
  • grant_single|fromMinToMax
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • Retail trade
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • Accommodation and food services
  • Other services (except public administration)
  • Public administration
  • Entreprendre Sherbrooke


The Propulsion Fund Sherbrooke, managed by Entreprendre Sherbrooke, supports entrepreneurship development in Sherbrooke with non-repayable contributions up to $20,000 for eligible business ventures, prioritizing local commerce and services. The program is aimed at business start-ups, growth, succession, acquisitions, and projects ensuring the sustainability of existing enterprises.


  • The financial aid is non-repayable for social economy enterprises, covering up to 70% of project costs, with a minimum of $1,000 and a maximum of $20,000.
  • For for-profit enterprises, the non-repayable aid covers up to 10% of project costs, with a minimum of $1,000 and a maximum of $8,000.
  • An additional $2,500 may be granted to enterprises in startup, succession or takeover projects to cover professional fees, with a portion allocated for accounting services.
  • For proximity businesses, an extra non-repayable amount equaling 25% of the initial grant can be awarded based on eligibility.
  • Funds can cover capital expenditures, acquisition of technology, professional fees, and working capital for initial operational year.
  • Financial aid can cover up to 80% of project costs for social economy enterprises and up to 50% for for-profit enterprises, when combined with other governmental aids.
  • Financial disbursement is staged, with initial payments upon financial partner confirmation, and final disbursements tied to project evaluations.
  • For startups in pre-launch phase, 50% of market test-related costs is reimbursable upon invoice submission, up to a limit.


  • Business startup projects.
  • Business growth projects.
  • Business succession projects.
  • Business acquisition projects.
  • Projects ensuring the sustainability of an existing business.
  • Creation or maintenance of jobs through eligible business activities.

$ 40,000

Installation of solar panels for community energy savings


  • The business must be located on the territory of Sherbrooke.
  • The project should demonstrate the capacity to create or maintain jobs.
  • For start-up projects, there must be realistic financial forecasts for a two-year period.
  • The company must demonstrate its viability and profitability through a business plan.
  • The applicants must be aged 18 years and over.
  • Applicants must not be bankrupt or must demonstrate they have been discharged from any bankruptcy judgment.
  • Businesses at the pre-commercialization stage can request funding for market tests up to a specified maximum.
  • The business must be either a for-profit company or a social economy enterprise, not inclusive of certain excluded sectors.
  • The company must comply with the capital investment requirements, including a minimum capital level based on project cost.
  • 20% of the board of directors must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents for profit-oriented companies.
  • The business should engage in a market with development potential.
  • The business must return the financial contribution if relocating outside Sherbrooke within two years of the grant agreement.
  • The business must not fall into one of the excluded sectors (e.g., pyramid schemes, controversial industries, seasonal projects).


  • Social economy enterprises located in Sherbrooke.
  • For-profit enterprises located in Sherbrooke active in the following sectors:
    • Commerce and services
    • Artisanal production
    • Agrifood


  • Pyramid schemes.
  • Enterprises promoting violence, nudity, sexuality, religion, politics, or involved in controversial activities.
  • Self-employed workers or those remunerated on commission.
  • Seasonal projects that do not guarantee year-round operational activities.


  • Capital expenses such as land, building, equipment, and machinery.
  • Incorporation fees and patents.
  • Acquisition of technologies, software, or off-the-shelf solutions.
  • Professional fees.
  • Working capital needs strictly related to the company's operations calculated for the first year of operation.


  • Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada.


  • Demonstration of the project's viability and profitability via a business plan with realistic financial forecasts over two years.
  • Capacity to maintain existing jobs in cases of succession, takeover, or growth projects.
  • For startups, proof of creation of at least one job within the first two years for social economy enterprises, or two jobs for for-profit enterprises.
  • Management team experience and/or training related to the project’s field.
  • Presence in a market with development potential, evaluated by the project assessment committee.
  • Compliance with financial contribution limits and capital requirements set by the grant guidelines.


  • Step 1: Determine Eligibility
    • Verify if the business is located in Sherbrooke and fits the criteria for either social economy enterprises or for-profit enterprises.
    • Ensure the project involves job creation or maintenance and meets sector-specific criteria.
  • Step 2: Gather Documentation
    • For Volet 1, prepare a business plan, CVs of key persons, incorporation documents, financial statements, and letters of support.
    • For Volet 2, prepare a business plan, CVs of key persons, and financial statements.
  • Step 3: Contact Fund Provider
    • Reach out to Entreprendre Sherbrooke for guidance or to clarify the application requirements.
    • Contact Magnoudéwa Tangou, Strategic Financing Advisor, via phone or email for support.
  • Step 4: Prepare and Submit Application
    • Finalize the application including all necessary documentation and financial projections.
    • Ensure all required information is complete and accurate before submission.
  • Step 5: Await Feedback
    • After submitting the application, wait for confirmation and feedback from Entreprendre Sherbrooke.
    • Be prepared to provide any additional information if requested.


  • Financial assistance in the form of a non-repayable contribution is meant to be complementary to existing governmental programs and not a substitute.
  • An enterprise may only benefit from the FPS contribution once every 24 months, with certain exceptions.
  • Quarterly financial statements must be submitted following the receipt of the contribution for a period of 24 months.
  • If the business relocates outside Sherbrooke within two years of receiving the contribution, the full amount must be repaid within 30 days of the move.
  • The financial contribution should not be used for repaying any debts.
  • For eligibility, the business must have a capitalization level representing at least 20% of the project cost including the FPS non-repayable contribution, and a minimum of 10% of this must be in cash.


Apply to this program