Quebec book publishing tax credit
QC, Canada
Tax credit for publishing Quebec books and international sales
- grant_single|projectCostPercent
- grant_single|openingDateNovember 14, 2019
Tax Credits
- Information and cultural industries
- Gouvernement du Québec
- Société de développement des entreprises culturelles (SODEC)
Credit of 27% to 50% on various costs associated with publishing books, comic strips and collections of poetry in Quebec, including developing foreign markets, major publishing projects, translation into other languages and creation of digital versions.
This tax credit is designed to enhance the reach of Quebec's book publishing industry by supporting large-scale publishing projects. It encourages the expansion of Quebec publications in foreign markets and the exploration of new translation opportunities, as well as facilitating digital version accessibility.
- Development of foreign markets for Quebec book productions.
- Undertaking large-scale publishing projects.
- Exploitation of the translation market for greater reach.
- Support for digital versions of otherwise eligible works to adapt to new realities.
$ 50,000
Development of a digital library of Quebec literary works for worldwide access including translation and adaptation
$ 30,000
Expanding market reach of Quebec comic books to European countries through translation and digital versions
$ 22,500
Publishing a major anthology of contemporary Quebec poetry with digital adaptations and international distribution
$ 37,500
Translation of Quebec children's books into German for the European market with digital versions available
$ 50,000
Large-scale digital adaptation and international marketing of Quebec science-fiction novels
$ 25,000
Publishing an extensive historical novel adapting it into Spanish for the Latin American market
Eligibility for this tax credit program requires adherence to specific criteria related to the publishing activities and company status.
- The company must be involved in the publishing sector, specifically focusing on book publishing.
- The project must aim to develop foreign markets for Quebec productions, undertake notable publishing endeavors, exploit the translation market, or support digital versions of eligible works.
- The applicant must submit complete documentation through the SOD@ccès portal.
- The company's documents, such as the history, profile, shareholder, and administrator information, must be up-to-date.
- The company should be able to demonstrate financial capacity and operational structure to support the publishing activities.
- The applicant must comply with the guidelines established by the SODEC.
Publishers located in Quebec engaged in publishing activities that aim to expand foreign markets, undertake large-scale publishing projects, develop the translation market, or support digital versions of eligible books can apply for this tax credit.
This grant supports large-scale book publishing projects aimed at expanding the reach of Quebecois literary productions, including international market development and digital editions. The eligible activities focus on translation, market exploitation, and digital version support.
- Developing foreign markets for Quebecois productions.
- Executing large-scale publishing projects.
- Increasing the market exploitation for translation.
- Supporting digital versions to adapt to current realities.
This tax credit is targeted at book publishers operating within a specific region to promote local economic objectives. Eligibility is based on the company's presence within a defined provincial jurisdiction.
- Companies registered and operating in the province of Quebec, Canada.
There are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant.
- Complete and compliant applications will be considered for analysis, while incomplete submissions will be declared non-receivable.
- Applicants must ensure all required documents are attached and follow the guidelines outlined in the submission process.
- Step 1: Review Guidelines
- Consult the credit guidelines to ensure eligibility and understand the requirements.
- Review notions of financial assistance as outlined in the guidelines provided by SODEC.
- Step 2: Prepare Required Documentation
- Collect all necessary documents including the company's history, activities, and key achievements.
- Download and complete necessary templates like the Identification of Shareholders and Directors and any declarations required.
- Step 3: Create Profile on SOD@ccès
- Access the SOD@ccès portal and create a user profile if you are a new user.
- Step 4: Select the Appropriate Form
- Log into SOD@ccès and select the appropriate program number for the tax credit application "Crédit d'impôt remboursable pour l'édition de livres" either as prior decision or certificate form.
- Step 5: Complete and Upload Application
- Answer all specific questions in the form and upload all required documents.
- Ensure that documents are correctly named as per guidelines (e.g., BookTitle-DocumentType).
- Step 6: Submit Application
- Complete and submit your application through the SOD@ccès portal.
- Ensure all documents are included to prevent the application from being deemed incomplete and rejected.
- Step 7: Manage Payments
- Register for pre-authorized payment and debit services for payment of application fees.
- Complete forms for automatic debit and attach a specimen cheque.
Here are additional relevant details for the SODEC Refundable Tax Credit for Book Publishing:
- Submission strictly via the secure electronic portal SOD@ccès is mandatory.
- It is critical to prepare all required documentation before submission to ensure compliance.
- Applicants must register for pre-authorized debit and payment services for fee transactions, as checks are no longer accepted.