MRC L'Islet — SME Propulsion Measurement
Saint-Jean-Port-Joli, QC, Canada
Financial aid for SME growth in MRC de L'Islet
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Grant and Funding
- Manufacturing
- Accommodation and food services
- MRC de L'Islet
The Propulsion PME Measure offers non-repayable financial assistance up to a maximum of $25,000, supporting projects that stimulate business creation and development, competitiveness, and economic growth within the MRC of L’Islet. Eligible activities include startup, expansion, diversification, consolidation, innovation, and sustainable development projects in the manufacturing and tourism sectors.
The MRC L'Islet offers specialized financial assistance to foster growth and diversification in local SMEs. The funding terms are designed to support a wide spectrum of project types within specific sectors.
- Non-repayable financial assistance allowing for diverse project support across sectors.
- Co-financing varies by project type, with some cases permitting up to 80% of eligible costs.
- Capped at specific amounts per project, such as $25,000 or $40,000 for certain youth-focused initiatives.
- Minimum 20% equity injection from the promoter required.
- Combined financial aids from Quebec, Canada, and MRC cannot exceed a specified percentage of eligible costs, typically 50%.
- Flexibility within distinct project categories like innovation, expansion, and commercialisation.
The "MRC L'Islet — SME Propulsion Measurement" grant supports small and medium-sized enterprises within the MRC de L'Islet region in their various stages of development, including creation, expansion, and innovation. The focus is on enhancing competitiveness and sustainability in manufacturing and tourism sectors.
- Creation of legally constituted enterprises, including acquisition of capital assets.
- Acquiring and developing new business technologies and software applications.
- Acquisition of significant business shares for succession purposes.
- Business expansion initiatives through capital acquisition and increased production.
- Support for collective entrepreneurship and social economy enterprises.
- Studies and prototype development to boost local economic diversity.
- Projects focused on technological, industrial, and product innovations.
- Agro-food transformation development, including market studies and equipment acquisition.
- Diversification and automation projects to enhance productivity.
- Sustainable development projects aiming to reduce ecological footprints.
- Commercialization efforts, including marketing plans and participation in trade shows.
Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific criteria focused on the company's location, size, and project feasibility.
- The head office must be located in the MRC de L’Islet territory or the project must be executed there, with economic effects primarily occurring within the MRC de L’Islet.
- The company must be a SME with 50 employees or less.
- The project should be relevant, realistic, and demonstrate interesting market opportunities.
- The project must be based on a business plan with financial forecasts for the first three years, showing viability and profitability.
- The project promoter must work full-time in the company.
- The promoter must inject personal funds amounting to a minimum of 20% of the grant amount.
- Secure all necessary funding with government financial assistance limited to 80% of eligible expenses.
- Start or acquire the business within 3 months of project acceptance.
This grant is specifically for businesses in the MRC de L'Islet aimed at different development phases to enhance competitiveness and economic growth.
- Businesses with their headquarters or projects that will be realized in the MRC de L'Islet, ensuring economic impacts primarily occur within the region.
- Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with 50 employees or fewer.
- Enterprises in the manufacturing and tourism sectors that align with the economic activity definitions provided.
- Projects that demonstrate market viability, are supported by a realistic business plan, and show financial forecasts for the first three years.
- Those who can contribute at least 20% of the funds for the project and meet the government's combined funding cap of 80% of eligible expenses.
- Initiatives that contribute towards economic wealth creation and growth within the region.
This grant excludes specific projects or industries due to their nature or primary activities. The restrictions ensure resources are allocated to sectors that support the economic objectives of the MRC de L'Islet.
- Projects that would represent unfair competition to existing businesses, organizations, or events in the MRC.
- Any projects involving relocating a business or part of its production outside its local municipality without consent.
- Projects of a spiritual, religious, political, sexual nature, or those potentially controversial.
- Projects from the primary sector (agricultural production and mining) and tertiary sector (commerce and services).
The grant covers various eligible expenses to support the development and growth of businesses within the MRC de L’Islet, particularly in manufacturing and tourism sectors.
- Acquisition of fixed assets such as land, buildings, equipment, machinery, rolling stock, and incorporation fees, excluding goodwill expenses.
- Acquisition of technologies including know-how, licenses or manufacturing agreements, patents, software, or applications and similar expenses.
- Working capital needs strictly related to the company's operations calculated for the first year of operation.
- Professional fees, consultancy services, and expertise from specialists.
- Market studies, marketing and market presentation fees, certifications, support costs, and professional service fees related to the research and development of new products.
- Expenses related to strategic development and recovery plans deemed credible and carried out by professionals.
- Implementation and execution of a credible communication or promotional plan carried out by a professional.
- Leasehold improvements related to the acquisition of new equipment.
- Study, development, or refinement of a prototype or pilot project, as well as tests and product certification.
- Patents and associated legal costs.
- Booth rental fees, travel, meals, and accommodation expenses related to commercialization activities.
This grant is specific to companies in certain geographical areas tied to the economic impact within the MRC de L'Islet. Eligible businesses must be registered or operate their projects in this region to qualify for the funding.
- Businesses with a head office located in the MRC de L'Islet.
- Projects executed within the MRC de L'Islet region.
The evaluation and selection criteria for the projects under the Mesure Propulsion PME grant are designed to assess the potential impact and feasibility of the project, as well as the capabilities of the project promoters.
- Projected impact on the profitability and productivity of the business, if applicable.
- Relevance and quality of the project.
- Technical and financial feasibility of the project.
- The project promoter(s)' resume(s) reflecting their ability to manage their enterprise or the ability to surround themselves with capable individuals.
- A financial setup demonstrating the realism and diversity of funding sources.
- The project presents an eco-responsible approach that encourages local purchasing and environmental protection.
- The project’s contribution to wealth creation and economic growth in the MRC de L’Islet.
- Overall appreciation of the project.
Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
- Step 1: Gather Required Documents
- Complete the original application form, signed by the authorized individual.
- Obtain a resolution designating the authorized person to act for the project.
- Provide a copy of letters of patent or document confirming legal existence.
- Compile the composition of the board of directors.
- Gather letters from partners confirming financial support.
- Prepare a comprehensive business plan.
- Include the latest financial statements (last 3 years).
- Develop financial forecasts for the next 3 years.
- Attach copies of plans and permits, if applicable.
- Provide estimates related to projected expenses.
- Secure a certificate of compliance, if necessary.
- Step 2: Prepare the Application
- Ensure all documents are correctly prepared and signed as per requirements.
- Verify that all supporting documents are compiled and organized.
- Step 3: Submit the Application
- Choose a submission method: postal mail or email.
- If by postal mail, send to:
- Mesure Propulsion PME – MRC de L’Islet
- 34, rue Fortin, Saint-Jean-Port-Joli (Québec) G0R 3G0
- If by email, send to: s.thiboutot@mrclislet.com
- Ensure all components of the application package are included before sending.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- Financial assistance awarded is non-repayable.
- Specific objectives for projects include favoring business succession, stimulating new business creation, and strengthening competitiveness in the manufacturing and tourism sectors.