
  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|openingDateSeptember 5, 2023
  • grant_single|closingDateSeptember 4, 2024
  • grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • Musicaction


The program aims to support the national commercialization of sound recordings by funding showcases, opening acts, concerts, and tours, with a maximum funding amount of $25,000. Eligible applicants include self-producing artists, Canadian Francophone artists, record labels, sound recording producers, and concert producers.


This grant offers comprehensive financial support to projects aimed at the national marketing of sound recordings through stage activities. Eligible projects can benefit from structured funding mechanisms to maximize resource utilization.
  • The maximum aid for showcases, opening acts, shows, and tours is $25,000, contingent on the limit set per project under Stream 1 ($50,000).
  • Funding cannot exceed 50% of the accepted or actual eligible costs if they are lower.
  • An overall funding cap of $100,000 is available for all projects submitted under various programs including album production, title production and promotion, national marketing Streams 1 & 2, market development, and artist career, skill, and business development.
  • Funding availability is subject to the availability of program funds.
  • A parental support subsidy may be granted, with eligibility extending to accompanying musicians for certain funded activities.
  • Funding is conditional on compliance with specific acknowledgment requirements, including the display of the MUSICACTION logo and the wordmark CANADA on promotional materials.
  • Partial funding disbursement includes an initial payment of 75% upon contract signing, an optional interim payment upon expense verification, and a final payment upon project completion analysis.


This grant is designed to support the national marketing of a sound recording through assistance for showcases, opening acts, performances, and tours.
  • Support for artists and record producers to participate in showcases that are part of the promotional plan for the sound recording.
  • Funding for opening acts and performances to help promote the artists' recordings.
  • Financial assistance for tour-related activities aimed at enhancing the marketing reach of sound recordings.


Eligibility for this grant requires the applicant to meet certain criteria specific to their role and the nature of the project.
  • The applicant must be Canadian.
  • The artist involved in the application must also be Canadian.
  • The proposed project should be submitted before the start of any activities.
  • All performances must be confirmed with a contract or email exchange at the time of application submission.
  • The sound recording related to the application must comply with Canadian and French-language content standards.
  • The recording must have a distribution agreement with a Canadian physical or digital distribution company.
  • The sound recording must consist of a minimum of six tracks or at least twenty minutes of musical content.
  • The recording should have been released no more than 18 months prior to the application.
  • The applicant must not be in default of payment.
  • If the applicant is a company, they must provide all necessary documentation to establish or update a master file, including financial statements that meet current standards.
  • A single application cannot be submitted to both FACTOR and Musicaction. Projects involving anglophone music should be directed to FACTOR.


This grant is designed to support Canadian artists and producers involved in the national commercialization of sound recordings through activities such as showcases, opening acts, performances, and tours. Applications must align with a promotional plan for the sound recording and should have either accompanied or been preceded by an application to the National Commercialization Program - Component 1 - Promotion. Additionally, specific eligibility criteria apply to who can submit an application, as follows:- Self-producing artists- Artists from the Canadian Francophonie- Record labels- Sound recording producers- Show producersProspective applicants must ensure they meet these criteria to qualify for funding under this program.


This grant has specific restrictions on eligibility for certain companies or industries. The aim is to direct the funding towards appropriate entities in line with the grant's intended purpose.
  • Companies benefiting from a global funding envelope within the Individual Initiatives component are not eligible.
  • Projects with promotional material containing violent or sexually exploitative elements, or material deemed obscene, indecent, or otherwise illegal are not eligible.
  • Entities unable to meet Canadian content rules or that lack a deal with a Canadian distribution company.
  • Companies involved in submissions to both FACTOR and Musicaction simultaneously.


The grant covers specific expenses directly related to the realization of activities under the "Volet 2 - Activités scéniques" for commercializing sound recordings.
  • Living expenses and travel costs within certain limits, including lodging and transport, based on market rates.
  • Costs related to the services provided by the applicant or their companies, up to a certain percentage of the admissible expenses.
  • Accommodation expenses in commercial establishments, up to a specific nightly rate.
  • Transport expenses, including airfare, train, bus, car rental, and private vehicle mileage, within specified limits.
  • Per diem allowances for meals, local transportation, and incidental expenses during travel or stay, up to a specified daily rate.
  • Expenses for artists, musicians, and technicians related to the presentation of performances.


The evaluation and selection of projects under the Commercialisation nationale Volet 2 - Activités scéniques grant must comply with the admissibility and project acceptance criteria, ensuring that the application is robust and aligns with the program objectives.
  • Submission of the application before the commencement of activities.
  • Confirmation of performances, supported by contracts or email exchanges.
  • Adherence to Canadian and francophone content standards for the sound recording.
  • Proof of a distribution agreement with a Canadian physical or digital distribution company.
  • No elements of violence, sexual exploitation, obscenity, or illegal nature in the project or promotional material.
  • A demonstrable completion plan that includes access to financial documentation for audit purposes.


Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
  • Step 1: Review Eligibility Criteria
  • Ensure the applicant meets all eligibility conditions, including being Canadian and having a qualifying Canadian distribution agreement.
  • Verify that the music project does not contain any inadmissible content such as violence or obscenity.
  • Step 2: Prepare Application Documents
  • Complete the application form available in Excel format.
  • Gather all necessary supporting documents, including contracts, letters of invitation, and distribution agreements.
  • Sign the declarations section of the application form.
  • Step 3: Submit Application
  • Email the completed application form and supporting documents to the specified email address:
  • Name the application file appropriately as "Applicant – Artist – CNAS".
  • Ensure the submission is complete and meets the deadline of September 4, 2024, at 5 PM (EDT) for non-financed albums.
  • Step 4: Application Follow-up
  • Monitor communications from Musicaction for confirmation of receipt and further instructions.
  • Step 5: Parachèvement Submission
  • Complete the follow-up report within two months after activity completion.
  • Submit the parachèvement via email to with required documents, including detailed finance and activity reports.


Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
  • The funding can cover up to 50% of eligible project costs, provided they do not exceed approved expenses.
  • A limit of three requests maximum can be submitted under this component.
  • Financial support is contingent upon the availability of funds and the applicant’s financial capability to complete the project.
  • Projects are expected to adhere to the norms of Canadian content and francophone standards.
  • The program offers parental support to eligible artists and accompanying musicians for travel-funded performances.
  • If modifications to the budget are necessary upon project approval, they must be pre-approved by Musicaction.
  • All promotional materials must credit Musicaction and may include specific logos and phrases as directed.
  • Documentation related to project expenditures must be retained for five years post-project completion.

Apply to this program

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