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Grant and Funding
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • Ministry of Agriculture
  • Government of Saskatchewan
  • Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (SCAP)


Get up to $10,000 to cover 90% of the costs related to well decommissioning including sealing and capping water wells by a registered well driller.


Yes, there are projects and activities eligible for this grant.
Eligible expenses for well decommissioning include excavation, materials for decommissioning, and related costs by a registered well driller. Certain in-kind labor and equipment usage costs are also eligible.
  • Excavation (removing casing)
  • Bentonite, chlorine
  • Gravel or clay (must be purchased from a third-party recognized vendor)
  • Costs related to sealing and capping water wells by a registered well driller
  • In-kind labor funded at $22/hour to a maximum rebate of $250 per project
  • In-kind machinery/equipment use as per Farm Machinery Custom Rate and Rental Guide


Well decommissioning in a rural farm to ensure safe water supply.


Decommissioning an unused well in an urban garden in Ottawa.


Decommissioning a contaminated well in a community center in Vancouver.


Sealing an unused well at a commercial property in Toronto.


Closure of an abandoned well in a cooperative farm in Montréal.


Well decommissioning at a social economy enterprise farm in Calgary.


The eligibility criteria for the Farm and Ranch Water Infrastructure Program's (FRWIP) Well Decommissioning rebate include various requirements for primary agricultural producers, First Nation Bands, Rural Municipalities, and Crown Land Pasture Grazing Associations in Saskatchewan.
  • Primary agricultural producers (individual, partnership, co-operative or corporation) must demonstrate a minimum $50,000 of gross farm income in Saskatchewan in the year of application or the year prior to the application.
  • Individual applicants must be at least 18 years of age.
  • First Nation Bands in the Province of Saskatchewan.
  • Rural Municipalities in the Province of Saskatchewan.
  • Crown Land Pasture Grazing Associations in Saskatchewan.
  • Producers who own, lease or rent property where livestock and poultry are grown, bred, kept, raised, displayed, assembled or disposed of, require a Saskatchewan Premises Identification (PID) number.
  • Small diameter wells must be decommissioned by a registered well driller in Saskatchewan with expertise in well decommissioning and comply with Water Security Agency (WSA) recommended practices.
  • A post-construction WSA Well Decommissioning Worksheet must be completed and submitted with the FRWIP claim and signed by the landowner.
  • Projects started but not completed under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership may still be eligible under Sustainable CAP if expenses were incurred after October 1, 2022.


Eligible types of companies for the well decommissioning grant under the Farm and Ranch Water Infrastructure Program (FRWIP) include primary agricultural producers, First Nation Bands, Rural Municipalities, and Crown Land Pasture Grazing Associations in Saskatchewan.
  • Primary agricultural producers (individual, partnership, co-operative, or corporation)
  • First Nation Bands in the Province of Saskatchewan
  • Rural Municipalities in the Province of Saskatchewan
  • Crown Land Pasture Grazing Associations in Saskatchewan


There are no specific types of companies mentioned in the grant context that are ineligible for this grant. However, the grant outlines certain criteria and qualifications that must be met by applicants.


Eligible expenses for well decommissioning may include various costs directly related to the project. Below is a detailed list of eligible expenses for this grant:
  • Excavation (removing casing).
  • Bentonite, chlorine.
  • Gravel or clay (must be purchased from a third-party recognized vendor).
  • Costs related to well decommissioning including sealing and capping water wells by a registered well driller.
  • In-kind labour is funded at $22/hour to a maximum rebate of $250 per project.
  • In-kind machinery/equipment. Use rates established in the Farm Machinery Custom Rate and Rental Guide for class of machinery used.


The eligible geographic zones for this grant are within the Province of Saskatchewan. Specific lands that need additional approval include Crown lease lands designated under The Wildlife Habitat Protection Act, private lands with a Crown Conservation Easement, and federally designated critical habitat under the Species at Risk Act.
  • Crown lease lands designated under The Wildlife Habitat Protection Act (WHPA)
  • Private lands with a Crown Conservation Easement (CCE)
  • Federally designated critical habitat under the Species at Risk Act


Yes, there are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant.
  • Primary agricultural producers (individual, partnership, co-operative or corporation) must demonstrate a minimum $50,000 of gross farm income in Saskatchewan in the year of application or the year prior to the application.
  • Applicants must be at least 18 years of age.
  • First Nation Bands and Rural Municipalities in the Province of Saskatchewan are eligible.
  • Crown Land Pasture Grazing Associations in Saskatchewan are eligible.
  • Projects must not have started before October 1, 2022.
  • Small diameter wells must be decommissioned by a registered well driller in Saskatchewan.
  • Large and small diameter wells must be decommissioned following Water Security Agency (WSA) recommended practices.
  • Eligibility includes fully decommissioned wells with a post-construction WSA Well Decommissioning Worksheet submitted and signed.
  • Projects located on land not owned by the applicant require written authorization from the landowner.
  • Environmentally sensitive land projects require specific authorizations and consents.


  • Step 1: Review the FRWIP well decommissioning eligibility criteria and program details.
  • Step 2: Applicants are responsible for reviewing the WSA’s Decommissioning Abandoned Water Wells Fact Sheet and understanding the procedures and materials required for properly decommissioning both large and small diameter wells.
  • Step 3: For large diameter wells, use WSA’s Bored Well Decommissioning Calculation Worksheet to determine materials needed and make them ready at the job site pre-construction.
  • Step 4: Fully decommission the well according to the guidelines.
  • Step 5: Obtain written authorization from the landowner if the well is not located on land owned by the applicant.
  • Step 6: If the applicant is a rural municipality, obtain a copy of the resolution from Council authorizing the project and application to the program.
  • Step 7: Ensure your project is not in an environmentally sensitive area or obtain proper authorization if it is.
  • Step 8: Complete the post‐construction WSA Well Decommissioning Worksheet and get it signed by the landowner.
  • Step 9: Pay all invoices related to the well decommissioning project.
  • Step 10: Submit rebate claims as soon as the project is fully decommissioned and make sure all invoices are paid in full before applying for the rebate.
  • Step 11: Download and complete the necessary forms: Farm and Ranch Water Infrastructure Program Rebate Application Form, WSA’s Bored Well Decommissioning Calculation Worksheet, and WSA’s Well Decommissioning Worksheet.
  • Step 12: Submit completed application packages either by email to or by mail to:
  • Farm and Ranch Water Infrastructure Program
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Programs Branch
  • 329 – 3085 Albert Street
  • Regina SK S4S 0B1


The Farm and Ranch Water Infrastructure Program (FRWIP) offers opportunities for well decommissioning projects with specific criteria and eligibility requirements. Applicants must ensure proper completion to be eligible for rebates.
  • Rebate of 90% of eligible costs up to $10,000 per project.
  • No limit on the number of individual well decommissioning projects during the five-year term.
  • Projects must be fully completed before issuing rebates; no interim payments.
  • Minimum rebate of $250, with a minimum claim amount of $500.
  • Eligible applicants include primary agricultural producers, First Nation Bands, Rural Municipalities, and Crown Land Pasture Grazing Associations in Saskatchewan.
  • New entrants who meet specific criteria may become eligible.
  • Well decommissioning must comply with Water Security Agency (WSA) recommended practices.
  • Pre-approval is not required but proper decommissioning is mandatory for funding eligibility.
  • Eligible expenses include excavation, bentonite, chlorine, gravel or clay purchased from a third-party vendor, and costs related to well decommissioning by registered well drillers.
  • Ineligible expenses include projects starting prior to October 1, 2022, used materials, in-kind materials, taxes, and purchase of land.
  • Applications must be submitted before March 31, 2028.

Apply to this program