of mitigation strategies.
- Overall Impacts: Evaluation of potential significant, sustained, and measurable environmental, economic, and social impacts of the work to Alberta.
- Step 1: Initial Engagement
- Contact the program to discuss your project and ensure it aligns with the program priorities.
- Assess the project scope and alignment with Alberta Innovates priorities.
- Step 2: Register on the Portal
- Create an account on the Alberta Innovates Online Application Portal, Smart Simple.
- Step 3: Submit Intake Form
- Access the portal and find the Funding Opportunities tab on the dashboard.
- Complete the online Intake Form with project details.
- Submit the Intake Form for review.
- Step 4: Invitation to Full Proposal
- Receive an invitation to submit a Full Proposal upon successful review of the Intake Form.
- Prepare a detailed project proposal if invited.
- Step 5: Full Proposal Submission
- Submit the Full Proposal through the portal, including detailed plans and documentation as requested.
- Step 6: Evaluation and Agreement
- If selected, enter into an agreement with Alberta Innovates outlining milestones and reporting timelines.
- Proceed with project execution once the agreement is signed.
Here are additional relevant details for this program:
- The program provides up to 75% of total project costs, capped at $500,000 per project, meaning co-funding is necessary from the applicant or partners.
- Investment Agreements must be signed before any costs are considered eligible, with expenses incurred before this point deemed ineligible.
- Projects not based in Alberta need to articulate clear benefits for the province, and having Alberta-based partners is advantageous.
- Formal partnerships are encouraged, which can provide additional favorable consideration during evaluation.
- Intellectual property generated during the project must be managed appropriately with strategies in place, as this forms part of the evaluation criteria.
- Milestone completion is integral for funding and progress, requiring regular updates to Alberta Innovates.
- Successful projects may be monitored for impact over five years post-completion, to evaluate benefits achieved.
- The program allows for stacking of funds from other sources, but any reliance on uncommitted funding may delay or complicate contracting.
- Letters of support and/or confirmation of contributions from partners should accompany the application.