
  • grant_single|maxCount
  • grant_single|projectCostPercent
  • grant_single|openingDateApril 1, 2024
  • grant_single|closingDateAugust 31, 2024
  • grant_single|grantStatusClosed
Grant and Funding
  • Information and cultural industries
  • Canadian Heritage
  • Government of Canada


Financial assistance to increase the sustainability of the Canadian print magazine and non-daily community newspaper industries.


The Canada Periodical Fund's Collective Initiatives component supports projects that benefit members of the applicant organization and improve the competitive performance of the Canadian periodical industry.
  • Research aimed at analyzing industry trends, new technologies, new business models
  • Market research and business plans
  • Collective initiatives in response to industry trends (aimed at marketing, promotion, education, awareness)
  • Training and professional development for members of the periodical industry
  • Promotion of the Canadian periodical industry in the domestic and foreign markets, particularly through the Web and other digital platforms

$ 90,000

Launching a digital platform for the promotion of small Canadian print magazines

$ 71,250

Promotion of Canadian periodicals through a nationwide digital marketing campaign

$ 82,500

Creating a professional development program for editors in the Canadian periodical sector

$ 63,750

Conducting market research to understand new business models for local newspapers

$ 52,500

Establishing internship programs in the Canadian magazine industry for recent graduates

$ 45,000

Training seminars for Canadian magazine publishers on the latest trends and technologies


To be eligible for funding, your organization must meet specific criteria. Below is a list of the eligibility criteria:
  • Be incorporated as a non-profit organization under the laws of Canada or a province, representing or serving stakeholders in the Canadian magazine or community newspaper publishing industries
  • Be a related association, such as those representing or serving writers
  • Be a press agency or media group that is serving a wide number of written media throughout Canada
  • Have its head office located in Canada
  • Have been in operation for at least one financial year prior to application
  • Have a business number for funding applications to the Department of Canadian Heritage


Yes, there are eligible types of organizations for this grant. Eligible applicants must be incorporated as a non-profit organization under the laws of Canada or a province, and they must represent or serve stakeholders in the Canadian magazine or community newspaper publishing industries.
  • Non-profit organizations representing or serving the Canadian magazine or community newspaper publishing industries
  • Related associations representing or serving writers
  • Press agencies or media groups serving a wide number of written media throughout Canada


There are specific types of companies that are not eligible for this grant.
  • For-profit organizations
  • Organizations not incorporated under the laws of Canada or a province
  • Organizations without a head office located in Canada
  • Organizations that have been in operation for less than one financial year prior to application
  • Professional associations that do not primarily benefit the periodical industry


Yes, there are eligible expenses for this grant. Only project-related expenses, which can be of cash and in-kind value, are eligible.
  • Market research costs
  • Venue and equipment rental
  • Technology costs (e.g., specialized software licensing, custom programming)
  • Promotion and marketing costs
  • Professional fees (e.g., contractors)
  • Training
  • Registration fees (excluding participant fees for the organization’s own events)
  • Paid internships
  • Project-related travel expenses (adhering to government rates)
  • Translation costs
  • Project-related salary costs (less than 25% of total eligible project expenses)
  • Project-related overhead costs (up to 10% of the total recommended amount)
  • Costs of an audited financial report for the project (for contributions of $250,000 or more, or when required by the Program)


The eligible geographic zone for this grant is Canada. All project submissions must have their head office located in Canada.
  • Head office must be located in Canada
  • Incorporation under the laws of Canada or a province


Yes, there are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant. Your application will be evaluated based on how well your project meets the objectives of the Canada Periodical Fund and the Collective Initiatives component, as well as other factors including industry need, financial need, and expected outcomes.
  • Degree to which the project meets the objectives of the Canada Periodical Fund and the Collective Initiatives component
  • Demonstrated industry need for the project
  • Suitability of the total project costs to the organization’s scale of operations
  • Demonstrated financial need from Canadian Heritage to ensure project success
  • Degree to which the project can demonstrate short-term results, measurable improvement, added value from previous projects or activities, and/or a sustainable strategy
  • Impact of the project on the Canadian periodical industry (e.g., lasting benefits, broad reach to a variety of stakeholders)
  • Degree of involvement and assistance or financial commitment from other sources, including members of the organization and other stakeholders
  • Demonstrated capacity of the organization to undertake the project
  • Suitability of the budget to the scale of the project
  • Clarity and relevance of expected results and performance measures, including indicators that will be used to assess the success of the project


  • Step 1: Read the Application Guidelines
  • Read the guidelines in their entirety to fully understand eligibility requirements, funding conditions, and the application process.
  • Step 2: Determine Eligibility
  • Ensure that your organization and project meet all eligibility criteria specified in the guidelines.
  • Step 3: Prepare Supporting Documents
  • Gather all required supporting documents, such as proof of legal status, recent annual activity report, and Board of Directors resolution in support of the project.
  • Step 4: Register for a Business Number (if applicable)
  • If you don't already have a Business Number, register for one through the Canada Revenue Agency.
  • Step 5: Complete Financial Statements
  • For funding requests of $100,000 and over, provide recent financial statements at the required level (audited, review engagement report, or notice to reader).
  • Step 6: Submit Application Online
  • Submit a complete application package, including all supporting documents, electronically through the Canadian Heritage Funding Portal by 11:59 p.m. local time on the deadline date.
  • Step 7: Await Acknowledgement
  • Receive an automated acknowledgement of receipt email at the time of submission.
  • Step 8: Application Evaluation
  • Applications will be evaluated based on the criteria mentioned in the guidelines, including the project's alignment with the Fund’s objectives, financial need, and industry impact.
  • Step 9: Funding Decision
  • Wait for the funding decision, which will be final and based on eligibility and available resources.
  • Step 10: Receive Funding
  • If approved, funding will be provided either as a grant or a contribution, subject to the terms and conditions outlined in your funding agreement.
  • Step 11: Submit Reports
  • Submit required interim and final reports during and after the project to comply with funding conditions.


Additional miscellaneous information related to the Canada Periodical Fund's Collective Initiatives component include specific conditions and definitions to ensure compliance and transparency.
  • An audited financial report is required for contributions of $250,000 and over.
  • Decisions regarding eligibility and funding amounts are final.
  • Funding recipients must publicly acknowledge the financial support received from the Government of Canada in all communications materials and promotional activities.
  • Organizations receiving funding must comply with values underlying the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Canadian Human Rights Act, and Canada’s Anti-Racism Strategy.
  • Recipients must create a workplace free from harassment, abuse, and discrimination.
  • The information submitted in the application may be disclosed according to the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.
  • Recipients' accounts and records may be audited to ensure compliance with funding agreements.
  • Organizations must keep records, documents, or other information for five years for auditing purposes.
  • Funding can be disbursed either as a grant or as a contribution, with specific conditions applying to each.


Canada Periodical Fund – Collective Initiatives


Apply to this program

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