Manitoba — Export Development Program
MN, Canada
Support for SMEs to participate in export-related activities
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Grant and Funding
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- Government of Manitoba
Get funding up to $30,000 to cover up to 50% of eligible costs related to participating in an export tradeshow or trade missions outside of the province of Manitoba with the purpose to assess and/or initiate business in an export market.
This grant offers flexible financing modalities to support Manitoba companies in exploring new markets beyond the province. It provides reimbursement for specific costs associated with participating in trade shows or missions internationally.
- Reimbursement of up to 50% on eligible expenses for exhibiting in a tradeshow or participating in a business mission with a business-to-business meeting component outside of Manitoba.
- Reimbursement of up to 30% on eligible expenses for attending, but not exhibiting, in a tradeshow outside of Manitoba with a developed business agenda.
- The maximum allowable contribution per trade event is $20,000, with a lifetime limit of two times per specific tradeshow or trade activity.
- An applicant can receive support for multiple applications per fiscal year, up to a total of $30,000 per fiscal year.
- Funding for travel includes economy airfare and accommodations, capped at $300CAD/night up to four nights.
- Eligible expenses include tradeshow registration, booth space, basic furnishing, translation of marketing materials, interpreter services, market research, and trade preparedness training.
- Claims for reimbursement are processed after the event, contingent upon submission of detailed expense documentation to the Government of Manitoba within 30 days of returning to Canada.
The Manitoba Export Development Program supports Manitoba companies in their endeavors to expand into new markets or strengthen their presence in existing ones. Eligible projects involve participation in trade shows and missions that facilitate business-to-business interactions outside of Manitoba.
- Participation in a tradeshow or business mission with a focus on entering a new market outside Manitoba.
- Exploring opportunities to export new products or services into an existing export market.
$ 5,750
Attend SIAL Paris to showcase organic maple syrup products to European market
$ 9,750
Participate in the Tokyo International Film Festival to present a new series of documentaries
$ 7,250
Join the Global Education Expo in London to showcase innovative educational tools
$ 7,975
Present new healthcare software at Medica 2024 in Dusseldorf to expand international reach
$ 10,750
Exhibit renewable energy solutions at the World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi
$ 10,750
Participate in CES 2024 in Las Vegas to introduce new gaming software
Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the applicant's profile.
- The applicant must be a for-profit small or medium-sized enterprise in Manitoba that produces an exportable product or service.
- The applicant must have annual revenue in the current or previous fiscal year of at least $100,000 and no more than $50 million.
- More than half of the applicant's workforce must currently reside in Manitoba.
- The applicant must be registered and in good standing to do business in Manitoba with the Companies Office and have a permanent establishment in Manitoba.
- The applicant must participate in a business-to-business event; direct to consumer events are ineligible for funding.
- The applicant must not be in arrears for taxes owing to Manitoba and must not be in receivership.
- The applicant must be in full compliance with government laws and regulations.
For the Export Development Program and the Incoming Buyer Program, eligible applicants must be small or medium-sized for-profit enterprises based in Manitoba producing exportable goods or services. They must have annual revenues between $100,000 and $50 million, employ a workforce predominantly residing in Manitoba, and be registered and in good standing with the Companies Office. Companies must not be in arrears for taxes or in receivership and must comply with government laws and regulations.
This grant excludes certain companies primarily based on their organization type and service nature. The aim is to ensure support targets for-profit entities with significant economic impact potential.
- Not-for-profit organizations and associations.
- Government employees, Crown corporations, municipalities, towns, and cities.
- Educational institutions.
- Consultants, representatives, brokers, agents, or related service providers.
The Export Support Programming grant is designed to assist Manitoba's businesses in entering new markets and expanding their trade relationships through specific projects. The eligible activities are focused on participating in tradeshows or missions and inviting international buyers to develop new sales channels.
- Reimbursement for exhibiting in a tradeshow or participating in a business mission outside of Manitoba.
- Reimbursement for participating in, but not exhibiting at, a tradeshow outside of Manitoba.
- Offsetting costs associated with inviting a qualified international buyer to Manitoba.
This program supports businesses specifically located in Manitoba, Canada. Eligible participants must be based in this province to qualify for financial assistance.
- Manitoba, Canada
There are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant. The program has specific eligibility criteria for applicants to meet in order to qualify for reimbursement under the Export Development Program and Incoming Buyer Program.
- Eligible recipients must be for-profit small or medium-sized enterprises in Manitoba producing exportable products or services.
- Applicants must have annual revenue within specified ranges, must have the majority of their workforce in Manitoba, and be in compliance with government regulations.
- Specific reimbursement limits apply for different expense categories, and certain costs are ineligible for funding under the program.
- Applications must be submitted within the specified timeframe and applicants are required to provide post-event reports and documentation to receive reimbursements.
- Step 1: Determine Eligibility
- Ensure your company meets the eligibility requirements for the Export Development Program or the Incoming Buyer Program.
- Read through the eligibility criteria thoroughly to confirm your business qualifies for the grant.
- Step 2: Gather Necessary Documentation
- Compile financial statements and proof of revenue to demonstrate eligibility.
- Prepare a detailed business agenda or objectives for attending the tradeshow or hosting an international buyer.
- Gather information on anticipated expenses for the event (e.g., airfare, accommodation, tradeshow fees).
- Step 3: Complete the Application Form
- Fill out the application form with detailed information about your company, the event, and anticipated benefits to Manitoba.
- Ensure you provide clear explanations and justify the need for attending the event or inviting a buyer.
- Include all required documentation and attachments as part of the application.
- Step 4: Submit Application
- Send the completed application form and accompanying documents to the Trade & Export Development office via email or other specified submission methods.
- Ensure the application is submitted at least 60 days before the tradeshow/mission (for EDP) or 30 days before the event/travel date (for IBP).
- Step 5: Confirmation and Follow-up
- Receive confirmation of the application being received by the Manitoba government.
- Await any requests from the Government of Manitoba for additional information or clarification during the review process.
- Be prepared for a post-event meeting with a program administrator to evaluate the business generated by the participation.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- Reimbursements are provided post-event, and all expenses must be paid directly by the company, necessitating proper documentation of payments and receipts in the company’s name.
- Applicants must participate in a post-event meeting and complete an evaluation form to outline the business outcomes generated from the event, which is a prerequisite for eligibility for future support.
- The reimbursement procedure includes submitting claims within 30 days post-activity along with necessary documentation to validate the expenses incurred.
- Approved applicants will undergo a follow-up review within 12 months post-event to discuss the actual impacts of the trade activity, which could be via phone or in-person.
- If an applicant is receiving subsidies from other sources, the total assistance level for an event cannot exceed 50%, allowing coordination with other funding opportunities.
- An application does not guarantee funding, emphasizing the competitive aspect and the requirement to adhere strictly to application guidelines for consideration.
- Cost reporting and reimbursement procedures involve precise tracking and reporting of eligible activities and costs, necessitating rigorous record-keeping and financial management by applicants.