Low Carbon Communities
NS, Canada
Funding for low-carbon solutions projects
- grant_single|maxCount
- grant_single|projectCostPercent
- grant_single|openingDateMay 14, 2023
- grant_single|closingDateJune 22, 2023
- grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
- Utilities
- Transportation and warehousing
- Educational services
- Public administration
- Government of Nova Scotia
Receive up to $75,000 to cover up to 75% of eligible costs for testing new ideas, applying best practices, increasing knowledge or enhancing equity and accessibility in community-led, innovative solutions to create long-lasting greenhouse gas reductions.
The Low Carbon Communities Program offers significant funding support to ensure the successful implementation of innovative community-led projects aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Its financing modalities are designed to provide upfront capital and encourage project completion through final disbursements after successful reporting.
- The program provides up to 75% of total eligible project costs, ensuring substantial financial backing for various initiatives.
- A maximum funding amount is set for each project category, with $75,000 available for clean buildings, clean electricity, and clean transportation projects, and $50,000 for clean energy education projects.
- 90% of the funding is disbursed at the beginning of the project, which allows for immediate initiation and facilitation of project activities.
- The remaining 10% is provided upon project completion and submission of final reports, ensuring accountability and successful project closure.
The Low Carbon Communities program funds projects targeting long-lasting greenhouse gas reductions through low-carbon solutions. Eligible projects may focus on innovative approaches and best practices in infrastructure, electricity, and mobility.
- Testing and implementing new ideas for reducing carbon emissions in community settings.
- Applying best practices for enhancing energy efficiency in building operations.
- Increasing knowledge and capacity for clean electricity generation and distribution.
- Promoting clean transportation methods to reduce community-based carbon footprints.
- Expanding clean energy education efforts to build awareness and knowledge capacity.
- Enhancing equity and accessibility within low-carbon solution projects.
$ 48,750
Bicycle-sharing program for low-carbon transportation
$ 33,750
Educational workshops on energy efficiency in buildings
$ 41,250
Implementing solar panels on community centers for clean energy
$ 52,500
Testing innovative wind energy solutions
$ 52,500
Electric vehicle charging stations to promote clean transportation
$ 45,000
Pilot project for biofuel usage in public buses
Eligibility for the Low Carbon Communities grant is determined by specific requirements related to the applicant's profile and the proposed project's benefit to Nova Scotia communities.
- The applicant must be a municipality, First Nations band or organization, registered non-profit, post-secondary institution, or a business.
- The project must demonstrate a benefit to communities in Nova Scotia.
Municipalities, First Nations bands and organizations, registered non-profits, post-secondary institutions and businesses can apply. Projects must demonstrate a benefit to communities in Nova Scotia.
The Low Carbon Communities Program funds various project activities aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions through community-led initiatives. The eligible projects focus on fostering low-carbon solutions across different sectors including infrastructure, education, and technology.
- Testing new ideas for reducing carbon emissions in local communities.
- Applying best practices to enhance energy efficiency and sustainability.
- Increasing community knowledge on low-carbon solutions and practices.
- Enhancing equity and accessibility in implementing low-carbon initiatives.
This grant is specifically targeted towards projects that benefit communities in Nova Scotia. By focusing on this region, the program aims to foster local development and sustainability.
- Communities within Nova Scotia.
There are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant.
- Community Impact: The extent to which the project benefits the community in Nova Scotia.
- Innovation: The degree of innovation and uniqueness in the proposed low-carbon solution.
- Feasibility: The project's likelihood of success and completion within the proposed timeline and budget.
- Partnerships: Collaboration with other organizations or stakeholders to enhance project outcomes.
- Sustainability: The potential for long-lasting greenhouse gas reductions and environmental impact.
- Step 1: Expression of Interest
- Prepare a preliminary expression of interest highlighting the project's alignment with funding categories.
- Ensure that the expression of interest is submitted by the deadline of 5 July 2024.
- Await feedback on your expression of interest within 1 to 2 weeks of submission.
- Step 2: Develop Full Application
- Upon a successful expression of interest, proceed to develop a detailed project application.
- Include detailed project plans, budgets, expected outcomes, and community benefits.
- Gather necessary supporting documentation, such as letters of support or partnerships.
- Step 3: Submit Application
- Ensure the completed application is submitted by the application deadline of 22 July 2024.
- Submit through the designated submission method provided by the funding body.
- Step 4: Confirmation of Submission
- Receive confirmation from the program that your full application has been received.
- Keep the confirmation for your records and future reference.
- Step 5: Complete Project and Reporting
- Execute the project according to the approved plan by the completion deadline of 31 October 2025.
- Collect data and outcomes to prepare the final report required by the program.
- Submit the final report at the project’s conclusion to receive the final portion of funding.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- The program provides an initial disbursement of 90% of the funding, with the remaining 10% provided after project completion and the submission of final reports.
- The expression of interest review process takes about 1 to 2 weeks.
- Recipients must demonstrate a tangible benefit to communities in Nova Scotia.