Regions and Rurality Fund (RRF) - Component 3
QC, Canada
Support MRC projects for innovative regional development initiatives
- grant_single|noCondition
- grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
- Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
- Arts, entertainment and recreation
- Accommodation and food services
- Gouvernement du Québec
The "Signature Innovation" Projects component of the Fonds régions et ruralité (FRR) aims to support municipalities in developing a distinctive regional development niche, such as cultural development, tourism, bio-food development, or welcoming newcomers, by undertaking innovative initiatives. Eligible activities include launching new ventures or strengthening existing sectors to establish a strong territorial identity; however, the maximum funding amount has not been specified in the provided context.
This grant provides a structured framework for financing, focusing on innovative initiatives that enhance regional identity and development. The financing modalities are guided by comprehensive management and governance structures to ensure project success and accountability.
- The formation of a steering committee responsible for overseeing the agreement implementation.
- Development of a management framework including an action plan and project selection criteria.
- Application of specific aid rates and thresholds for project funding.
- Implementation of governance rules, including project deadlines.
- Public availability of documentation related to managing the agreement, such as the management framework and annual spending reports.
The grant encourages regional municipalities to develop innovative projects that enhance their unique territorial characteristics. These initiatives aim to build a distinctive identity by leveraging new or existing sectors.
- Projects related to cultural development.
- Initiatives to boost tourism.
- Bio-food sector development projects.
- Programs or activities designed to attract new populations.
- Development of novel domains or consolidation of existing ones through innovative initiatives.
Eligibility for the "Signature innovation" projects under the Fonds régions et ruralité (FRR) is determined by specific steps and requirements related to the interested territorial municipal region (MRC).
- The MRC must submit a notice of interest form to confirm its intention to undertake a "Signature innovation" project.
- Eligible MRCs have received confirmation of the funding amount available for their project.
- The MRC is required to consult the "Définir son projet" document to guide the project definition process.
- The MRC must complete the necessary project development steps, including the drafting of a detailed work specification for the project.
The grant is specifically designed for MRCs (Regional County Municipalities) in Quebec aiming to develop their territory with innovative signature projects. These projects can involve cultural development, tourism, biofood development, or welcoming new populations, with a focus on creating a strong territorial identity. Eligible MRCs must:- Have an interest in undertaking a 'Signature Innovation' project and submit an expression of interest form.- Work within the financial limits confirmed for their project.- Establish a directorate committee to oversee project implementation according to applicable norms and standards.
The "Signature Innovation" component aims to support municipal regional counties (MRC) in developing a distinctive development niche across their territory through a comprehensive and innovative project or a series of connected projects. The eligible projects are geared towards enhancing the territorial identity of the MRC by building on unique cultural, tourism, agricultural, or demographic development initiatives.
- Cultural development initiatives to enhance the region's cultural identity.
- Tourism development projects to attract more visitors and boost local tourism.
- Bio-alimentary development projects focusing on agricultural and food innovation.
- Projects aimed at attracting and integrating new populations into the region.
- Innovative initiatives to explore new domains of activity within the MRC.
- Projects to consolidate and innovate in existing sectors on the territory.
This grant is intended for MRCs within a certain province or territory as outlined by the funding body. These regions aim to enhance their local territory through collaborative projects.
- MRCs within the province of Quebec, Canada.
The 'Signature Innovation' projects of the MRC under the Fonds régions et ruralité (FRR) focus on innovative and concrete projects that enhance the territorially distinct identity based on a development vision. The evaluation and selection criteria aim to identify projects that align with the program's objectives and effectively utilize the available resources.
- Alignment with the MRC's territorial development vision.
- Innovative nature of the project or initiative.
- Contribution to the establishment of a strong territorial identity.
- Complementarity with other existing programs and initiatives.
- Feasibility and sustainability of the proposed project.
- Potential for cultural, touristic, bio-alimentary, or demographic enhancement.
Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
- Step 1: Confirm Interest
- Submit the "Avis d'intérêt" form to confirm intention to apply for the "Signature innovation" project.
- Step 2: Define Project
- Consult the document titled "Définir son projet" to outline the project scope and objectives.
- Conduct necessary preparatory actions for project development.
- Step 3: Complete Project Specifications
- Finalize the project specifications and related work plan.
- Step 4: Establish Steering Committee
- Upon concluding an agreement, establish a steering committee including representatives from the MRC, a representative from the Ministry, and potentially other relevant stakeholders.
- Develop a management framework outlining the action plan, preferred project types, project selection criteria, applicable aid rates and thresholds, and governance rules.
- Step 5: Publicize Management Framework
- Make available on the MRC's website the documentation related to the management of the agreement, such as the composition of the steering committee and the management framework.
- Update these documents as necessary.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- The establishment of a steering committee is mandatory upon concluding an agreement, ensuring all projects align with applicable norms and sustain administrative and financial follow-up.
- The management framework developed by the steering committee should include a detailed action plan, project criteria, and governance rules.
- The MRC must publicly share and regularly update documentation regarding the agreement's management, including committee composition and financial reports.