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Grant and Funding
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Manufacturing
  • Information and cultural industries
  • Accommodation and food services
  • MRC de Coaticook


The MRC Coaticook's Vitality Entrepreneurship Fund offers a maximum non-repayable financial contribution of $10,000 to support local businesses in areas such as bioalimentaires, circular economy, digital transformation, and more. This program aims to boost economic vitality by funding projects that enhance community value, business performance, or working conditions.


  • The financial aid provided is in the form of a non-refundable grant.
  • It is possible to obtain financial assistance from more than one component of the fund, but not from more than one fund within the MRC of Coaticook.
  • The total assistance for a single beneficiary from the funding tools managed by the MRC cannot exceed $150,000 within a 12-month period unless approved by the relevant ministers.
  • For private enterprises, the grant cannot surpass 50% of the total eligible expenses of the supported project. This percentage increases to 80% for social economy enterprises or cooperatives.
  • The grant does not cover expenses incurred prior to initiating the application process and contacting the responsible party at the MRC.
  • Non-eligible expenses include those for spiritual, religious, political, or controversial projects, regular business operations (e.g., salaries, advertising), debt servicing, and expenses related to taxes and contingencies.
  • The maximum aid possible from all combined components of the Fund Vitalité entrepreneuriale is $10,000.
  • A project must have minimum eligible expenses of $2,000 to qualify for aid.
  • The financial contribution from the enterprise must be equal to or greater than the amount of the financial aid provided.
  • For enterprise creation or acquisition, the promoter’s own funding must reach at least 20% of the total project cost; this ratio cannot be lower than 15%.
  • Different funding limits apply for different project types, with specific caps on non-reimbursable contributions per project component.


  • Creation of online stores or addition of transaction functionality on existing websites.
  • Acquisition or subscription to customer relationship management (CRM), inventory or production process software.
  • Marketing strategy development (content marketing, search engine optimization, social media).
  • Online presence strategy (brand development, loyalty, promotion).
  • Development and optimization of websites.
  • Online sales process optimization (online payment management, order, customer, inventory and shipping management).
  • Implementation of digitization methods for services or part of services offered.
  • Creation, succession, or relocation of an enterprise requiring professional fees, marketing, software acquisition, membership fees to relevant associations, or necessary operational equipment.
  • Acquisition of a building or leasehold improvements necessary for relocating or expanding the enterprise.
  • Recruitment of workforce outside Estrie or internationally.
  • Support for circular economy initiatives like resource recovery and recycling projects.
  • Implementation of systems to automate production and diversify product offerings.


  • The business operations and activities must be located within the territory of the MRC de Coaticook.
  • The project must have obtained a file opening number from the person responsible for the fund prior to application.
  • Applicants must demonstrate that the market targeted by the project is not saturated.
  • The project must not constitute unfair competition to an existing business, organization, or event within the MRC.
  • The project should provide added value to the community, enhance company performance, consolidate the business, or improve employee working conditions.
  • Existing enterprises must have completed at least one financial year, except for private financial enterprises.
  • Businesses must have long-term assets (immobilisations) under $1.5 million and annual revenues under $2.5 million.
  • Enterprises under supply management or holding a quota are ineligible.
  • Enterprises must financially contribute a minimum of 20% and achieve an equity position (net worth) of at least 20% post-project, with potential flexibility based on project and promoter quality.
  • Social economy enterprises and cooperatives (except financial cooperatives) are eligible.
  • The project should present eligible expenditures of at least $2,000.
  • Applicant must demonstrate all obtained sectoral financing when applicable existing government programs are available.
  • New contributions must equal or exceed the amount of financial assistance granted.


  • Existing private enterprises, excluding those in the financial sector, with at least one completed financial year.
  • Existing social economy enterprises.
  • Existing cooperatives, excluding financial cooperatives.
  • Enterprises with long-term assets (immobilisations) less than 1.5 million dollars and a turnover below 2.5 million dollars.
  • Enterprises engaged in sectors such as biofood production and transformation, automation, digital transition, and circular economy projects.
  • Enterprises looking to start, transition, or relocate within the MRC Coaticook territory, excluding those under supply management or with a quota.
  • Organizations seeking to recruit workforce from outside the Estrie region or internationally.


  • Private companies in the financial sector.
  • Any companies operating under supply management or holding a quota.
  • Financial cooperatives.
  • Businesses seeking funding for regular operations like salaries and utilities.


  • Études de marché.
  • Frais de commercialisation, mise en marché et présentation des produits.
  • Frais de support technique et services professionnels.
  • Frais de consultants en lien avec la recherche et développement (R&D) sur de nouveaux produits.
  • Acquisition d’équipement lié à la transformation.
  • Acquisition et améliorations locatives de bâtiments dédiés à la transformation.
  • Équipement lié à l’automatisation des entreprises.
  • Équipement permettant la diversification de la production d’une entreprise.
  • Améliorations locatives liées à l’acquisition du nouvel équipement.
  • Dépenses en lien avec une démarche d’économie circulaire.
  • Services professionnels en lien avec une démarche d’économie circulaire.
  • Acquisition d’équipement pour un projet d’économie circulaire.
  • Améliorations locatives pour une démarche d’économie circulaire.
  • Dépenses liées à la transformation d’aliments déclassés, la valorisation des sous-produits et les circuits courts.
  • Recyclage et revalorisation des ressources.
  • Création de boutiques en ligne ou ajout d’une fonction transactionnelle sur un site existant.
  • Acquisition ou abonnement à un logiciel de gestion de clientèle (CRM), d’inventaire ou de processus de production.
  • Démarche de numérisation d’une offre ou d’une partie d’offre de service.
  • Stratégie marketing en ligne.
  • Développement de site internet.
  • Optimisation du processus de vente en ligne.
  • Honoraires professionnels lors du démarrage, de la relève ou de la relocalisation.
  • Publicité / marketing.
  • Acquisition de logiciels.
  • Frais d’adhésion à des associations reconnues liées au domaine d’affaires.
  • Création d’un premier site Web.
  • Acquisition d’équipements nécessaires aux opérations de l’entreprise selon secteur d’activité.
  • Acquisition d’un bâtiment ou améliorations locatives.
  • Achat de parts ou d’actions dans une entreprise (une seule fois pour le releveur).
  • Honoraires professionnels d’un consultant en immigration autorisé.
  • Frais d’inscription à un salon de l’emploi physique ou virtuel.


  • The territory of the MRC of Coaticook.


  • The anticipated impact of the project on the profitability and productivity of the existing enterprise or organization, if applicable.
  • The relevance and quality of the project.
  • The technical feasibility of the project, including expertise, competence, partnership, and adherence to regulations.
  • Generation of full-time employment by the project, including that of the promoter, except in exceptional situations.
  • The demonstration of the leveraging effect of the MRC's contribution by the promoters.
  • The promoter's curriculum vitae should demonstrate aptitude to manage the enterprise or organization or surround themselves with competent individuals to do so.
  • A financial plan demonstrating realism and diversity of funding sources.
  • The project's eco-responsible approach promoting local purchasing and environmental protection.
  • The project's contribution to service accessibility for the population.
  • The project's promotion of cooperation and resource sharing to achieve economies of scale.
  • An overall assessment of the project's merits.


  • Step 1: Validate Project Eligibility
  • Contact the coordinator in charge of financing at the MRC Coaticook for information regarding the Vitality Entrepreneurship Fund.
  • Ensure your project meets the specified eligibility criteria.
  • Obtain a dossier opening number from the responsible person at the fund.
  • Step 2: Prepare Application
  • Work with MRC professionals to develop your funding request.
  • Align your project with the MRC of Coaticook's objectives.
  • Collect necessary documents, such as business plan, financial forecasts, and promoter's CV.
  • Step 3: Submit Application
  • Complete the online application form with the provided link from MRC personnel.
  • Attach all required documents in electronic format.
  • Submit the application through the online platform.
  • Step 4: Confirmation of Submission
  • Receive an acknowledgement of receipt with important processing dates.
  • Keep this confirmation for future reference.
  • Step 5: Review and Approval
  • Your application is reviewed by the designated MRC analysis committee.
  • The committee makes a recommendation for approval or denial to the MRC council.
  • Step 6: Agreement Signing
  • If approved, sign a protocol of understanding with the MRC.
  • Understand and agree to the obligations and commitments outlined in the agreement.


  • Contribution limits for non-refundable financial aid are set at a maximum of $10,000 for all project components combined.
  • The total available funding from the MRC of Coaticook, including all applicable tools, cannot exceed $150,000 within any 12-month period without special approval from relevant ministers.
  • For social economy enterprises or cooperatives, the maximum subsidy rate can increase to 80% of eligible expenses.
  • Financial aid from this fund cannot replace sector-specific government assistance when other programs have designated budgets.
  • The project promoter must provide confirmation of sector-specific funding when applicable.
  • A single enterprise cannot benefit from more than one disbursement from the Vitality Entrepreneurship Fund in 12 consecutive months, except for the Circular Economy and Recruitment components.
  • The enterprise's equity must amount to at least 20% after project completion; this ratio may vary but cannot be below 15%.
  • Public disclosure of the grant details, including the beneficiary's business name and the purpose of the grant, is required.


Apply to this program

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