
  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|openingDateMay 10, 2023
  • grant_single|closingDateOctober 27, 2023
  • grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
  • Manufacturing
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • Educational services
  • Centre québécois de recherche et de développement de l’aluminium (CQRDA)


Get a grant of up to $500,000 per year for a three-year project to cover up to 50% of eligible expenses when you collaborate with at least one academic institution or public research centre on an R&D project aimed at reducing GHG emissions project in the


Projects or activities eligible for this grant must involve at least one company established in Quebec and one public research institute in Quebec (university, CCTT, CRP).
  • Encouraging the emergence of innovative technologies and practices for faster progress towards Quebec's greenhouse gas reduction goals
  • Facilitating the dissemination of new knowledge in greenhouse gas reduction
  • Supporting the patenting of new technologies aimed at reducing greenhouse gases
  • Promoting collaboration among research and innovation stakeholders in greenhouse gas emissions reduction
  • Involving university, college, and company researchers in collaborative innovation projects targeting greenhouse gas reduction solutions
  • Engaging companies and organizations that use the technologies and practices developed in the projects
  • Boosting investments in innovation focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions

$ 250,000

Research on solar energy optimization with Concordia University

$ 235,000

Developing urban green spaces to capture CO2 in collaboration with Université de Montréal

$ 200,000

Development of biodegradable packaging materials in collaboration with McGill University

$ 200,000

Creating an AI system to optimize heating in public buildings with Laval University

$ 250,000

Developing electric vehicle charging infrastructure with École Polytechnique Montréal

$ 250,000

Implementing biogas systems in agricultural settings working with Université de Sherbrooke


The INNOV-R grant program aims to support collaborative research projects with a high potential for reducing GHGs in Quebec. Eligibility criteria include the involvement of a Quebec-based company and a public research institute in the project.
  • Projects must involve at least one Quebec-based company and one public research institute in Quebec (university, CET, CRP).


Eligible companies for this grant include:
  • Companies established in Quebec


Some types of companies are not eligible for this grant. While the specific ineligible types are not mentioned in the grant context, common exclusions in grant programs typically include subsectors like tobacco, gambling, and adult entertainment.
  • Tobacco companies
  • Gambling companies
  • Adult entertainment companies


There are eligible expenses for this grant. Eligible expenses include:
  • Direct project costs such as salaries, benefits, and subcontracting;
  • Material and supply costs;
  • Equipment costs;
  • Travel and subsistence costs directly related to project activities;
  • Service costs related to the project;
  • Intellectual property rights protection costs.


There are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant. The evaluation and selection criteria include:
  • Relevance of the project's objectives to the reduction of GHG emissions in Quebec
  • Quality and feasibility of the project plan
  • Potential impact on accelerating progress towards GHG reduction goals in Quebec
  • Contribution to innovation and knowledge dissemination in GHG reduction
  • Collaboration between industry and research organizations
  • Involvement of key stakeholders


  • Step 1: Review the guidelines and eligibility criteria for the grant program.
  • Content: Understand the objectives, requirements, and conditions of the grant.
  • Implications: Ensure that your project aligns with the focus areas and that you meet all the necessary criteria.
  • Step 2: Prepare all required documents and information for the application.
  • Content: Gather project details, financial information, and any supporting documentation.
  • Implications: Ensure that you have all the necessary materials ready for submission to avoid delays.
  • Step 3: Complete the application form as per the guidelines.
  • Content: Fill out the application form accurately and provide all requested information.
  • Implications: Incomplete or incorrect information may affect the evaluation of your proposal.
  • Step 4: Submit the application by the specified deadline.
  • Content: Ensure timely submission of the application with all required documents.
  • Implications: Late submissions may not be considered, so adhere to the deadline.
  • Step 5: Wait for the review and evaluation process to take place.
  • Content: The review panel will assess the proposals based on the set criteria.
  • Implications: Be patient during the evaluation period and be prepared for a potential follow-up or interview.


There is relevant additional information for this grant:
  • Applicants must ensure that their projects align with the program's objectives and funding modalities.
  • Collaboration between Quebec-based companies and public research institutes is required for project eligibility.



Apply to this program

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