MRC La Nouvelle-Beauce — Local investment and solidarity funds (FLI and FLS) - QC - Canada

MRC La Nouvelle-Beauce — Local investment and solidarity funds (FLI and FLS)

QC, Canada
Support for job creation and business growth in Nouvelle-Beauce


  • grant_single|fromMinToMax
  • grant_single|timelineUnspecified
Loans and Capital investments
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Manufacturing
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • Accommodation and food services
  • MRC de La Nouvelle-Beauce


The Fonds locaux d'investissement et de solidarité aims to create and maintain jobs by supporting the start-up, expansion, and ownership transfer of businesses located in the MRC of La Nouvelle-Beauce. The program offers financing in the form of loans up to $250,000 for eligible activities, including capital expenditures, technology acquisition, and working capital.


The MRC La Nouvelle-Beauce offers financial support through loans aimed at fostering business development and job creation. The structured financing modalities are designed to cater to the needs of qualifying projects within their economic framework.
  • Loans range from $10,000 to $250,000.
  • The amortization period for these loans can extend up to seven years.
  • Loans are aimed at covering capital expenses, technology acquisition, and working capital.


This grant supports projects that aim to stimulate business growth and sustainability within the MRC de La Nouvelle-Beauce region. Eligible activities encompass various stages of business development, emphasizing viable and profitable initiatives that help maintain or create permanent jobs.
  • Projects for starting new businesses within the region.
  • Expansion projects for existing businesses to increase operational capacities.
  • Business succession or property transfer initiatives.


Eligibility for the Fonds locaux d’investissement et de solidarité grant is determined by specific criteria related to the business's location, type, and viability.
  • The company must be a start-up, expanding business, or undergoing a business succession.
  • The main activity of the business must be located within the MRC de La Nouvelle-Beauce territory.
  • The company must operate in the primary, secondary (manufacturing), or key tertiary sectors, including tourism.
  • The project must be viable, profitable, and contribute to creating or maintaining permanent jobs.
  • The promoter must demonstrate relevant knowledge and experience in the chosen activity sector as well as management skills.
  • The project must include a financial contribution from the promoter.


The grant covers specific expenses necessary for the development and operation of the business project.
  • Capital expenses such as land, building, equipment, and machinery.
  • Acquisition of technology including software, software packages, and patents.
  • Working capital funds to support business operations.


This grant is available to companies situated within specific regions as mandated by the local economic development authority. Eligible geographical locations have been identified to support the economic growth of these regions.
  • Businesses located on the territory of the MRC de La Nouvelle-Beauce.


  • Step 1: Contact Advisors
  • Reach out to Jérôme Leclerc or Erica Couture for guidance on the application process.
  • Discuss your project idea to determine eligibility and gather necessary information.
  • Step 2: Prepare Application Materials
  • Draft a comprehensive business plan including project details, objectives, and financial projections.
  • Gather all necessary documents supporting project viability and your experience.
  • Prepare statements detailing the fund’s usage, such as capital expenses or technology acquisition.
  • Step 3: Complete the Application
  • Fill out the application form provided by the Fonds locaux d’investissement et de solidarité.
  • Ensure all sections are completed accurately and thoroughly to avoid delays.
  • Step 4: Submit Application
  • Send the completed application along with all required documents to the funding organization's address or email.
  • Ensure submission before the specified deadline to be considered for the grant.
  • Step 5: Confirmation and Follow-Up
  • Confirm receipt of your application by contacting the office if needed.
  • Wait for further correspondence regarding the status of your application.


Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
  • Financing is provided in the form of a loan with amounts ranging from $10,000 to $250,000.
  • The loan can be amortized over a period of up to seven years.
  • It is important to demonstrate relevant knowledge and experience in the chosen field of activity, along with management skills.
  • A financial contribution is required from the project promoter.
  • Contact information is provided for business advisors for inquiries.

Apply to this program

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