OVIN — R&D Partnership Fund – Advanced Charging and Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Stream ON Canada

OVIN — R&D Partnership Fund – Advanced Charging and Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Stream

ON, Canada
Co-invests up to $1,000,000 for Ontario-based projects advancing connected and autonomous vehicle and smart mobility technologies.


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  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Grant and Funding
  • Manufacturing
  • Transportation and warehousing
  • Information and cultural industries
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • Public administration
  • Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN)


The R&D Partnership Fund – C/AV and Smart Mobility: Stream 2 Program provides up to $1,000,000 in co-investment for projects focused on developing, testing, validating, and demonstrating connected and autonomous vehicle (C/AV) and smart mobility technologies in Ontario. Eligible activities include technology development, demonstration, product/service validation, testing, and piloting.


Eligible projects for this grant include a variety of activities focused on the development and demonstration of Connected and Autonomous Vehicle (C/AV) and smart mobility technologies.
  • Technology development
  • Demonstration
  • Product/service validation
  • Testing
  • Piloting


Development of a connected vehicle software platform for urban mobility optimization in Toronto.


Testing and validation of autonomous drone delivery systems in downtown Vancouver.


Development and demonstration of a smart pedestrian crossing system in Montreal.


Piloting an advanced autonomous shuttle service in downtown Calgary.


Testing an AI-driven traffic management system in downtown Ottawa.


Demonstration of integrated smart parking solutions in downtown Edmonton.


This grant requires that applicants and their projects meet specific criteria related to the type of organization, location, type of project, and partnerships.
  • Applicants are Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) defined as having fewer than 500 global, full-time employees.
  • Applicants are required to have operations in Ontario and carry out their project in Ontario.
  • Eligible partners include Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), National and Multinational Enterprises (NEs and MNEs), Academic institutions (as clients only), Municipalities, Indigenous communities, Not-for-profit organizations representing industry, Crown Corporations, and Transit Authorities.
  • One applicant and a minimum of one eligible partner are required for each project.
  • Projects should be at Technology Readiness Level 3-9.
  • Projects must demonstrate actual products that can be showcased in Ontario.


Yes, there are eligible types of companies for this grant. The eligible applicants and partners primarily include small and medium enterprises (SMEs), national and multinational enterprises, academic institutions, and other stakeholders.
  • Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) with fewer than 500 global, full-time employees
  • National Enterprises (NEs)
  • Multinational Enterprises (MNEs)
  • Academic institutions (as clients only)
  • Municipalities
  • Indigenous communities
  • Not-for-profit organizations representing industry
  • Crown Corporations
  • Transit Authorities


Eligible geographic zones for this grant are in Ontario, Canada. Applicants must have operations in Ontario and carry out their projects in Ontario.
  • Operations in Ontario
  • Project implementation in Ontario


Yes, there are evaluation and selection criteria for the R&D Partnership Fund – C/AV and Smart Mobility: Stream 2 grant. The criteria include project relevance, potential for commercialization, partnership strength, technological readiness, and alignment with program objectives.
  • Project relevance to the development, testing, validation, and demonstration of connected and autonomous vehicle (C/AV) and smart mobility technologies
  • Potential for commercialization of Ontario-made technologies
  • Strength and scope of the partnerships involved in the project
  • Technological readiness level (TRL 3-9)
  • Alignment with intended program benefits, such as increased road safety, better road condition monitoring, and reduced environmental footprint
  • Ability to demonstrate actual products that can be showcased in Ontario
  • Budget feasibility and the ability to meet the minimum 2:1 funding contribution requirement
  • Scalability of outcomes with high potential for commercialization and competitive advantage


  • Step 1: Complete the client intake form.
  • Step 2: An OCI Business Development Manager (BD) will contact you to discuss the opportunity and assist you.
  • Step 3: Submit an expression of interest (EOI).
  • Step 4: If the EOI is accepted, proceed to submit a Full Proposal.
  • Step 5: Utilize reference documentation such as the Program Guidelines, OCI Funding Agreement, Eligible Expenditures Guide, Full Proposal Questionnaire, Letter of Support Template, and Data and Information Sharing Protocol (DISP) documents available on the OVIN Resource Document Page for the Full Proposal.
  • Step 6: Maintain communication with your OCI BD who will oversee the OCI components of any approved project.


The R&D Partnership Fund – C/AV and Smart Mobility – Stream 2 helps finance projects related to smart mobility technologies in Ontario with the goal of commercialization and public-private collaboration. The funding is contingent on a minimum 2:1 matching contribution from applicants and/or private sector partners.
  • Eligible applicants must have fewer than 500 global, full-time employees and operate in Ontario.
  • Eligible partners include SMEs, national and multinational enterprises, academic institutions (as clients), municipalities, Indigenous communities, not-for-profit organizations, Crown Corporations, and Transit Authorities.
  • The program supports projects with a total budget of up to $3,000,000 over 24 months.
  • Projects should be at Technology Readiness Level 3-9 and must include the demonstration of actual products in Ontario.
  • Typical project activities include technology development, demonstration, validation, testing, and piloting.
Apply to this program