MRC L’Île-d’Orléans — Regions and Rurality Fund
L’Île-d’Orléans, QC
Support for entrepreneurship and social economy businesses in L'Île-d'Orléans
- grant_single|maxCount
- grant_single|projectCostPercent
- grant_single|openingDateFebruary 8, 2023
- grant_single|closingDateFebruary 8, 2025
Grant and Funding
- Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
- Manufacturing
- Arts, entertainment and recreation
- Other services (except public administration)
- Public administration
- MRC L'Île-d'Orléans
The FONDS RÉGIONS ET RURALITÉ grant program aims to support local entrepreneurship and community projects on the Île-d'Orléans, including the creation of new businesses by young entrepreneurs and the development of social economy enterprises. The maximum funding amount is $6,000 for individual entrepreneurs starting their first business and up to $35,000 for social economy projects, with eligible activities including capital expenditures, technology acquisition, and essential training for entrepreneurs.
This grant outlines specific financial support structures to encourage the growth of new businesses and strengthen social economy enterprises within the L'Île-d'Orléans region.
- The maximum financial assistance for creating a first business is set at $6,000 for a solo entrepreneur, with a maximum of two entrepreneurs per project eligible for $4,500 each.
- Financial assistance for entrepreneur training expenses covers eligible costs up to $1,000 per promoter.
- Combined financial assistance from Québec and Canadian governments, along with the MRC, cannot exceed 50% of eligible expenses for new business creation projects.
- Social economy enterprise projects can receive subsidies up to $35,000 per project.
- For social economy enterprises, the combined financial assistance from governmental sources and MRC cannot exceed 80% of eligible costs.
- Cash contributions by the entrepreneur must equal or exceed 20% of the grant provided for business creation.
- For social enterprises, up to 5% of funding can be in-kind contributions, such as volunteer labor or resource loans.
The fund is dedicated to supporting the creation of new enterprises by young entrepreneurs and fostering the development and strengthening of social economy enterprises on Île-d’Orléans. Eligible projects focus on diverse economic sectors and prioritize initiatives that enhance local economic development and job creation.
- Creation of a legally constituted first enterprise by young entrepreneurs.
- Training for entrepreneurs receiving financial support for their first enterprise to acquire relevant project skills.
- Development and consolidation projects for social economy enterprises pursuing a social purpose.
- Projects aligning with the annual priorities adopted by the Council of Mayors.
- Acquisition of technology, software, or capital expenditures for eligible projects.
- Feasibility studies or preparatory studies for creating or consolidating a social enterprise.
Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific requirements related to the applicant's profile and proposed activities.
- The applicant must be creating a first enterprise by young promoters, or be an enterprise of the social economy.
- The applicant, if a young promoter, must be a Canadian citizen or an immigrant received with permanent residence in Quebec.
- The applicant, if a young promoter, must be between 18 and 40 years of age.
- The applicant, if a young promoter, must have relevant experience or training related to the project.
- The applicant, if a young promoter, must commit to working full-time in the enterprise.
- The enterprise must have its headquarters and main activity on the territory of Île-d'Orléans.
- The enterprise must be a legally constituted for-profit entity (for young promoters) or a non-profit organization or cooperative (for social economy enterprises).
- The enterprise must demonstrate good potential for viability and profitability.
- The project must include capital expenditures and be supported by a business plan for the first two years.
- At least 20% of the funding must be in cash contribution from the entrepreneur.
- The project should create at least two permanent jobs or the equivalent in person/year if it is a new enterprise by young promoters.
- The applicant must show that financial aid is crucial for the successful implementation of the project.
- The project must not constitute unfair competition and must align with the sectors prioritized by the committee.
The FONDS RÉGIONS ET RURALITÉ grant's target groups include young entrepreneurs aspiring to start their first business and social economy enterprises. Here is the list of who can apply:
- Young entrepreneurs aged between 18 and 40 years, who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Quebec, with relevant experience or training, committing to full-time work in the new business, and establishing operations on Île d'Orléans.
- Enterprises in the social economy sector, including non-profit organizations and cooperatives, focused on providing services to members or the community, practicing democratic decision-making, and prioritizing people and work over capital.
Certain types of businesses are not eligible for this grant due to the nature of their operations. These restrictions are put in place to align with the grant's objectives to support viable, non-controversial businesses.
- Businesses with sexual, religious, or political activities.
- Controversial businesses such as matchmaking agencies, war games, tarot, numerology, astrology, and personal growth courses.
- Pawn shops and similar establishments.
The grant allows for expenses that contribute to the creation and establishment of new businesses, including specific operational and capital costs.
- Expenses in capital such as land, buildings, equipment, machinery, rolling stock, incorporation fees, and similar expenditures, excluding goodwill expenses.
- Acquisition of technologies, licenses or manufacturing agreements, patents, software or software packages, and similar expenditures.
- Working capital needs related strictly to the company's operations calculated for the first year of operation.
This grant is available exclusively to companies located within the Île d'Orléans, as stipulated by the territorial focus of the granting body. Eligibility is defined by the region's strategic development priorities.
- Companies headquartered and primarily operating on the territory of Île d'Orléans.
The evaluation and selection of projects for this grant are based on specific criteria that aim to promote economic viability and social profitability of non-profit organizations and cooperatives.
- Respect of the principles of the social economy:
- Finality of service to members or the community.
- Primacy of people and work over capital in surplus and revenue distribution.
- Concerns regarding created jobs:
- Quality jobs.
- Jobs predominantly for women.
- Jobs aimed at integrating target clienteles.
- No job substitution or unfair competition.
- Respect of the structure of a social economy enterprise:
- Autonomy of management.
- Democratic decision making process.
- Responsibilization.
- Services offered:
- Quality goods and services.
- Pricing.
- Development potential for the MRC de l’Île d’Orléans:
- Economic and social viability.
- Structuring project.
Here are the steps to submit an application for this grant:
- Step 1: Verify Eligibility
- Review the eligibility criteria for individuals or organizations as outlined in Section 1 and Section 2 of the policy.
- Ensure the project aligns with the funding priorities, such as entrepreneurship, social economy, and local development.
- Step 2: Prepare Required Documentation
- For young entrepreneurs, complete a detailed business plan demonstrating viability and alignment with grant criteria.
- For social economy organizations, compile documents showing your pursuit of social goals and adherence to democratic principles.
- Prepare budgets, proof of personal or organizational capability and any other required documentation.
- Step 3: Submit Application to MRC
- Send the completed application form and all supporting documents to the MRC of L’Île-d’Orléans.
- Ensure submission is done before any deadlines stated by the MRC.
- Step 4: Await Evaluation
- The submitted application will be assessed by the Committee of economic development experts.
- The Committee may request additional information or clarification.
- Step 5: Notification
- Receive notification of the Committee’s decision regarding the funding application.
- If approved, review and agree to terms and conditions laid out in a funding agreement with the MRC.
Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
- Entrepreneurs need to engage full-time in their enterprise, working a minimum of 35 hours per week.
- The financial aid should contribute significantly to the success of the project, demonstrating the necessity of the assistance for its realization.
- Projects must not lead to unfair competition within the region.
- Projects that align with agricultural, agro-food production, and business succession and transfer, from any economic sector, receive priority.
- For the promotion of social economy enterprises, projects must adhere to core social economy principles, including autonomy of management and democratic decision-making processes.
- A priority for approved projects includes creating or preserving quality jobs, focusing on inclusivity or integration of targeted groups.