(MAPAQ) - Ministerial initiative Proximity - Component 1 QC Canada

(MAPAQ) - Ministerial initiative Proximity - Component 1

QC, Canada
The Proximity Initiative 2024-2026 strengthens collective local marketing and agritourism endeavors in Quebec.


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Grant and Funding
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food


The Proximity 2024-2026 Initiative aims to support the planning, development, or consolidation of collective initiatives in local marketing and agrotourism. Eligible activities include implementing market studies, organizing knowledge transfer events, developing marketing tools, and constructing or adapting sales venues. Nonprofit organizations, cooperatives, municipal entities, and Indigenous communities with active establishments in Quebec can apply.


Eligible projects for this grant focus on collective initiatives aiming at proximity marketing or agritourism.
  • Planning, diagnostics, or studies
  • Knowledge transfer activities, support, or development
  • Business prospecting or matchmaking
  • Designing marketing materials or tools
  • Constructing, adapting, or arranging sales locations


Organizing an agrotourism festival featuring local products in Trois-Rivières.


Developing a farmer's market in Montreal with local vendors and agrotourism activities.


Quebec City
Creating educational workshops on local and organic farming in Quebec City.


Launching a digital marketing campaign for local artisanal products in Gatineau.


Building a community garden with educational programs in Sherbrooke.


Establishing a direct-buying program from local farms in Laval.


This grant aims to support collective proximity marketing and agritourism initiatives in Quebec. Eligible applicants must meet specific organizational and operational criteria.
  • Non-profit organizations legally constituted under the laws of Quebec or Canada
  • Cooperatives
  • Groups of enterprises
  • Municipal entities
  • Indigenous communities or nations recognized by the National Assembly of Quebec
  • Public institutions committed to setting a target for purchasing Quebec foods while respecting the Initiative's objective


Yes, there are several types of companies eligible for this grant. These include nonprofit organizations, cooperatives, groups of businesses, municipal entities, indigenous communities recognized by the National Assembly of Quebec, and public institutions committed to sourcing Quebec food products.
  • Nonprofit organizations legally constituted under Quebec or Canadian laws
  • Cooperatives
  • Groups of businesses
  • Municipal entities
  • Indigenous communities or nations recognized by the National Assembly of Quebec
  • Public institutions committed to incorporating Quebec food products


Yes, there are specific types of companies that are not eligible for this grant. The companies that don't meet the eligibility criteria are listed below:
  • The ministries, budgetary organizations, non-budgetary organizations, or crown corporations listed in schedules 1 to 3 of the Financial Administration Act, and companies directly or indirectly controlled by a government (provincial or federal) or a crown corporation
  • Financial cooperatives and banking institutions
  • Applicants registered in the Register of Enterprises Ineligible for Public Contracts (RENA), including their subcontractors
  • Applicants who, within two years prior to submitting the fully completed application for financial aid, failed to meet their obligations after being duly put on notice by the minister, regarding a previous financial aid granted by the minister
  • Applicants who, at the time of submitting the fully completed financial aid application, are under a ministerial or judicial order under the Animal Welfare and Safety Act
  • Applicants registered in the Register of Convictions within the two fiscal years preceding the submission of the fully completed financial aid application
  • Applicants under the protection of the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act or the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act


Yes, there are eligible expenses for this grant. These include expenses directly related to the project such as professional fees, salaries, and various costs related to the conception or production of materials.
  • Professional fees of contractors
  • Salary of personnel directly involved in the project
  • Social contributions and benefits related to project personnel
  • Costs related to the conception or production of visual or graphic elements
  • Costs for materials and equipment
  • Logistics expenses
  • Administrative fees up to 15% of eligible expenses


Eligible geographic zones for this grant are limited to establishments located in Quebec, Canada.
  • Quebec
  • Agencies located within the administrative regions of Quebec
  • Priority given to Îles-de-la-Madeleine for certain projects


The evaluation and selection criteria for the grant involve an analysis conducted by representatives of the minister based on specific criteria. This analysis ensures that the project aligns with the initiative's objectives, has a feasible plan, and delivers tangible benefits to both the applicant and consumers.
  • The identified problem and the solutions proposed
  • The project's objectives
  • The technical feasibility of the project
  • The organizational feasibility of the project
  • The financial feasibility of the project
  • Market analysis
  • The potential benefits of the project for the applicant
  • The potential benefits of the project for consumers


  • Step 1: Obtain and complete the application form
  • Requirement: Fill out the "Application for Financial Assistance" form in French.
  • Step 2: Prepare the "Cost and Financing Structure" file of the project
  • Requirement: Develop a detailed financial plan for the project.
  • Step 3: Provide proofs of funding or availability of funds
  • Requirement: Submit proof of funds or financing available for the project.
  • Step 4: Obtain a detailed quote for professional services
  • Requirement: Submit a detailed quote from professionals for each expense exceeding $5,000.
  • Step 5: Submit authorization documents if required
  • Requirement: Provide a proxy or document that authorizes the representative to complete the application.
  • Step 6: Submit CVs of personnel involved in the project if applicable
  • Requirement: Provide CVs detailing professional background and relevant information for the project.
  • Step 7: Submit lease agreement if applicable
  • Requirement: Provide a lease agreement showing a minimum remaining term of five years.
  • Step 8: Provide proof of biological pre-certification if applicable
  • Requirement: Submit proof of bio-certification for the products involved in the project.
  • Step 9: Prepare any other necessary documents
  • Requirement: Submit any additional documents required for the analysis of the application.
  • Step 10: For collective initiatives (Volet 1)
  • Include financial statements of the past two years, unless the entity is municipal, indigenous, or a public institution.
  • If part of an enterprise group, submit an agreement defining the partnership terms.
  • Step 11: For individual initiatives (Volet 2)
  • Include financial statements of the past two years unless newly established.
  • Submit a budget forecast for new companies projected to reach $30,000 turnover within 36 months.
  • Submit a marketing plan less than three years old.
  • Provide a copy of the diploma if applying for agricultural succession bonus.
  • Step 12: Submit the application
  • Submit the filled application form and all supporting documents to the Ministry.
  • Step 13: Wait for acknowledgment
  • Upon submission, the Ministry will provide an acknowledgment of receipt.
  • Step 14: Receive confirmation of eligibility (if applicable)
  • If the applicant and project are eligible, receive confirmation from the Ministry.
  • Step 15: Receive decision
  • Receive a letter from the Ministry informing whether the project is funded or not.
  • Step 16: Sign the financial assistance contract (if applicable)
  • If funded, sign the contract provided by the Ministry.


This funding initiative has thorough follow-up and accountability requirements to ensure proper use of the allocated funds.
  • The project location must be available for inspection by the minister's representative or an authorized individual during normal business hours for up to five years following project completion.
  • All project-related documents must be retained for the same duration, for potential verification.
  • The final financial installment will only be released after all necessary project outcome data, including indicators of results, have been submitted and approved.
  • Beneficiaries may be required to participate in a survey or an interview to gauge the project's impact and effectiveness.
Apply to this program