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Grant and Funding
  • Manufacturing
  • Transportation and warehousing
  • Finance and insurance
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • Quebec City


Défi-Québec, Sustainable City, provides grants to support projects promoting sustainable development and eco-responsible practices within businesses with a focus on areas such as reducing greenhouse gases, circular economy, and sustainable production. Eligible activities include energy recovery in urban agriculture and the creation of innovative eco-friendly products, with specific conditions such as location and industry sector determining eligibility; however, the maximum funding amount isn’t specified.


  • A non-profit organization (NPO) operating an urban greenhouse implements an energy recovery project.
  • A food processing company offering healthy products launches a project to recover unsold produce from market gardening businesses to upcycle it.
  • A manufacturing company, with a supply chain mostly based in Quebec, starts producing an innovative and eco-friendly new product.

$ 70,000

Launching a bilingual health awareness campaign

$ 40,000

Launching a sustainable urban gardening initiative

$ 100,000

Developing a green tech startup accelerator

$ 60,000

Developing a digital literacy program for seniors

$ 80,000

Establishing a community arts workspace


  • The applicant must be an incorporated private company or a social economy enterprise (NPO or co-op) that primarily carries out commercial activities.
  • The company's first significant sale must have occurred more than 36 months before the application deadline.
  • Individual enterprises and general partnerships held in majority by Indigenous persons and located on the Wendake territory are eligible.
  • The project must be located in the Agglomeration of Québec, which includes the cities of Québec, Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures, L’Ancienne-Lorette, and Wendake.
  • The project must address at least one aspect such as water, raw materials, circular economy, reduction of greenhouse gases, sustainable production, logistics, or transportation.


  • Incorporated private companies with significant sales over 36 months ago.
  • Social economy enterprises (NPO and co-op) engaged in primarily commercial activities.
  • Individual enterprises and general partnerships majority-owned by Indigenous individuals on Wendake territory.
  • Businesses in agri-food, food processing, and healthy foods.
  • Companies in digital arts, interactive entertainment, and financial technologies.
  • Enterprises involved in optics-photonics, measurement and control technologies, and advanced electronics.
  • Organizations in life sciences, biotechnology, and health technologies.
  • Firms specializing in clean technologies: water, air, soil treatment, ecomobility, energy efficiency, renewable energies, and green chemistry.
  • Social economy enterprises across all sectors with over 40% self-generated revenue.


  • Social economy enterprises (NPO and co-op) that cannot demonstrate sound democratic governance.
  • Applicants not discharged from a bankruptcy judgment.
  • Businesses listed in the Register of enterprises ineligible for public contracts.
  • Applicants who, in the two years prior to the request, failed to meet obligations related to a previous grant from the City of Québec.
  • Applicants with outstanding amounts owed to the City of Québec.
  • Projects of a discriminatory nature, involving controversy, or posing a negative image risk for the City of Québec.
  • One-off projects of an event-driven nature.


  • Agglomeration of Québec, including the cities of Québec, Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures, and L’Ancienne-Lorette.
  • Wendake.


  • Step 1: Access Application Form
  • Visit the City of Québec's official website to locate the Défi-Québec, Sustainable City grant section.
  • Download the funding application form from the designated area.
  • Step 2: Gather Required Documents
  • Review the list of required documents as outlined in the funding application form.
  • Prepare all necessary documentation to support your application.
  • Step 3: Complete Application Form
  • Fill out the funding application form with accurate and detailed information about your project.
  • Ensure all sections of the form are thoroughly completed.
  • Step 4: Review Application
  • Carefully review the application form and attached documents for completeness and accuracy.
  • Ensure the project complies with all criteria and requirements.
  • Step 5: Submit Application
  • Submit the completed application form and all required documents electronically or through the specified submission method by the deadline of April 9, 2025, at 4 p.m.
  • Follow the instructions provided in the funding application form for the submission process.
  • Step 6: Await Confirmation
  • After submission, await confirmation of receipt of your application via email or another communication method as indicated by the City of Québec.
  • Retain the confirmation for your records.


  • If the company leaves the territory or ceases its activities, reimbursement clauses apply depending on the date of the event.


Apply to this program