
  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|closingDateApril 2, 2025
Grant and Funding
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • Musicaction


The grant program is designed to support the production of sound recordings, with a maximum funding of $25,000 for projects in Francophone vocal music, Indigenous languages, and world music, and $20,000 for other music genres. Eligible activities include the creation of albums with at least six tracks or 20 minutes of music, prioritizing original content and requiring the applicant to own the master tape and meet specific Canadian content standards.


This grant offers structured financing terms that allow for substantial support while maintaining financial oversight and accountability. The financial support is tailored to different categories of projects within the music industry.
  • The grant provides a maximum of $25,000 in funding for Francophone vocal music, Indigenous languages, and world music projects, and up to $20,000 for other music genres.
  • Funding cannot exceed 50% of the accepted or actual eligible costs, whichever is lower.
  • There is a cap of $100,000 for an applicant across multiple projects within specified programs.
  • Authors and composers can receive up to $900 per original song for specific contributions, capped at $5,000 per individual and $9,000 per project.
  • The financial assistance is contingent upon the availability of funds.
  • A first installment of 75% is typically disbursed upon contract signing, with subsequent payments pending expenditure verification.
  • The final payment follows the submission and review of completion documentation.
  • All projects require financial and contractual compliance, ensuring no more than total government funding covers 100% of project costs.


This grant facilitates the production and promotion of Canadian Francophone music projects. It supports the creation, distribution, and marketing of new music recordings to enhance the visibility and reach of artists.
  • Production of a sound recording, either an album with at least six tracks or 20 minutes of music content.
  • Promotion of music titles for swift realization and marketing within designated timeframes.
  • Support for recording new works that have not been previously commercialized.
  • Projects focusing on Francophone vocal music, Indigenous languages, and world music genres.


Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the applicant's status and project alignment.
  • The applicant and the artist involved must be Canadian citizens.
  • The album must meet Canadian and Francophone content standards.
  • The applicant or their affiliated label must have a distribution agreement with a Canadian company for the project.
  • Projects and promotional material must not contain any severe or gratuitous violence or sexual exploitation, nor be obscene, indecent, pornographic, hateful, defamatory, or otherwise illegal.
  • Applicants benefiting from a global funding envelope under the "Initiatives individuelles" program are not eligible.
  • The applicant must not be in default of any payments.
  • A project cannot be submitted to both FACTOR and Musicaction; English-language music projects must be directed to FACTOR.
  • Reissues and compilations are ineligible, although re-recordings are permitted.
  • An artist may submit a new application 18 months after the release of a previous album, provided the marketing file for that album is closed.
  • Live albums are eligible if marketed 18 months after the previous album's release, with the marketing file closed.
  • Priority is given to albums containing at least 50% new material, except for classical and traditional music.


Self-producing artists, Canadian Francophone artists, songwriter-composers, and sound recording producers can apply. The applicant must own the master tape. Each applicant can submit only one project at a time and have only one ongoing project accepted by Musicaction. However, companies with two associated Canadian artists, excluding any shareholder or associated artists, can apply without a limit.


This grant excludes certain companies from eligibility based on their funding status and type of project submitted. Restrictions ensure that funds target appropriate applicants within the Canadian music industry framework.
  • Companies receiving a global funding envelope within the "Initiatives individuelles" stream.
  • Organizations in default of payment obligations.
  • Businesses applying simultaneously to both FACTOR and Musicaction.
  • Projects related to reissues and compilations are ineligible, except for re-recordings.
  • Projects involving English-language music, which should be directed to FACTOR instead.


Eligible expenses for this grant pertain to specific project-related costs detailed by Musicaction.
  • Expenses dating back six months preceding the application submission.
  • Costs for services provided by the applicant, their company, or related companies, but limited to 25% of eligible expenses.
  • Fees for an artistic director, provided a resume demonstrating their expertise is submitted. The artistic director cannot be the artist owner of the master tapes.


This grant is tailored to support Canadian artists and projects with significant Canadian content. To qualify, applicants must be based in Canada and meet specific eligibility requirements related to distribution agreements within Canada.
  • Artists and music producers based in Canada.
  • Applicants must have distribution agreements with Canadian companies.


The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on specific criteria, with a total scoring system distributed across artistic, professional, and market positioning factors.
  • Artistic Merit: Includes evaluation of music, text, interpretation, and artistic coherence, accounting for 40% of the final score.
  • Professional Environment: Assessment of the applicant's professional setting, which comprises 30% of the evaluation score.
  • Artist Positioning: Includes evaluation of the applicant's market positioning, promotional plans, and overall strategy, making up 30% of the score.
  • Priority Consideration: Projects by artists from Canadian Francophone communities and indigenous artists, and female-led or majority female groups may receive additional consideration.


Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
  • Step 1: Understand Eligibility and Requirements
  • Verify that you meet all eligibility criteria mentioned for applicants and projects.
  • Ensure your project aligns with the guidelines and objectives of the program.
  • Step 2: Gather Required Documents
  • Prepare the necessary documentation including your application form, three songs in MP3 format, and their lyrics.
  • Collect contracts such as production contract, distribution contract, and any other applicable agreements (e.g., management, publishing).
  • Compile CVs for the producer and artistic director if applicable.
  • Step 3: Complete the Application Form
  • Fill out the official application form with all required information accurately.
  • Ensure all sections are completed and information is consistent with your supporting documents.
  • Step 4: Submission
  • Submit your completed application through the designated submission page by the deadline, April 2, 2025, 17:00 HAE.
  • Ensure all required files and documents are attached properly in the specified locations on the application page.
  • Step 5: Post-Submission Confirmation
  • Await confirmation from Musicaction of receipt of your application.
  • Retain proof of submission and any communication for your records.


Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
  • For projects involving female interpretive artists or groups with a female majority or female leader, and for Indigenous artists, there is an equity measure in place during evaluation.
  • Applicants must demonstrate financial capability to complete the project if accepted, and they must provide access to their accounting records upon request.
  • A project refused cannot be resubmitted within one year unless specified otherwise.
  • Musicaction requires the inclusion of their logo and the wordmark CANADA on album covers and promotional materials where applicable.
  • All original invoices and proofs of payment must be retained for five years post-project completion, with specific accepted forms of proof provided.
  • Accepted projects receive an initial payment of 75% of the granted amount upon contract signing, with further payments contingent on project progress and completion.


Apply to this program

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