PrairiesCan — Regional Economic Growth through Innovation — Regional Innovation Ecosystems
AB, Canada
Funding to support business growth in the Prairies
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Grant and Funding
- Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
- Manufacturing
- Information and cultural industries
- Professional, scientific and technical services
- Health care and social assistance
- Prairies Economic Development Canada (PrairiesCan)
- Government of Canada
Your not-for-profit organization could get a financial contribution to assist businesses at all stages of development in scaling up and becoming more globally competitive. Investments focus on enhancing business support networks for under-represented grou
The PrairiesCan RIE grant provides financial support through flexible funding modalities to enhance project execution and accountability. The funding focuses on strategic reimbursements and maintaining necessary documentation for financial clarity.
- Typically provides non-repayable funding through periodic reimbursements for eligible project costs.
- Reimbursements are made based on submitted claims for incurred and paid expenditures.
- Commercial projects with not-for-profit organizations or projects with for-profit organizations usually involve repayable funding.
- Repayable contributions are interest-free and repaid over five years in monthly installments, starting one year after project completion.
- The grant requires that at least 50% of the project financing is secured from non-PrairiesCan sources before application.
- All successful applicants are required to sign a standard Contribution Agreement, establishing terms for progress reporting and claims submission.
The eligible activities for this grant focus on fostering a robust regional innovation ecosystem in the Prairie provinces by responding to business scale-up challenges and opportunities. These initiatives are designed to enhance technology commercialization, improve productivity, and support business acceleration and incubation.
- Enhancing businesses' innovation efforts by setting up or expanding facilities to provide specialized services, including technology commercialization at readiness levels 7-9.
- Developing entrepreneurship and helping businesses access new markets, export, and attract investment for business scale-up purposes.
- Improving productivity through technology transfer, validation, training, and implementation.
- Building ecosystem capacity by developing strategic alliances and conducting research to address scaling-up barriers within a sector or cluster.
- Accelerating business and incubation processes by aiding entrepreneurs in creating and growing startups, through services such as business plan formation, marketing strategies, hiring, and access to office space and expert mentorship.
$ 150,000
Improving productivity of a local organic farm through advanced irrigation systems
$ 500,000
Scaling up a renewable energy startup focusing on solar panel installation and maintenance
$ 250,000
Launching a business acceleration program for indigenous entrepreneurs in the tech sector
$ 350,000
Creation of a business incubator to support women-led startups in the tech industry
$ 300,000
Development of AI-based agricultural drone technology for real-time crop health monitoring
$ 200,000
Establishing an eco-friendly packaging solution for local small businesses
Eligibility for the Regional Innovation Ecosystems (RIE) grant is limited to specific types of organizations that support businesses and innovation within the Prairie region.
- The applicant must be a not-for-profit organization.
- Organizations involved must support businesses, innovators, and entrepreneurs in areas such as start-up, growth, productivity, technology commercialization, technology adoption, export, and investment attraction.
- Eligible organizations include post-secondary educational institutions, business accelerators and incubators, angel networks, Indigenous organizations (such as Indigenous-led not-for-profit organizations and Indigenous-owned businesses), social enterprises, a group of eligible recipients like industry associations or consortia, and municipalities or other levels of government.
- All applicants must be legal entities capable of entering into legally binding agreements.
The Regional Innovation Ecosystems (RIE) program targets not-for-profit organizations in the Prairie provinces that support business innovation, growth, productivity, and competitiveness in priority sectors.
- Not-for-profit organizations involved in supporting businesses, innovators, and entrepreneurs.
- Post-secondary educational institutions focusing on innovation and entrepreneurship.
- Business accelerators and incubators aiding start-ups and scale-ups.
- Angel networks providing capital and mentorship to innovative businesses.
- Indigenous organizations, including Indigenous-led not-for-profit organizations and businesses.
- Social enterprises driving social innovation and impact.
- A group of eligible recipients such as industry associations or consortiums.
- Municipalities and other levels of government involved in economic development.
- Applicants must be legal entities capable of entering into legally binding agreements.
This grant is specifically designed for not-for-profit organizations, which inherently excludes certain types of entities. The restrictions ensure focus on fostering innovation ecosystems beneficial to strategic sectors.
- For-profit businesses that do not have a not-for-profit partner involved.
- Organizations that are not legal entities capable of entering into legally binding agreements.
This grant supports activities that aim to strengthen regional innovation ecosystems in the Prairies by addressing challenges and opportunities related to business scale-up, productivity, and technology commercialization. Eligible projects focus on fostering innovation, enhancing business environments, and supporting under-represented groups in the innovation economy.
- Technology commercialization, including enhancing business innovation efforts and setting up specialized services for businesses.
- Facilitating late-stage product development through technology showcasing and demonstrations.
- Business scale-up initiatives, such as developing entrepreneurship and helping businesses penetrate markets and attract investment.
- Productivity improvement through technology transfer, needs validation, and adoption of technologies for new applications.
- Ecosystem capacity building, including strategic business alliances and research to break down barriers to scaling and productivity.
- Business acceleration and incubation services, offering mentorship, office space, and specialized equipment to startups.
This grant is targeted towards the Prairie provinces in Canada, aligning with regional development objectives guided by PrairiesCan. The geographical focus ensures support for innovation ecosystems throughout these areas.
- Alberta
- Saskatchewan
- Manitoba
The evaluation and selection of projects under the Regional Innovation Ecosystems (RIE) grant in the Prairie provinces are based on specific criteria aimed at ensuring alignment with the program’s objectives to strengthen the regional economy.
- Alignment to program objectives.
- Strong market or industry demand, indicating the project addresses a significant gap in the market or there is a demonstrated industry demand for the project.
- Measurable economic benefits for the Prairie provinces.
- Effective governance measures and management team in place to carry out the project.
- Strong rationale for the project.
- Financial statements demonstrating the organization is financially self-sustaining.
- Leveraged funding from provincial governments, the private sector, and other non-government sources, typically 50% or more.
- Non-PrairiesCan funding is confirmed with written proof.
- Step 1: Consult the RIE Guides
- Review the RIE Expression of Interest (EOI) help guide.
- Refer to the RIE applicant guide for detailed instructions on the application process.
- Step 2: Contact PrairiesCan for Assistance
- Reach out to PrairiesCan with any inquiries regarding the application process.
- Contact information is available via email, telephone, fax, or mail.
- Step 3: Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI)
- Complete the abbreviated online EOI form with project purpose, rationale, eligibility, activities, and budget details.
- Submit the EOI at any time, as there is no submission deadline.
- Step 4: Await EOI Response
- PrairiesCan will review the EOI and notify selected organizations within 30 days.
- Step 5: Complete Full Application if Invited
- If selected, use the online portal to provide detailed project information.
- Include necessary documentation such as financial statements, and confirmation of non-PrairiesCan funding sources.
- Step 6: Application Review
- Submitted applications undergo a due diligence process assessing alignment with program objectives and other criteria.
- Step 7: Funding Decision
- PrairiesCan aims to provide a funding decision within 90 business days of receiving a complete funding proposal.
- The decision process includes considerations of project merit and fit with RIE objectives.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- PraiiesCan offers assistance in connecting applicants with other key players and funding sources to bolster project success.
- Applicants are encouraged to contact PrairiesCan for guidance throughout the application process.
- PraiiesCan coordinates with applicants to promote an inclusive innovation ecosystem by supporting underrepresented groups.
- A standard Contribution Agreement outlines recipient obligations for successful applicants.
- PrairiesCan provides an orientation to the reimbursement process for successful applicants.