
  • grant_single|noCondition
  • grant_single|openingDateJanuary 10, 2024
  • grant_single|closingDateJanuary 10, 2024
Grant and Funding
  • Information and cultural industries
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • Canada Council for the Arts (CCA)


Get up to $25,000 per translation, plus an annual supplement for targeted costs, for activities linked to the translation of Canadian literary works or dramatic works into French, English, an Aboriginal language, American Sign Language (ASL), Langue des s


This grant supports translation activities with defined financing modalities to facilitate the presentation and publication of translated works. Funding amounts are determined per each translation and supplements are provided for related expenses.
  • Up to $25,000 available for each translation project.
  • Annual Supplement provided for reading fees, bilingual editing, promotional expenses, and video documentation of translated works.
  • Translation and surtitling costs must align with standard regional or contextual rates.
  • The Budget document should specify the rate per page, per word, or as a flat rate, with a rationale for the requested amount.


This grant is dedicated to supporting the translation of Canadian literary and dramatic works into multiple languages for publication and presentation in Canada. The eligible activities also extend to enhancing the accessibility of dramatic works through sign language translations.
  • Translation of Canadian-authored literary works into French, English, or an Indigenous language for publication.
  • Translation and surtitling of Canadian-authored dramatic works into French, English, or an Indigenous language for presentation in Canada.
  • Translation of Canadian-authored dramatic works into American Sign Language (ASL), Quebec Sign Language (LSQ), or any regional or Indigenous sign language for presentation in Canada.

$ 25,000

Translating a Canadian poetry collection into Inuktitut and publishing it in Nunavut

$ 25,000

Surtitling a Canadian-authored play into Cree for performance in Canadian theaters

$ 25,000

Translating a theatrical script into ASL for performance in Canadian theaters

$ 25,000

Translating a children's book series from English to Ojibwe for educational use in schools

$ 25,000

Translating a Canadian novel from English to French for publication and wide distribution

$ 25,000

Translating a Canadian graphic novel from French to English for a nation-wide book tour


Eligibility for this grant is determined by specific criteria related to the type of organization applying and their existing profiles.
  • The applicant must be a literary publisher, theatre or multidisciplinary group or collective, theatre company or dramaturgical organization, or a multidisciplinary organization.
  • First Nations, Inuit, and Métis groups or collectives and organizations can apply.
  • Deaf and disability arts organizations, as well as related groups and collectives, are eligible.
  • Literary organizations, except for Indigenous Publishers, must currently receive a core grant from the Supporting Artistic Practice: Literary Publishers component to be eligible.
  • Your eligibility to apply is determined by the validated profile created in the portal.


Potential applicants for the "Arts Across Canada Translation" grant include literary publishers, theatre and multidisciplinary groups and collectives, theatre companies and dramaturgical organizations, multidisciplinary organizations, First Nations, Inuit and Métis groups or collectives, First Nations, Inuit and Métis organizations, Deaf and disability arts organizations, and Deaf and disability arts groups and collectives.


This grant supports the translation of Canadian literary and dramatic works into various languages, promoting access and representation across linguistic communities in Canada. Eligible activities involve the translation and presentation of Canadian-authored works in both official languages and Indigenous and sign languages.
  • Translation of Canadian-authored literary work into French, English, or an Indigenous language for publication.
  • Translation and surtitling of Canadian-authored dramatic work into French, English, or an Indigenous language for presentation.
  • Translation of Canadian-authored dramatic work into American Sign Language (ASL), Quebec Sign Language (LSQ), or other regional or Indigenous sign languages for presentation.
  • Annual Supplement for reading fees, bilingual editing, and promotional expenses for literary publishers.
  • Annual Supplement for video documentation of translated work(s) in sign languages.


This grant is available for companies based in Canada as it is funded by the Canada Council for the Arts, which supports Canadian cultural activities.
  • Applicants must be located within Canada.


- Innovation and quality of the translation project - Impact and relevance of the translated work - Professionalism and experience of the applicant - Feasibility of the project plan and budget - Diversity and inclusion considerations - Contributions to the Canadian arts and culture landscape


  • Step 1: Create an Account
    • Visit the Canada Council for the Arts funding portal.
    • Create your account on the portal by providing required personal and organizational information.
    • Ensure your account is verified at least 30 days before you intend to apply for the grant.
  • Step 2: Create and Validate Profile
    • Submit one or more profiles for validation on the portal.
    • Ensure that your profile meets the eligibility criteria as specified for the grant.
  • Step 3: Prepare Application
    • Determine the activities you are applying for, such as translation of literary or dramatic works.
    • Prepare all required supporting documents, including budget forms and appendices.
    • Ensure you adhere to standard translation rates and provide a rationale for your requested amount in the budget.
  • Step 4: Submit Application
    • Log into the portal and fill out the application form completely.
    • Attach all required documents to the application form.
    • Ensure application is submitted before the deadline date relevant to your request (10 January, 5 June, or 25 September).
  • Step 5: Confirmation
    • Receive confirmation of submission via email from the portal.
    • Keep the confirmation email as a record of your application submission.


Here are additional relevant details for this grant:
  • Applicants can request costs related to translation using standard rates per page, per word, or as a flat rate, and must provide a rationale for the requested amount in the Budget document.
  • Literary publishers can apply once per year for an Annual Supplement to cover reading fees, bilingual editing, and promotional expenses.
  • Applicants undertaking sign language translation can apply for an Annual Supplement to cover video documentation of the translated works.
  • Applicants facing difficulties in the application process can seek Application Assistance if self-identifying as artists who are Deaf, hard of hearing, have disabilities, or face language, geographic, or cultural barriers.


Arts Across Canada — Translation

Apply to this program

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