
  • grant_single|noCondition
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Expert Advice
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • Northwestern Ontario Innovation Centre


Access a database of people and organizations with specific technology and information management skill to help you get the talent you need to realize innovative business projects.


This grant aims to support innovative business projects by providing access to a database of technology skilled people and organizations in Northwestern Ontario.
  • Identify and engage technology professionals for business innovation.
  • Collaborate with organizations specializing in information management.
  • Utilize database resources to find relevant technology expertise.


Enhance cybersecurity for a financial cooperative in Sudbury.


Sault Ste. Marie
Implement a community-based e-commerce platform in Sault Ste. Marie.


Thunder Bay
Develop a new software solution for local businesses in Thunder Bay.


Establish a digital archive for cultural heritage in Kenora.


Create a mobile application for farmers in Dryden.


Upgrade IT infrastructure for healthcare services in Timmins.


Eligibility criteria for this grant are as follows:
  • The project must be located in Northwestern Ontario.
  • The applicant must be seeking technology and information management skills.
  • The project should aim to realize innovative business objectives.


Yes, there are eligible types of companies for this grant. The grant aims to support businesses that are looking to find technology-skilled people and organizations in Northwestern Ontario to help them realize innovative business projects.
  • Technology companies
  • Information management firms
  • Startups in innovative sectors
  • Businesses requiring technological expertise for project implementation


There are certain types of companies that are not eligible for this grant. The following types are excluded:
  • Companies engaged in illegal activities
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Companies with unresolved tax issues


Eligible expenses for this grant include personnel costs, subcontractor fees, materials and supplies, equipment rental, and travel expenses.
  • Personnel costs
  • Subcontractor fees
  • Materials and supplies
  • Equipment rental
  • Travel expenses


The eligible geographic zones for this grant are specific to Northwestern Ontario.
  • Northwestern Ontario


For this grant, the evaluation and selection criteria typically include a thorough review of the project's innovation, impact on the community, feasibility, and alignment with the grant objectives.
  • Evaluation based on project innovation
  • Impact on the community
  • Feasibility of the project
  • Alignment with grant objectives


  • Step 1: Identify the specific skills and technology needed for your business project.
  • Clearly define the technology and information management skills that your organization requires for the innovative project you are undertaking.
  • Step 2: Research and access the database.
  • Access the database of people and organizations with the specific skills you need. This could involve registering on a specific platform or contacting a relevant institution.
  • Step 3: Select potential candidates or partners.
  • Browse through the database and select individuals or organizations that match your skill requirements. Evaluate their profiles or portfolios to ensure they meet your project needs.
  • Step 4: Prepare an application or project proposal.
  • Prepare a detailed proposal that outlines the scope of your project, the required skills, and how the selected candidates or organizations will contribute to achieving your objectives.
  • Step 5: Submit the application.
  • Submit your application or project proposal through the designated submission process. This could include online forms, email submissions, or other specified methods.
  • Step 6: Follow up and communicate.
  • After submission, maintain communication with the relevant authorities to track the status of your application and provide any further information if required.


This grant facilitates access to a specialized database of technology-skilled individuals and organizations in Northwestern Ontario, aimed at supporting innovative business projects.

Apply to this program